Purpose And Concept Of Character Education In Islamic Perspective: A Comparative Study Of Imam Zarkasyi and Ahmad Dahlan Thoughts (original) (raw)

Character Education of Muhammadiyah

Proceedings of the 1st Paris Van Java International Seminar on Health, Economics, Social Science and Humanities (PVJ-ISHESSH 2020), 2021

This study aims to examine the relevance of character education from the of perspective the teachings of the founder of Muhammadiyah (KH. Ahmad Dahlan) with character values developed by the government (Ministry of Education and Culture) . The research approach used is a descriptive qualitative approach to the method of library research. The primary data source is the philosophy of the teachings of KH Ahmad Dahlan, the secondary sources are other books concerned and relevant to research. Analysis of the data used in this study are: Content Analysis Method. The author's findings relate to the question that KH Ahmad Dahlan's character education is found in his seven philosophies and messages, which teaches him to be a visionary human being able to think ahead, namely to be happy in the world and the hereafter. The Relevance of KH Ahmad Dahlan's Character Education with the Ministry of Education and Culture's Character Education Elements, namely, religious character val...

Management Of Character Education To Improve The Quality Of Education In Islamic Boarding School (Qualitative Study at Cipasung Islamic Boarding School and KH Zaenal Mustofa Sukamanah Islamic Boarding School in Tasikmalaya Regency)

International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences

Islamic boarding schools are one of the educational institutions that are expected to be able to build Islamic character for all students who produce graduates who have various competencies to face various changes in today's era. legality is very much needed by both the world of work or the world of education for pesantren graduates. who have combined religious learning in pesantren with formal education and the quality of pesantren graduates is strongly influenced by the learning process in the pesantren.Therefore, Character Education in Islamic Boarding Schools is very important to balance the existing knowledge in Islamic boarding schools and schools. It is very necessary to research with a focus on character education issues, the objectives are: 1) Knowing the character education and materials developed by the Cipasung Islamic Boarding School and Sukamanah Islamic Boarding School. 2) Knowing the implementation used in the character education process developed by Cipasung and...

The Nature of Educators and Students: The Study of Islamic Education Philosophy towards Character Establishment

Progresiva : Jurnal Pemikiran dan Pendidikan Islam

Teachers are referred to as educators who have expertise and experience in education, which must have a good personality and good speech. Educators have a huge responsibility because educators must guide and direct students to become individuals of good character. Students have varied characteristics who need guidance from an educator so that their potential can develop appropriately by the characters developed in the educational environment. The purpose of this study is to find out and apply the nature of educators and students according to Islam and how strategies shape students' character. The scientific approach used is the study of the philosophy of Islamic education in character building. The research method is qualitative - literature study or library research by reviewing the literature on character deepening. The focus of the discussion of this paper is on the nature of educators and students, the duties and roles of educators, and the character of an educator and stude...

The Urgency of Education in Islamic Boarding Schools in Improving The Quality of Islamic-Based Character Education

Al-Tadzkiyyah: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam

This research aims to determine the importance of education at the Miftahul Mubtadiin Ar-Ridlo Islamic Boarding School, Nganjuk, in increasing the quality of Islamic character education. A qualitative approach is used in this study. Researchers employed observation techniques, interviews, and documentation to obtain data. According to the findings of this study, character education at the Miftahul Mubtadiin Ar-Ridlo Islamic Boarding School, Nganjuk, is well maintained and operational. It is demonstrated by alumni who have good personalities, noble character, and the ability to live independently. Supporting variables include students, caregivers and caregivers who persevere, and families that consistently provide good direction and habituation to students during vacations (in particular). The problems found are personal factors, environmental factors and the rapid development of science and technology. So it can be concluded the character education in pesantren can be effective with...

Implementation of character education in islamic education

Jurnal EDUCATIO: Jurnal Pendidikan Indonesia

This study seeks to investigate students and their position and relationship with educators, as well as the noble character and ethics of students resulting from the actualization of noble values. All three are examined through the lens of Islamic education. Utilized is qualitative research conducted using a holistic-descriptive methodology. The data sources were retrieved from library records. At the level of data analysis, hermeneutic analysis is employed. The findings of this research Students are scientific subjects who cultivate their potential and form their personalities. The relationship between students and educators is not limited to knowledge partners constrained by the rules of educational institutions, but also includes partners in devotion to Allah SWT. Character is a personality shaped by the habitual realization of values through attitudes and deeds. The most admirable student personality is one shaped by attitudes and deeds that reflect divine values. The Prophet Mu...

