Respiratory risks from household air pollution in low and middle income countries (original) (raw)

2014, The Lancet Respiratory Medicine

* Section leads Contributors SBG and WJM both wrote the outline of the Commission and the text for the introduction and conclusion sections. SBG and WJM reviewed and edited the entire Commission as it was developed by the other authors. SJ contributed to the introduction. PLH was the lead author for the section on respiratory infections. MNB wrote the text related to infants and children and older children and adults. JR wrote the text on mechanisms of defence, PM wrote the text on other risk factors and NB-Z wrote the text on vaccinations. PLH structured and contributed text to all parts in this section. KM was the lead author for the section on obstructive lung diseases. KM wrote the first draft for this section, with JB, SB, DH, RP-P, and KM contributing equally to reviewing and revising. OPK and K-bHL were the lead authors for the section on lung cancer and upper airway cancers, and were responsible for the concept and writing. HK and ZC contributed to reviewing and revising this section. JG was the lead author for the section on exposure and biomarkers. JG wrote the parts about direct biomarkers of exposure, risks across the lifecycle, and gender differences. PNB wrote the parts about indoor and outdoor air pollution, and secondhand smoking, SS wrote the part about exposure assessment and additional respiratory risks, and LN wrote the part about indirect biomarkers of exposure. AP contributed to the part about gender differences. NGB was lead author for the section about interventions, with KPA, KB, SM, DP, and DJ contributing equally to reviewing and revising. Declaration of interests JG reports personal fees from GlaxoSmithKline and personal fees from Novartis. He is a member of the UK Government's Committee on the medical effects of air pollution and is co-chair of the Royal College of Physicians working party on the long-term effects of air pollution.