Dementia care in developing countries: The road ahead (original) (raw)


Byline: K. Shaji Demographic aging is a global phenomenon with differential impact on world regions. It began early in developed countries and progressed over longer period of time. They had more time to develop services. Regions like Asia, Latin America and Africa are now witnessing rapid demographic aging. The developing countries in this region will have comparatively little time to develop services. It is this unprecedented pace of demographic aging which makes it such a huge public health challenge for the region. Though the biological phenomenon of aging is universal, the daily life of an older person varies considerably according to social, economic, and cultural contexts. Aging and health has many socio-cultural determinants. Social status and available social support for older people vary in different cultures. In many developing countries, older persons are accorded great respect, both within the families and in society. But the traditionally strong social support systems ...