Management of Character Education at Integrated Islamic Elementary School, Gowa and Al-Biruni Mandiri Makassar Integrated Islamic Elementary School: A Multi-Case Study

International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2021

This study aims to determine, study and analyze character education management and its effectiveness at SDIT Al-Fityan School Gowa and SDIT Al-Biruni Mandiri Makassar. This research is a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. The method of collecting data is through interviews with school principals, vice principals for curriculum affairs, students, homerooms and teachers. Other data sources are through observation and documentation. The data obtained were analyzed by data reduction steps, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results of this study indicate that character education planning begins with establishing the school's vision, mission, goals and programs, as well as determining character values, designing a curriculum that integrates character values into an integrated syllabus and lesson plans based on Islamic education. The organization of character education is carried out by the principal through coordination between elements, division of tas...

Revisiting Character Education from Islamic Perspective

Ulumuna, 2017

Since it was launched in 2010, Character Education is becoming a mesmerizing framework which is assumed to bring about the changes in Indonesian national education. Especially, National Education Framework for Character Education 2010 is agreed to be a guide for national education success in building nation character of the youngsters. However, such a dual-system of education—general and Islamic education, that is embraced in the current national education system emanates various Character Education both its interpretation and implementation. The discussion in this paper highlights that from various definitions and interpretations, character education practices deals with definite values rather than relative values. Islam world has many sources of values and ethics and thus Muslim educators and teachers are suggested to base the values inculcation to students on the Islamic sources of values and ethics. Undesired changes of society’s life caused by secualrism, personalism, pluralism...

Development of The Model of Character Education Development of The Model of Character Education at The Islamic Boarding School in Watangpone

Journal of Research and Multidisciplinary , 2018

The provision of Article 3 of the Indonesian Act 20, 2003 on the National Education System, has formulated that the National Education function to develop the ability and form the character and civilization of dignified nation in order to educate the life of the nation. One of the educational institutions that take a role in supporting the achievement of National Education goals and build the character of the nation is The Islamic Boarding School. The research aims to see how the model of character education in The Islamic Boarding School as an educational institution that has a role in the development of character education. The sampling research was conducted at The Islamic Boarding School of Ma'had Hadis Biru, the District of Bone, South Sulawesi, Indonesia, through paedagogical and psychological as well as sociological approach by applying Appreciative Inquiry method by digging information about the activities performed in The Islamic Boarding School associated with character education. The results of research show that The Islamic Boarding School has a big role in developing character education as a cultural center through the approach of school culture development (school culture). Character Education at The Islamic Boarding School is able to develop character education model because The Islamic Boarding School is able to integrate traditional and modern learning as well as educational value derived from religious values, the national principle of Pancasila, the local culture, and the purpose of education. This is in line with the Nation Character Education Implementation Guidance that Values developed in cultural education and national character are identified from the Religion, the national principle of Pancasila, Culture, and National Education Goals in Indonesia.

Character Education through Islamic Education: An Implementation to High School Muslim Students in North Minahasa

Al-Ishlah, 2023

This study aims to investigate the implementation of the Character Education method through Islamic Education learning for Muslim students at a senior high school in North Minahasa. The method used in this research is the descriptive qualitative method using a case study design. The researchers collected the data through observation and interviews and analyzed the obtained data through content analysis. The results of the study reported that the implementation of character education methods through Islamic Education learning for Muslim students referred to the National education goals listed in the 2013 curriculum and the Decree of the Minister of National Education Number; 54 of 2013 concerning Competency Standards for graduating elementary and secondary education. Character education can be integrated into all subjects. The implementation of character education for Muslim students at the high school in North Minahasa Regency consisted of parents' involvement, extracurricular activities, habituation methods, exemplary, giving advice, and giving rewards and punishments.

Reinforcing Character education on the Perspective of Islam Education: Analyzing inhibiting and supporting factors


Teacher’s role in educating students is becoming more complex recently. It should not only educate students to be intelligent but also have a character. This is a qualitative field research with study case method. The data collection techniques that were utilized were observation, interview, documentation and triangulation. The data analysis consisted of data collection, reduction and presentation and drawing conclusion. The objectives of this research are to analyze the implementation of streghtening of students’ character education, inhibiting and supporting factors, and teacher’s role in reinforcing students’ character education seen from the perspective of Islam education at SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Wates. The finding indicates that the implementation of the reinforcing of students’character education had been done by applying programs of prosperous, religious and discipline. The obstacles of implementation are miscommunication, difference of character understanding adaptation, family...