Design of MIMO Space-Time Code for High Data Rate Wireless Communication (original) (raw)
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Design of MIMO Space-Time Code for High Data Rate Wireless Communication ABSTRACT
Multiple-input and multiple-output, or MIMO, is the use of multiple antennas at both the transmitter and receiver to improve communication performance. MIMO technology has attracted attention in wireless communications, because it offers significant increases in data throughput and link range without additional bandwidth or transmit power. In this paper, multiple-input–multiple-output (MIMO) systems with reduced complexity is considered. The space–time block coding, for communication over Rayleigh fading channels using multiple transmit antennas is considered. Also the Alamouti code is tested for the performance. Data is encoded using a space–time block code and the encoded data is split into n streams which are simultaneously transmitted using n transmit antennas. The received signal at each receive antenna is a linear superposition of the n transmitted signals perturbed by noise. In current research, high data rate wireless communications, transmission rates, is of major interest....
Space Time Block Codes for MIMO systems: History to Recent Developments
Multi Input Multi Output (MIMO) communication is a proven technique to increase the throughput, diversity gain and increase the energy gain by reducing the energy consumption of the wireless network. Space time diversity used in MIMO systems is a technique to mitigate multipath fading. The same information is transmitted over multiple channels that fade independently. So, space time diversity is achieved. Transmit space time diversity is achieved if the transmitter has knowledge of the channel. But, if the transmitter does not know the channel then it is necessary to code across both space and time to achieve diversity which is termed as space time coding. In this article, we discuss the developments in MIMO systems and Space Time Block Coding Techniques for MIMO systems, over the years.
■ Wireless communication using multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems enables increased spectral efficiency for a given total transmit power. Increased capacity is achieved by introducing additional spatial channels that are exploited by using space-time coding. In this article, we survey the environmental factors that affect MIMO capacity. These factors include channel complexity, external interference, and channel estimation error. We discuss examples of space-time codes, including space-time low-density parity-check codes and spacetime turbo codes, and we investigate receiver approaches, including multichannel multiuser detection (MCMUD). The 'multichannel' term indicates that the receiver incorporates multiple antennas by using space-time-frequency adaptive processing.
Special Issue: Multiple‐Input Multiple‐Output (MIMO) Communications
The idea of using multiple transmit and receive antennas in wireless communication systems is one of the most important breakthroughs in communication theory during the last decade. Popularly referred to as MIMO technology, this concept can greatly improve data throughput and link performance in wireless networks. In principle, a MIMO system can operate in, or anywhere between, one of the two possible modes.
With space-time codes (STC) the same information is transmitted in appropriate manner simultaneously from different transmit antennas to obtain transmit diversity. The main idea of transmit diversity is that if a message is lost in a channel with probability p and we can transmit replicas of the message over n independent such channels, the loss probability becomes p n . Using diversity, more reliability is given to the symbols which allows employing higher order constellation resulting in higher throughput.
Space time Block codes for MIMO Systems
Data is encoded using a space–time block code and the encoded data is split into n streams which are simultaneously transmitted using n transmit antennas. The received signal at each receive antenna is a linear superposition of the n transmitted signals perturbed by noise. The wireless systems that is evolved the last few decades necessitates in the design and analysis of equalization techniques. Future generation of wireless system is supposed to possess very high spectral efficiency. When data is transmitted at high rates over mobile radio channels, impulse response can extend over many symbol periods which lead to Inter Symbol Interference. Space– time block codes [STBC] are designed to achieve the maximum diversity order for a given number of transmit and receive antennas subject to the constraint of having a simple decoding algorithm. In this paper, we present the performance analysis of Alamouti STBC and MIMO Equalization. Compare MIMO -STBC with SISO, MRC and 2x1 and 2x2 Alam...
Space Time Block Coding and MIMO Channels:Performance Results
SAMRIDDHI : A Journal of Physical Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 2015
We analyse the Space-time Block coding for wireless communication and present an overview of applying MIMO concept and shows how it improves the SNR without decreasing data rates. It provides a new paradigm for transmission over Raleigh fading channel using multiple transmit antennas. Data is encoded using a space time block code and the encoded data is split into n streams which are simultaneously transmitted using n transmit antennas. Maximum likelihood decoding is achieved in a simple way through decoupling of the signals transmitted from different antennas rather than joint detection. This uses the orthogonal structure of the space time block code and gives a maximum likelihood decoding algorithm which is based only on linear processing at the receiver. We review the encoding and decoding algorithms for various codes and provide simulation results demonstrating their performance. It is shown that using multiple transmit antennas and space-time block coding provides remarkable pe...
