Implementasi Peraturan Bupati Lebak Nomor 26 Tahun 2016 Tentang Penyelengaraan Kesehatan Ibu Dan Bayi Dalam Program Undang, Jemput, Antar Selamat (Ujas) DI Kecamatan Cijaku Kabupaten Lebak (original) (raw)

Implementasi Permenkes Nomor 43 Tahun 2019 DI Puskesmas Padang Tikar, Kecamatan Batu Ampar Kabupaten Kubu Raya

JISIP (Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Pendidikan), 2022

This research method uses a sociological juridical approach that focuses on the sociological approach, the statute approach, and the conceptual approach. Data collection techniques in this study were carried out by collecting data from primary and secondary data. Primary data were obtained by the researcher through interviews with the Head of the Padang Tikar Health Center or his representative. Furthermore, secondary data in this study were obtained from literature review and legislation. The results of the next study were analyzed qualitatively. Based on the research that has been carried out, it shows that so far the Head of the Padang Tikar Health Center has made maximum efforts in implementing a good health service system, as the most important thing is to carry out management functions and carry out planning activities that have been made in improving the quality of services at the Puskesmas. However, the Padang Tikar Public Health Center has not been able to adjust the standards for providing public health center services as mandated by the Minister of Health Regulation no. 43 of 2019 because of the many obstacles experienced, among which the most important are; lack of Human Resources in the field of Health and lack of adequate facilities and infrastructure.

Implementasi, Kendala dan Efektifitas Kursus Pranikah di KUA Kecamatan Pontianak Tenggara

Al-Istinbath : Jurnal Hukum Islam, 2020

This article is aimed to explain the implementation of the premarital course, the constraints, and the effectiveness of the Regulation of Director General Bimas Islam No. DJ. II/542 Years 2013 concerning the Guidelines on the Implementation of the Premarital Course in the KUA Southeast Pontianak Sub-District. That is because KUA Southeast Pontianak Sub-District did not implement this provision optimally. The type of research the author uses is empirical legal research with a sociological-juridical approach. There are three research results in this paper. First, the premarital course in the KUA Southeast Pontianak Sub-District is held once a week. The resource person delivered four materials with the lecture and answer method, namely reproductive health, reproductive health, marital law, fostering sakīnah families, and the resilience of families.

Analisis Implementasi Kebijakan Program Rusun Bumn Bina Lingkungan Peduli Bagi Kelompok Sasaran Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah Dengan Skema Relokasi DI Kemayoran-Jakarta


"Rusun BUMN BL Peduli" program is one of the government programs in the effort to provide decent and affordable housing in the area Kemayoran Jakarta. The program mission is to organize the slums by relocating residents to a shelter house owned flats, the target group is the Low-Income Communities. The study design using Method mix, and in this study the identification of the process of policy implementation "Rusun BUMN BL Peduli", analytical approach used is a model inter-variable theory of George Edward III variable communication, resources, disposition and bureaucratic structure. The analysis used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis, to measure how much variables George Edward III. Hypothesis testing is done while the t test for independent variables simultaneously test used F test. These results indicate there is simultaneously a positive and powerful influence between the variables of communication, human resources, attitudes and bureaucratic structure of policy implementation "Rusun BUMN BL Peduli". The results could give an idea of the policy "Rusun BUMN BL Peduli" as a whole, so that the communication factor, resources and bureaucratic structures of concern to be improved, as well as the need to put in the form of supporting policies, among others.

Implementation of Regional Regulation Number 21 of 2014 concerning the Implementation of Population Administration in the City of Banjarmasin (Case Study of Temporary Residence Certificate)

Scholars International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 2021

Population administration is regulated in Law Number 23 of 2006 and has been amended by Law Number 24 of 2013 concerning Amendments to Law Number 23 of 2006 concerning Population Administration. This study aims to determine the importance of communication and information and what factors play a role in implementing the policy implementation of regional regulation number 21 of 2014 concerning population in Banjarmasin City. The research method uses a qualitative approach and descriptive type. The research instrument is the researcher himself. The data collection techniques are observation, interview and documentation. The focus of research is using the theory of policy implementation by Marille S. Grindle. Data analysis used is data reduction, data presentation and verification. The validity of the data used by the data credibility test technique using triangulation to test it. The results show that communication and information are very important elements in the implementation of policies for implementing regional regulation number 21 of 2014. However, there are things that have not been maximally implemented regarding the effectiveness of population administration in the city of Banjarmasin (case study on temporary residence certificates). Judging from the two factors according to Marille S. Grindle, the factor of Content of Policy, because of the six indicators only one has been successfully implemented, namely the Indicator Program Implementer (Policy Implementer). Meanwhile, other indicators do not work because policy implementers do not know who the institutions are involved, there are still people who do not know the perda so they cannot feel the benefits, how the decision is made. There are three dimensions that are indicators of the importance of communication and information, namely: coordination, integration and synchronization. The context of implementation factor, the three indicators have not been successfully implemented. The reasons for this are lack of socialization and direction from the related agency so that the public does not know the perda, does not know the strategy to be implemented, there are still people who are asked for voluntary funds and the absence of the main duties and functions of each agency. It is suggested to the Department of Population and Civil Registration to provide information and meetings to other policy implementers and in providing SKTS services there should already be main tasks and functions. To the Miai River Village to improve services and hold outreach to the temporary immigrants. The RT Head should have the main tasks and functions (Topuction) and need to record and provide information to the immigrant population. To the immigrants, report themselves to the RT and ask about their obligations.

