Detection of polyisoprenoids in the roots and stems of coastal grasses using a two-dimensional thin layer chromatography (original) (raw)
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MATEC Web of Conferences
Coastal plants are recognized to yield secondary metabolites including polyisoprenoid alcohols. Coastal plants have been shown to have biological and phytochemical activities. The present study reports the search for polyisoprenoids composition from flowers and fruits of selected coastal plants,Amorphophallus paeoniifolius, Guettarda speciosa, andJatropha curcas. A two-dimensional thin layer chromatography (2D-TLC) was used to analyse the composition and occurrence of polyisoprenoid alcohols (polyprenols and dolichols) in coastal plants. The distribution of polyprenols and dolichols in the flowers and fruits were detected and classified into one type only, type-II. Type-II, having the presence of both polyprenols and dolichols, was found in all samples investigated: in the flowers and fruits ofA. paeoniifolius, G. spiciosa, andJ. curcas. It is interesting to note that no dominating dolichols over polyprenols (type-I) or predominance polyprenol over dolichols (type-III) detected in t...
Polyisoprenoids profile and composition from selected mangrove associates leaves
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
This present study describes the polyisoprenoids (polyprenol/dehydrodolichol and dolichol) profile, and composition from selected mangrove associates leaves namely Amorphophallus paeoniifolius, Borassus flabellifer, Finlaysonia maritima, and Pandanus tectorius. The occurrence and distribution of polyisoprenoids were investigated using a convenient two-plate thin layer chromatography method. The polyisoprenoid profile in the leaves was determined and classified into two types. Type-I, having domination of dolichols over polyprenols (100%) was found in P. tectorius. These dolichols occurred one dolichol family (C 60-C 95). Type-II, displaying the existence of both dehydrodolichols and dolichols, was confirmed in A. paeoniifolius, B. flabellifer, and F. maritima. Dolichol contents were slightly more abundance found than polyprenols (in the ratio of approximately 60%:40%) in these three species. Polyprenols and dolichols with the chain length of C 80-C 90, respectively, detected in A. paeoniifolius. Ficaprenol (C 50-C 70) was only found in B. flabellifer. Dolichols also occurred longer-chains in B. flabellifer (C 50-C 105) and F. maritime (C 65-C 130). The present study suggested that the patterns of shorter-chain and longer-chain polyprenol, shorter and longer dolichols are regulated in mangrove associates.
Analysis of polyisoprenoids in the leaves and roots of Aegiceras floridum and Lumnitzera littorea
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
A. floridum and L. littorea are the members of significant mangroves which are abundant in Indonesia that has been reported to have biological properties. The pattern and existence of polyisoprenoid alcohols (polyprenols/dehydrodolichol and dolichols) inthe leaves and roots of A. floridum and L. littorea were investigated using a convenient two-plate thin layer chromatography method. The polyprenols and dolichols distribution was determined and classified into two groups. Group-I, having a dominating of dolichols over dehydrodolichols, was found in the roots of L. littorea with one dolichol family (C 90-C 95). Type-II, showing the existence of both dehydrodolichols and dolichols, was observed in the leaves A. floridum (with polyprenol and dolichol chain length C 60-C 80 and C 90-C 95 , respectively). Furthermore detected in leaves of L. Littorea, polyprenol and dolichol occurred longer chain length (C 60-C 140 and C 70-C 140 , respectively) and roots of A. floridum with a chain length of dolichol (C 75-C 100) few longer that polyprenol (C 85-C 95). The composition of polyisoprenoids in leaves and roots tissues of A. floridum and L. littorea is the first description to extend our previous finding on the occurrence polyisoprenoids in mangrove plants.
Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity
Basyuni M, Wati R, Sagami H, Sumardi, Baba S, Oku H. 2018. Diversity and abundance of polyisoprenoid composition in plant species from North Sumatra, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 19: 1-11. The distribution and abundance of polyprenols (pol) and dolichols (dol) in the leaves and roots of fourteen coastal plants from North Sumatra, Indonesia were analysed using two-dimensional thin layer chromatography. In the leaves, with respect to the distribution of pol and dol were detected and categorized into three-types. In type-I, the predominance of dol over pol, was observed in Barringtonia asiatica, Calophyllum inophyllum, Pandanus odoratissimus, and Stachytarpheta jamaicensis. In type-II, the presence of both pol and dol, was observed in Casuarina equisetifolia, Melastoma candidum, Morinda citrifolia, Scyphiphora hydrophyllacea, Sesuvium portulacastrum and Terminalia catappa. In type-III, the predominance of pol over dol, was observed in Acacia auriculiformis, Hibiscus tiliaceus, Ricinus comm...
Distribution of polyisoprenoids in various tissues of Bintaro (Cerbera manghas)
Bintaro (Cerbera manghas L, Apocynaceae) is a mangrove plant that has been described to have several important biological properties and pharmacological activities. In this study, the vegetative organs (leaves, roots, and stems) and the generative tissues (flowers and fruits) were analysed using two-plate thin layer chromatography to investigate the polyisoprenoid (polyprenol or dehydrodolichol and dolichol) profiles. It was found that in the vegetative tissues, there was two types (I and II) of polyprenols and dolichols detected. Type-I having a prevalence of dolichols over dehydrodolichols, was traced in the roots and stems, and type-II, having an occurrence of both polyprenols and dolichols, was found in the leaves. In contrast, in the generative organs only type-I was detected. Taken together, four out of five tissues tested showed a predominance of dolichols over polyprenols, suggesting the existence of polyprenol reductase in C. manghas. The varying polyisoprenoids in the different tissues of C. manghas indicating that these compounds have chemotaxonomic significance in C. manghas.
Diversity of polyisoprenoids in ten Okinawan mangroves
Dendrobiology, 2016
The distribution and occurrence of polyisoprenoids (dolichols and polyprenols) in the leaves and roots of nine true Okinawan mangroves and the leaves of one associate mangrove were analyzed using two-dimensional thin layer chromatography. In the leaves, the distribution of three types (I, II, and III) of polyprenols and dolichols were detected. (I) The predominance of dolichols over polyprenols (more than 90%) was observed in Avicennia marina, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, B. gymnorrhiza (yellow leaves), and Rhizophora stylosa. (II) The occurrence of both polyprenols and dolichols is observed in Excoecaria agallocha, Kandelia obovata, K. obovata (yellow leaves), Lumnitzera racemosa, Pemphis acidula, and Sonneratia alba. (III) The predominance of polyprenols over dolichols (more than 90%) is observed in Heritiera littoralis and Hibiscus tiliaceus. However, in the roots, a type-I distribution was observed in A. marina, B. gymnorrhiza, E. agallocha, H. littoralis and S. alba. A type-II distribution was observed in K. obovata, L. racemosa, P. acidula, and R. stylosa with no type-III distribution. The chain-length distribution of dolichols in the leaves and roots was C 50-C 140 and C 60-C 120 , respectively. A similar chain-length distribution of polyprenols of C 45-C 140 and C 65-C 85 was detected in the leaves and roots respectively. Taken together, sixteen out of twenty-one tissues indicated that dolichols are more abundant than polyprenols in both leaves and roots. The present study is the first to clarify the diversity of polyisoprenoids in both the leaves and roots of mangrove, suggesting the chemotaxonomic significance of polyisoprenoids in the mangrove tree species.
This present study describes the distribution and pattern of polyprenols and dolichols from fruits and rinds of selected mangrove plants namely Barringtonia racemosa, Thespesia populnea, and Xylocarpus granatum that were analysed using two-plate thin layer chromatography (2P-TLC) method. In the fruits and rinds organs, two-types the pattern of polyprenols and dolichols were obtained. Type-I, having the prevalence of dolichols over polyprenols, was detected in fruits of B. racemosa and X. granatum fruits and rinds. Type-II, the occurrence of both polyprenols and dolichols, was traced in fruits and rinds of T. populnea and rinds of B. racemosa. In all tissues of fruits and rinds of B. racemosa, T. populnea, and X. granatum were occurred chain length of dolichol (C 50-C 110 , C 60-C 110), (C 65-C 100 , C 80-C 95), and (C 80-C 90 , C 80-C 90), respectively. Whereas the polyprenol occurred only in fruits and rinds of T. Populnea (C 65-C 90 , C 55-C 65), and B. racemosa rinds (C 60-C 110). The composition of polyisoprenoid in fruits as well as rinds of B. racemosa, T. populnea, and X. granatum is first study to extend our previous finding of the profile and characterization of polyisoprenoid in mangrove plants.
