Social Networking Sites (SNSs)- Shifting Paradigm of English Language Usage (original) (raw)

Influence of E-Social Network Sites on English Language: Are We Experiencing a New Variety of English?

J. Primeasia Univ., 2018

Social Networking Sites (SNS) like Facebook, Google+, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Tweeter, Whatsapp, Yahoo Messenger, Viver, Short text messaging (SMS),etc. have become the most popular communicating systems nowadays to all people. The aim of the study is to investigate whether or not the influence of communication through Social Networking Sites (SNS) is contributing to the emergence of a new variety of English. The data for the study are deduced from the analysis of 300posts, replies, comments from Facebook, tweeter, Google+ and other Social Networking Sites. Moreover, 100 public writings from different academic examination scripts have been taken as samples for the study. The deduced data are triangulated and analyzed through quantitative and qualitative methods. The result of the study demonstrates that Social Networking Sites (SNS) play a defacto role in the emergence of a new variety of English which has already got acceptance among its users to some extent both in academic and non-academic arena.


It is talk of the day to work and explore the vistas of English language used by people in social media, especially facebook. Its individual opinion that its deterioration of English language or improvement. In both cases it very significant aspect to explore. For that purpose researchers chose facebook as target to choose around 25 words/ expressions to analyze. Along with that researchers have provided a brief introduction of the work accompanied by literature review about the same issue. The researchers used internet, Oxford Advance Learners Dictionary and some research articles for assistance in this task. The categories mentioned in the analysis have been taken from the research paper of Vernhagen, Pugh & Kwong (2009) Lol: new language and spelling in instant messaging. Some other categories not mentioned in the study have been coined by the researchers. The bibliography and references are provided in the end of this assignment.

Social Media and Changing Trends in Everyday Languages

International Journal of English Learning & Teaching Skills

The emergence of the internet along with the consequential array of social media networks have, undoubtedly, resulted in an exponential increase in new types of language: blogs, tweets, Facebook posts and LinkedIn profiles are just a few to mention. There's no denying that social media has had a drastic impact on the sheer volume of people we are now able to communicate with, it's also had an impact on the frequency with which we are able to communicate with them. This has led us being exposed to a myriad of different personalities, perspectives, and approaches when we use social media to communicate. People who use the same social network build their own community with common interests, activities, and topics for discussions. With its global reach social media has also resulted in faster communication. The need for speed and easy understanding has thus altered the common used words and phrases. Some of the more popular social media sites limit the number of characters one can use in a post. Twitter, limits the "Tweet" to 280characters, thus pushing its users to become more adept at saying what they want or need to say with fewer words resulting new trending terms. It has even introduced new terms in English. This paper tries to highlight the changes in language and communication pattern with the introduction of social media in everyday life. The acceptances as well as the impact of the new vocabulary are also the areas where this paper has tried to focus. For this purpose, the main objective of this paper is to understand the changes introduced in English Language with the advent of social media, to analyse the acceptance of the new words in modern vocabulary as well as to analyse the impact that social media has brought in our everyday terms.


With the advertisement that had taken place in last 100 years in every sphere of life; English has no longer remained merely a course of study. English language has acclaimed an international status. Though the other regional language also prevails and is valued; the ideology of treating English as a foreign language has changed remarkably. Today English is the medium of all modern technologies. Because of its being widely accepted; English has become the language of all especially educational technology. It has entered and influenced our life in every realm of communication. Nobody can ignore the significance of this global language in modern technologies, which provide the basis for survival these days. These technologies have become powerful tools to communicate with people around the globe. They are faster, easier and more convenient that the older media. The role of computers is omnipotent in today’s world. Along with the backbone of all the industries and professions and the most fascinating concern of today’s youth is the internet. In this paper I am dealing with the transformation of English language through media and social networking.

Different Language Usage on Social Media

The research presented the effects of Social Media on the formation of new words that are being used by the Social Media users that often includes in the formal use of language in the academe. The emergence of different Social Networking Sites (SNSs) such as Facebook, Twitter, and E-mail have driven a more advanced change in the way people communicate. The study aimed to assess how Social Media affects the formal English Language used in the academe. The result of the study also highlighted how often do Social Media users of the Central Luzon State University, College of Education use the proper abbreviations, exclamatory spelling of emoticons, use letter homophones, acronyms, commit misspelled words, use shortening of words, use numbers to represents words, and use combination of two different language in their papers. The qualitative method of research used the survey technique and was utilized for gathering data. The questionnaires serve as the instrument for collecting data. 50 students of the College of Education, English Majors of the said university are the respondents.


