Determination of energy levels, probabilities, and expectation values of particles in the three-dimensional box at quantum numbers ≤5 (original) (raw)

Solving Particle in a Box Problem Using Computation Method


In quantum mechanics, the variation method is one way of finding approximations to the lowest energy Eigen state or ground state, and some excited states. The method consists in choosing a "trial wave function" depending on one or more parameters, and finding the values of these parameters for which the expectation value of the energy is the lowest possible. The wave function obtained by fixing the parameters to such values is then an approximation to the ground state wave function, and the expectation value of the energy in that state is an upper bound to the ground state energy. In the present work, Particle in a box problem is solved by applying variation method & by using MATLAB & MATHCAD software. The wave functions are solved for the ground state & the first excited state. The results obtained are compared with the chosen trial functions of various orders and their combinations. By this one can able to apply the theoretical knowledge and clearly understand the concep...

Teaching quantum particles in one and three-dimensional boxes

The work was developed with the purpose of showing the difficulties of teachers and schools for the insertion of topics of modern and contemporary physics in high school and showing the importance of its use to adapt to the social reality. We present the theoretical development developed in the classroom, with appropriate tools to the accessible language, showing the aspects of energy and probability of the particle in a region configured for the work in question. After the theoretical treatment, operations were developed with virtual experiment so that the students perceive in a visual way, the descriptions of the equations proposed to solve the determined functions. We analyze procedures and discuss the results. Finally, we consolidated the belief in the use of alternative methods in the classroom, showing the motivation of the students for the introduction of the theme, where they had initial contact of quantum mechanics, although we once developed topics of the old quantum mechanics, such as Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, Planck's constant, photoelectric effect, and Bohr's atom.

Appendix A: The Particle in a Box: A Demonstration of Quantum Mechanical Principles for a Simple, One-Dimensional, One-Electron Model System

Modern Vibrational Spectroscopy and Micro-Spectroscopy, 2015

Real quantum mechanical systems have the tendency to become mathematically quite complicated and may discourage a novice in the field from pursuing the detailed steps to understand how the mathematical principles apply to physical systems. Thus, a simple scenario is presented here to illustrate the principles of Quantum Mechanics introduced in Section 1.4. The model to be presented is the so-called particle-in-a-box (henceforth referred to as the "PiB") that is an artificial system, yet with wide-ranging analogies to real systems. This model is very instructive, because it shows in detail how the quantum mechanical formalism works in a situation that is sufficiently simple to carry out the calculations step by step. Furthermore, the symmetry (parity) of the PiB wavefunctions is very similar to that of vibrational wavefunctions discussed in Section 1.4. Finally, the concept of transition from one stationary state to another can be demonstrated using the principles of the transition moment introduced in Section 1.5. A.1 Definition of the Model System The PiB model assumes a particle, such as an electron, to be placed into a potential energy well, or confinement shown in Figure A.1. This confinement (the "box") has zero potential energy for 0 ≤ x ≤ L, where L is the length of the box. Outside the box, that is, for x < 0 and for x > L, the potential energy is assumed to be infinite. Thus, once the electron is placed inside the box, it has no chance to escape, and one knows for certain that the electron is in the box. Next, the kinetic and potential energy expression will be defined, which subsequently allows writing the Hamiltonian, or the total energy operator of the system. For any quantum mechanical system, the total energy is written as the sum of the kinetic and potential energies, T and V, respectively:

CHAPTER 4 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics

183 philosophical implications of quantum mechanics and develop a new way of thinking about nature on the nanometer-length scale. This was undoubtedly one of the most signiicant shifts in the history of science. The key new concepts developed in quantum mechanics include the quantiza-tion of energy, a probabilistic description of particle motion, wave–particle duality, and indeterminacy. These ideas appear foreign to us because they are inconsistent with our experience of the macroscopic world. Nonetheless, we have accepted their validity because they provide the most comprehensive account of the behavior of matter and radiation and because the agreement between theory and the results of all experiments conducted to date has been impressively accurate. Energy quantization arises for all systems whose motions are connned by a potential well. The one-dimensional particle-in-a-box model shows why quantiza-tion only becomes apparent on the atomic scale. Because the energy level spacing is inversely proportional to the mass and to the square of the length of the box, quantum effects become too small to be observed for systems that contain more than a few hundred atoms. Wave–particle duality accounts for the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics and for indeterminacy. Once we accept that particles can behave as waves, we can form analogies with classical electromagnetic wave theory to describe the motion of particles. For example, the probability of locating the particle at a particular location is the square of the amplitude of its wave function. Zero-point energy is a consequence of the Heisenberg indeterminacy relation; all particles bound in potential wells have nite energy even at the absolute zero of temperature. Particle-in-a-box models illustrate a number of important features of quantum mechanics. The energy-level structure depends on the nature of the potential, E n n 2 , for the particle in a one-dimensional box, so the separation between energy levels increases as n increases. The probability density distribution is different from that for the analogous classical system. The most probable location for the particle-in-a-box model in its ground state is the center of the box, rather than uniformly over the box as predicted by classical mechanics. Normalization ensures that the probability of nding the particle at some position in the box, summed over all possible positions, adds up to 1. Finally, for large values of n, the probability distribution looks much more classical, in accordance with the correspondence principle. Different kinds of energy level patterns arise from different potential energy functions, for example the hydrogen atom (See Section 5.1) and the harmonic oscil-lator (See Section 20.3). These concepts and principles are completely general; they can be applied to explain the behavior of any system of interest. In the next two chapters, we use quantum mechanics to explain atomic and molecular structure, respectively. It is important to have a rm grasp of these principles because they are the basis for our comprehensive discussion of chemical bonding in Chapter 6.

Particle in a Box -A Treasure Island for Undergraduates

Particle in a box is the simplest quantum mechanical model that has been traditionally introduced in textbooks for explaining the basic concept of quantization. We in this article collects various scattered information from different text books and articles[1-5] and show that besides quantization it serves as a potential tool for explaining many other quantum mechanical problems. The authors do not claim any originality in matter but they believe that such an article will strengthen the concepts of teaching community.

Classical-quantum versus exact quantum results for a particle in a box

The problems of a free classical particle inside a one-dimensional box: (i) with impenetrable walls and (ii) with penetrable walls, were considered. For each problem, the classical amplitude and mechanical frequency of the τ -th harmonic of the motion of the particle were identified from the Fourier series of the position function. After using the Bohr-Sommerfeld-Wilson quantization rule, the respective quantized amplitudes and frequencies (i.e., as a function of the quantum label n) were obtained. Finally, the classical-quantum results were compared to those obtained from modern quantum mechanics, and a clear correspondence was observed in the limit of n ≫ τ .



This article offers the calculations and visualization of calculation results for quantum system made with use of the software package of MATLAB. The electron is in an infinitely deep square well with width of l. The solution of the Schrodinger equation allows to obtain the energy levels of a particle in the well and corresponding eigen-functions. The program for calculation and visualization of results in the MATLAB language is developed. Results are presented in the form of graphs of wave functions and probability of finding of an electron at various distances from walls of a potential well by drawing the in one picture. For the best perception and understanding the behavior of the electron in the well the graphs of the wave functions and probability of finding electron at various distances from walls of the potential well are presented separately for each quantum state. The probabilities of the electron location in different regions of the well and energies at discrete states are calculated for the case when the electron moves along x-axis, i.e. for one-dimensional motion. It is shown that the total probability of finding electron in the well is defined by summation of probabilities of the electron location in different regions of the well and equals one.