Changes to the polyisoprenoid composition in aging leaves of mangrove plants
Polyisoprenoid (polyprenols or dehydrodolichols and dolichols) content and composition of four true mangrove plants namely Excoecaria agallocha, Lumnitzera racemosa, Rhizophora apiculata, and R. lamarkii were investigated with particular emphasis on leaf senescence. The distribution and occurrence of polyisoprenoids was analyzed using the two-plate thin layer chromatography (2P-TLC) method. The age of the leaves was divided into young leaf, leaf, and yellow leaf. In the leaves, the distribution of polyisoprenoid was found to show the presence of both polyprenols and dolichols. The occurrence of ficaprenols (C50-C55) was observed in young leaves and leaves of the mangrove samples studied. On the other hand, dolichol contents were not altered in the leaves with senescence. By contrast, longer polyprenols were found in yellow leaves of E. agallocha, L. racemosa, and R. apiculata. In addition, it should be noted that there were changes to the polyprenols in leaf senescence identified. Furthermore, the formation of ficaprenols, longer polyprenols, and dolichols was modulated in the mangrove plants. These findings suggest that the accumulated polyprenols in the yellow leaves may be due to the catalyzation process that converts ficaprenols into longer polyprenols.
Distribution of phenolic compounds in the seagrass Posidonia oceanica
Phytochemistry, 1998
The identification and quantification of phenolic compounds was carried out in various Posidoniu oceanica foliar tissues using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Samples were taken during the spring and correspond to sites presenting different environmental conditions; over-grazing by herbivores (Surpcr sulpu, Purucentrotus hidus), presence of anthropogenic waste (chemical and organic), interspecific competition with the alga Cuulerpu tux$uliu and intra-specific competition (dense meadows). A total of 23 compounds were identified and quantitatively analysed; of these, acetosyringone and ferulic acid exhibit the highest concentrations. The level of the compounds found varies with (i) the tissue examined with the highest concentrations being observed in young growing leaves (intermediate leaf blades) and (ii) the environmental conditions (abiotic factors and "stress" conditions).
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 2019
BACKGROUND:Mangrove forest is a typical forest found along the coast or river mouth which is affected by tides and salinity. Although polyisoprenoid was widespread in the plant kingdom, the physiological roles of these compounds are not well understood, especially from mangrove plants. It is therefore essential to characterize the polyisoprenoid content under abiotic stress.AIM:This study aimed to determine the effect of salinity and subsequent fresh water change on polyisoprenoids concentration in Bruguiera cylindrica seedlings.METHODS:Bruguiera cylindrica planted in a greenhouse for three months under various salinity concentrations. After three months grew under variable salinity, these seedlings were then divided into two treatment groups, and grown for another three months: one continuously in a salt solution and another in fresh water to relieve salt stress. The leaves and roots of B. cylindrica seedlings were harvested after six months of cultivation. The leaves and roots of B. cylindrica seedlings were extracted for polyisoprenoids content and composition analyzed using two-dimensional thin layer chromatography.RESULTS:Polyisoprenoids composition under salinity and subsequent fresh water with dominating dolichols (more than 90%) were found in leaves and roots of B. cylindrica seedlings referring type I of polyisoprenoid composition. The carbon chain length of dolichols located in the leaves and roots were ranging from C75–C100 and C75–C105, respectively.CONCLUSON:Dolichol dominated over polyprenol both in B. cylindrical leaves and roots under salinity and subsequent relief supported the previous finding on the predominance dolichols over polyprenols in mangrove plants. The present study suggested the significance of dolichols in the adaptation to cope with salt stress and or water stress.