Implementation of the ‘’Hope Family Program’’ Policy at Purabaya Dictrict, Sukabumi, West Java


Poverty is one of the problems currently being faced by the Indonesian state. In 2007 the government implemented a conditional cash transfer program known as the Family Hope Program (PKH). One of PKH's goals is to improve the standard of living of beneficiary families. The problem that will be answered in this thesis is how to implement the Family Hope Program (PKH) in Purabaya District, Sukabumi Regency. This type of research is a field research research (field research). This research is a descriptive qualitative research. Sources of data in this study are primary data and secondary data. Where the data collection uses interview techniques, observation and documentation. To analyze the data, the authors used a triangulation descriptive analysis of the data collected by the researcher. Based on the results of research in the field, the implementation of PKH is measured through indicators of Communication, Resources, Disposition and Bureaucratic Structures in Purabaya District. ...

The Implementation Of PPI Policy Toward Service in The Public Health Center Berbek Nganjuk Regency

Journal for Quality in Public Health, 2020

The effort to implement PPI policy have varied obstacles such as the lack of commitment and support from the stakeholder in the organization, limited financial resources to fulfill the PPI standard, limited human resources. Lack of understanding of the PPI concept and the way to implement PPI standard which is needed. The purpose of this study is to analyze The implementation of PPI policy toward service in Public Health Center Berbek Nganjuk Regency. The design of this research is to use qualitative methods using a case study approach. which is a type of qualitative research that looks closely at individual interpretations of their experiences. Data collection techniques used were Participant observational, independent interview, documentation and triangulation. Research instruments: Researchers as instruments (human instruments), notebooks, tape recorders, cameras. Data: qualitative descriptive, personal data documents, field notes, statements and actions of informants, documents...

Achievement of universal health coverage in Surakarta city: policy analysis

Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Indonesia, 2019

Background: Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN) is the health policy of the Indonesian government to achieve Universal Health Coverage (UHC), where each City or District has a varied regional policy in implementing it. Surakarta City is one of the regions that has been able to reach UHC. Policy analysis triangle is used to understand the various factors involved in each policy process. Objective: This study aims to explore deeply the implementation of JKN policy in Surakarta City to be able to achieve UHC based on a policy analysis triangle. Methods: This type of research is a qualitative study with a case study approach. The study was conducted in Surakarta City, Central Java, from September 2018 to March 2019. Data collection was carried out through in-depth interviews and document analysis. Sampling technique with criterion sampling. The research informants were five people who were the leaders of the Surakarta City Government, and 10 people from the Surakarta City community. Data validity was done by triangulation, member check, and peer debriefing. Results: The implementation of JKN policy in the city of Surakarta to reach UHC was influenced by: actors who were highly committed and competent in the success of the JKN program, a dynamic process in adjusting central policy to the regions by implementing various strategies and innovations to increase JKN membership coverage; political factors with policy making that support the achievement of UHC, environmental factors where population density in Surakarta City is the most densely populated in Central Java, there is a high awareness and willingness of the people of Surakarta City to have JKN, and technological support that facilitates JKN coordination and implementation. Conclusion: Achieving UHC in Surakarta City is the result of optimizing the four factors in the triangle analysis policy. Latar Belakang: Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN) merupakan kebijakan kesehatan pemerintah Indonesia untuk mencapai Universal Health Coverage (UHC), di mana setiap Kota atau Kabupaten memiliki kebijakan daerah yang bervariasi dalam mengimplementasikannya. Kota Surakarta merupakan salah satu daerah yang telah mampu meraih UHC. Policy analysis triangle digunakan untuk memahami berbagai faktor yang terkait dalam setiap proses kebijakan.

Implementasi Peraturan Walikota Semarang Nomor 7 Tahun 2013 tentang Peningkatan Pemberian ASI Eksklusif (Studi di Puskesmas Pegandan Kecamatan Gajahmungkur Kota Semarang)

Journal of Public Policy and Management Review, 2017

Semarang City’s goverment impose the Program of Exclusive Breast Feeding by publishing the Semarang Mayor goverment’s regulation nomor 7 by 2013. The low attainment of breast feeding in Gajah Mungkur compare with the target Dinas Kesehatan and national target were the background of done this research. The research aimed to analyze the implementation process these regulation later on it could be deduced that efforts need to be made in order to be effective implementation. This research was used qualitative research with observation, interview, and documentation to collect the data. The result of this research showed that the mplementation these regulation about the incresing of Exclusive breast feeding in Gajah Mungkur subdistrict have not been appropriate with these regulation. This problem occur because of a shortage in terms of resources, funds and facilities, the breast milk exclusive group support, communication, coordination, training of the officers which insufficient and the ...

Meninjau Kembali Kebijakan Dan Program Reunifikasi Anak Jalanan DI Indonesia

For the umpteenth time, various programs have been developed in response to the problems of street children in Indonesia. The government has officially attempted to address the problems through a number of avenues. However, the overall effort appears to be cursory at best. Only a small number of street children seem to benefit from the official programs, while the number of this population continues to climb. In spite of the failures of previous programs, the government seems to be reluctant to change its position and to undertake alternative approaches in addressing the problems of street children. Intervention programs for street children in Indonesia, at the provincial and regional levels, are uniformly developed in the form of national programs. Consequently, local culture and knowledge are not adequately reflected in the framework and approaches that the provincial and regional governments bring to the implementation of programs for street children. This severely reduces the value and impact of the programs. Drawing from an extensive case study on the intervention programs for street children in Yogyakarta Province, this study explores the major problems surrounding the national intervention programs for street children in Indonesia. It focuses on how national policy and programs are implemented at the provincial and regional levels. For this purpose, this study employed a qualitative approach and used a twofold research methodology, a combination of analyzing the pertinent documentation relating to policy and programs for street children along with serial interviews conducted with key informants from government offices and non-governmental institutions (NGOs).