IJERT-A Novel Approch on Performance Analysis of MIMO Using Space Time Block Coded Spatial Domain
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2013 Space-time block codes have been shown to perform well with Multiple-Input Multiple Output (MIMO) systems. STBC is a MIMO transmit strategy which exploits transmit diversity and high reliability. Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) transmission scheme, called space-time block coded spatial modulation (STBC-SM), is proposed. It combines spatial modulation (SM) and space-time block coding (STBC) to take advantage of the benefits of both while avoiding their drawbacks. In the STBCSM scheme, the transmitted information symbols are expanded not only to the space and time domains but also to the spatial (antenna) domain which corresponds to the on/off status of the transmit antennas available at the space domain, and therefore both core STBC and antenna indices carry information. A general technique is presented for the design of the STBC-SM scheme for any number of transmits antennas. Besides the high spectral efficiency advantage provided by the antenna domain, the proposed scheme is also optimized by deriving its diversity and coding gains to exploit the diversity advantage of STBC. A low-complexity maximum likelihood (ML) decoder is given for the new scheme which profits from the orthogonality of the core STBC. The performance advantages of the STBC-SM over simple SM and over V-BLAST are shown by simulation results for various spectral efficiencies and are supported by the derivation of a closed form expression for the union bound on the bit error probability. Keywords-Multiple-Input Multiple-Output(MIMO),Maximum likelihood decoding(ML),Space-time block codes/coding, Spatial modulation I.INTRODUCTION MIMO technology means multiple antennas at both the ends of a communication system, that is, at the transmitting end and receiving end. The idea behind MIMO is that the transmit antennas at one end and the receive antennas at the other end are connected and combined in such a way that the bit error rate (BER), or the data rate for each user is improved.MIMO has the capacity of producing independent parallel channels and transmitting multipath data streams and thus meets the demand for high data rate wireless transmission. This system can provide high frequency spectral efficiency and is a promising approach with tremendous potential.The use of multiple antennas at both transmitter and receiver has been shown to be an effective way to improve capacity and reliability over those achievable with single antenna wireless systems [1]. Consequently, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) transmission techniques have been comprehensively studied over the past decade by numerous researchers, and two general MIMO transmission strategies, a space-time block coding1 (STBC) and spatial multiplexing, have been proposed. The increasing demand for high data rates and, consequently, high spectral efficiencies has led to the development of spatial multiplexing systems such as V-BLAST (Vertical-Bell Lab Layered Space-Time) [2]. In V-BLAST systems, a high level of inter-channel interference (ICI) occurs at the receiver since all antennas transmit their own data streams at the same time. This further increases the complexity of an optimal decoder exponentially, while low-complexity sub optimum linear decoders, such as the minimum mean square error (MMSE) decoder, degrade the error performance of the system significantly. On the other hand, STBCs offer an excellent way to exploit the potential of MIMO systems because of their implementation simplicity as well as their low decoding complexity [3], [4]. A special class of STBCs, called orthogonal STBCs (OSTBCs), has attracted attention due to their single-symbol maximum likelihood (ML) receivers with linear decoding complexity. However it has been shown that the symbol rate of an OSTBC is upper bounded by ¾ symbols per channel use (PCU) for more than two transmit antennas [5]. Several high rate STBCs have been proposed in the past decade (see [6]-[8] and references therein), but their ML decoding complexity grows exponentially with the constellation size, which makes their implementation difficult and expensive for future wireless communication systems. The basic idea of SM is an extension of two dimensional signal constellations (such as-ary phase shift keying (-PSK) and-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (-QAM), where is the constellation size) to a third dimension, which is the spatial (antenna) dimension. Therefore, the information is conveyed not only by the amplitude/phase modulation (APM) techniques, but also by the antenna indices. An optimal ML decoder for the SM scheme, which makes an exhaustive search over the aforementioned three dimensional space has been presented in [11]. It has been shown in [11] that the error performance of the SM scheme [9] can be improved approximately in the amount of 4 dB by the use of the optimal detector under conventional channel assumptions and that SM provides better error performance than V-BLAST and maximal ratio combining (MRC).More recently, Jeganathan etal. Have introduced a so-called space shift keying (SSK) modulation scheme for MIMO channels in [12]. In SSK modulation, APM is eliminated and only antenna indices are used to transmit information, to obtain further simplification in system design and reduction in decoding complexity This leads to the introduction here of Space Time Block Coded Spatial Modulation (STBCSM), designed to take advantage of both SM and STBC. The main contributions of this paper can be summarized as follows: • A new MIMO transmission scheme, called STBC-SM, is proposed, in which information is conveyed with an STBC