ALEA: Estudos Neolatinos - PPGLEN, UFRJ, 2019

Th is article investigates the dynamics of contemporary Romanian, focusing on various linguistic structures typically used on social network sites, through which the specifi c content and interaction strategies are being deployed in virtual communities. Th e article is part of a larger project devoted to the study of linguistic impoverishment (aff ecting both the vocabulary and the grammatical structure of the language), social networks being only one of the areas where these "uglifi ed" linguistic structures come from: the mass-media (both print and broadcast), advertising (outdoor, indoor, television commercials), Internet forums, corporate jargon, etc. Th e structures under scrutiny are mostly loan translations (i.e. calques) from English, false friends, hybrid constructions and, generally, lexical and grammatical oddities (sometimes even in the source language), which, nevertheless, due to frequent use, have entered the active vocabulary of a large category of speakers and are therefore becoming pervasive in everyday conversation. Th e proliferation of these 'mongrel' structures in common parlance is also the result of their migration, on the principle of communicating vessels, to other areas of interpersonal and public communication, that of advertising in particular. Moreover, their oddity and inappropriateness are now beginning to pass unnoticed, as more and more speakers are treating them as legitimate linguistic forms, which often end up being recorded in dictionaries. Our approach combines theoretical insights with practical solutions and the pragma-linguistic perspective with the translator's corrective input.


The harnessing development of technology has drastically modified languages that people are using in all corners of the world. It is out of the question that world languages are constantly evolving to meet the needs and requirements of the society. Nowadays social media platforms have undoubtedly become an indispensable part of daily communication. Undeniably various platforms of social media attract millions of people with different ethnic, linguistic, racial and religious backgrounds to interact and take part in various discussions in blogs, microblogs, chat groups, discussion boards, forums, etc. Over the last 20 years Internet mediated communication has generated many grammatical structures and lexical items that need to be studied and redefined. With the advent of new technologies new linguistic deviations have emerged in social media platforms. It is no wonder that scientists are holding opposing thoughts and conflicting viewpoints of the same or similar phenomena. Being the most prevalent language of social media and having the highest frequency of usage on the Internet domain the English language has underwent large-scale changes and alternations. These non-standard forms are noted in all levels of language. Over the time linguistic deviations have the tendency to become standard forms. The latter may lead the English language to changes. The current article discusses the marked variations of English verbal system in contemporary English social media platforms.

Language Change in Social Media

Randwick International of Social Science Journal

Nowadays currently, many people are found using language that sometimes runs away from the standard or changes from the standard. They use language only based on their desires. These language changes give the impression of making readers or the public may be confused to understand the true meaning. This makes researchers interested in discussing this issue. This study will focus on the exploration of language change that occurs in social media nowadays. The authors will draw inspiration from various texts on social media. The researchers will complete the survey and the study using Internet facilities. This study was conducted qualitatively and the writers will also be observing the language change directly from the relevant social media applications. The information gathered is terminological in nature, replete with human characteristics, and based on captions from several social media platforms including Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook. Following the completion of this s...

English Use in Facebook (Discourse Analysis)

This study is carried out to understand the English written patterns used by Facebook users and to find out whether their written language is acceptable by both sender and recipient in Facebook communication. This study applies descriptive qualitative method. Unit of analysis is the corpus of Facebook users. Data are collected through documentation of the user’s status and comment in Facebook. The data is analyzed by using content analysis which involves coding and classifying data. Seven writing patterns which are used by Facebook users to communicate are found in the corpuses analysis. Most of Facebook users tend to use short form of sentences and abbreviate the words. Exaggerated punctuation is used as non-verbal cues and to make writing more stylistic. Emoticon is used to express feeling.

The Impact of Language Changes Caused by Technology and Social Media

Language Literacy: Journal of Linguistics, Literature, and Language Teaching

This research discusses language change as a result of the influence of social media. In an increasingly advanced digital era, social media has become one of the primary communication tools for individuals worldwide. This study utilizes descriptive and comparative analysis methods to explore the influence of social media on language change. Firstly, the research identifies grammar, syntax, and vocabulary changes due to social media usage. Then, the study compares the language used in traditional communication with that used in social media communication. The findings of this research indicate significant language changes due to the use of social media. There is an increase in the use of abbreviations, emoticons, and distinctive terms specific to social media that affect the way humans communicate in a digital context. Additionally, casual writing styles, non-formal language use, and the adaptation of foreign words have become characteristics of social media communication. These lang...