«Il tacere non conviene nell'ora presente». Baldassarre Labanca e la bancarotta della teologia (2021) (original) (raw)

L. GASPARRO, “Prendere la parola. Tra insegnamento, intercessione e parresia”, in V. ANSELMO (ed.), In cammino con la Bibbia. Vivere il Sinodo ispirati dalla Parola, AdP, Roma 2022, 35-45.

V. ANSELMO (ed.), In cammino con la Bibbia. Vivere il Sinodo ispirati dalla Parola, AdP, Roma 2022, 35-45.

“Prendere la parola” potrebbe sembrare una nota ovvia, addirittura inutile. È infatti scontato che chi parla prenda la parola. Eppure, tale annotazione riceve una inconsueta attenzione nel testo biblico. Sottolineando tali espressioni è come se il testo biblico volesse indicare fin dall’inizio le grandi potenzialità di ogni presa di parola e la responsabilità di cui tale iniziativa debba esser insignita. In tal senso, tali formule rappresentano un ottimo punto prospettico per sondare lo statuto stesso del testo biblico e il suo valore interpellante e plasmante rispetto a chi lo legge.

Teologia apofatica. Voce del silenzio di Dio

Ho Theológos, 2011

The article assumes' the " theological apophatism" as a medium ecumenical between East and West. Starting to emphasize the themes of continuity / discontinuity with respect to the philosophy of Plato, the contribution raises the value of the apophatic theology of the mystery of faith and its conceptual expression. in this perspective, the purpose of the disclosure is not the clear and distinct knowledge of God, but rather the recognition of him in the glory that he displays in his works.The apophatic way of knowing God then arises as overcoming of the reduction of truth to its linguistic formulations, at the same time the mystery of the Incarnation of Christ, for which the Word of God was made ​​flesh in the finite and not denying the limits of the finiteness of the world gives us a chance to watch by the apofatism the voice of the silence of God.

Linguaggio e spazio del silenzio in Anselmo d'Aosta (DIANOIA, anno XVIII, dicembre 2013)

DIANOIA, anno XVIII, dicembre 2013, 2014

"The aim of this paper is to investigate the connection, in Anselm of Canterbury, between theological issues, monastic culture and linguistic analysis. The reasoning is based on chapter thirteen of De veritate and develops the idea of truth without significatio that arises from those pages. Generally credited to the logical aspects of the Anselmian thought, the theory really needs to be understood in the light of the concepts of listening, silence, human and divine word, inside a tradition that traces its origins to Paul of Tarsus, Augustine and the Regula of Benedikt of Norcia. The analysis will show how the silence must be intended as a crucial notion in the Anselmian theory of truth. In this context, the meaning of silence is threefold: language of God, soundless language of the things and, finally, mental place where true propositions can be thought."