Prima il dovere. Una critica della filosofia dei diritti (original) (raw)

‘Hostis’ e il primato del diritto

The study aims at reflecting on the juridical dimension of the relationships with foreigners in Roman society, from the origins of Rome to the beginning of the Italic expansion. Deepening into this sphere leads to a better comprehension of Romans’ behaviour towards what they conceive as ‘other’ with respect to their own community. This research takes as parameter the polysemy of the word ‘hostis’ that, between the end of the V century B.C. and the beginning of the IV century B.C., semantically shifted from ‘foreigner’ to ‘enemy’. The exegesis of the two fragments of the XII Tables (II,2; VI,4) reveals that in that time the foreigner (hostis) provided with the ius commercii was preserved by Roman law. Therefore, in the ancient Roman society, there was an opening towards the hostis regulated by law, without eliminating the distinction from the civis. Afterwards, the study focuses on the acceptation hostis-enemy, when the relation with the other is mediated by the war. The sources (Cic., off. 3, 108; Liv. 34, 13, 5-6; D. 50, 16, 118 e D. 49, 14, 24) show that hostis (in the sense of enemy) was significant on the social and political level and assumed a military meaning through the law: the enemy, as such, had to be ‘legal’. Finally, in the light of the linguistic connection between hostis and hospes, the research focuses on the juridical aspect of the ‘guest’ in Rome. The antiquity of the hospitium (Liv. 1, 45, 2) documents that, since the ancient times, also the position of the hospes had been regulated by law. The outcome of the study is that, in the process of making of the Roman civitas, the «ethic of the hospitality» – that is a conceptual category of J. Derrida meaning the aspiration to unreserved hospitality –, found its expression in law.

«Prima lezione di diritto»: ordine morale, dignità umana e “neutralità” del diritto


Il saggio riproduce la lezione inaugurale del Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza dell’Universita degli Studi Rome Tre per l’Anno Accademico 2014/2015, tenuta dall’Autore il 22 settembre 2014. Attraverso un esame giurisprudenziale di casi, l’Autore propone alcune riflessioni sui temi dell’ordine morale, della dignita umana e della “neutralita” del diritto.

L’invisibilità dei diritti: riflessioni a proposito del ‘dovere di morire’


The following reflections summarize the current theme of human rights, the right-duty to die and its configurability from the point of view of the general theory of law and from the perspective of Christian bioethics. Where can freedom go? What is right and what is not? The claim of the new rights takes the form of an ever stronger demand for justice. The interruption of health care despite the demand for life has meant that death has lived and life has died. This new legal phenomenon has inevitable and paradoxical consequences: freedom and the right to die become a duty.

Di diritti e altre cose strane. Una replica

Notizie di Politeia, 2018

The author replies to four commentaries to his book il costituzionalismo dei diritti (il Mulino, 2017) taking the chance to further clarify his own stance on some topics discussed thereby.

Il diritto e la leggerezza. Sulla prima delle "Lezioni Americane" di Italo Calvino

How can we use the many definitions of "lightness" provided by Italo Calvino in the first of his Six Memos for the Next Millennium to describe ancient law? There are in fact several possible ways to assume that ancient law is "light". As far as Roman law is concerned, for example, law can be described as "light" both because, in the classical age, it implies a consistent effort of abstraction, and also because, in the archaic period, it shows some clear connections with some "light" social phenomena such as magic and game. In Greek literature, moreover, there is at least one piece of important evidence -Sophocles' Antigone -where divine and unwritten law, ie. law in its highest sense, is associated with lightness, whereas some human written laws are clearly unjust, hence "heavy".

“Dovere implica potere” a tutela dei diritti?

Guglielmo Feis, "'Dovere implica potere' a tutela dei diritti?", in Marco Cossutta (a cura di), Diritti fondamentali e diritti sociali, pp. 81-92.

In questo breve lavoro presento un’estensione della tesi “dovere implica potere” capace di andare oltre il classico ad impossibilia nemo tenetur e in grado di essere utilizzata anche a tutela dei diritti fondamentali e dei diritti sociali. Per fare questo presento la tesi “dovere implica potere”, la sua relazione con ad impossibilia nemo tenetur e le interpretazioni che si possono rinvenire nella letteratura (gius)filosofica relativa ai suoi utilizzi.

Il discorso sui diritti nel pensiero di Peces-Barba

Lo Stato. Rivista semestrale di Scienza Costituzionale e Teoria del Diritto, 2018

pierre BruneT (Université Paris Ouest -Francia) agosTino carrino (Università di Napoli Federico II -Italia) anTonio d'aTena (Università di Roma Tor Vergata, Pres. em. AIC -Italia) Biagio de gioVanni (Università degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale" -Italia) mario dogLiani (Università di Torino -Italia) horsT dreier (Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Pres. em. VDStRL -Germania) giuseppe duso (Università di Padova -Italia) TimoThy endicoTT (Dean of the Faculty of Law, University of Oxford -Regno Unito) Lawrence m. Friedman (Stanford Law School -USA) roBerTo gargareLLa (Universidad de Buenos Aires -Argentina) Lech garLicki (Uniwersytet Warszawski, già giudice costituzionale -Polonia) riccardo guasTini (Università di Genova -Italia) Juan carLos henao (Universidad Externado de Colombia, Pres. em. Corte Cost. -Colombia) carLos-migueL herrera (Université de Cergy-Pontoise -Francia) hasso hoFmann (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin -Germania) naTaLino irTi (Sapienza Università di Roma, Accademia Naz. dei Lincei -Italia) mario Jori (Università degli Studi di Milano) phiLip kunig (Freie Universität Berlin -Germania) charLes LeBen (Université Panthéon-Assas -Francia) massimo Luciani (Sapienza Università di Roma, Pres. em. AIC -Italia) micheLa maneTTi (Università di Siena -Italia) FaBio merusi (Università di Pisa -Italia) eric miLLard (Université Paris Ouest -Francia) giuseppe morBideLLi (Sapienza Università di Roma -Italia) PéTer paczoLay (Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Pres. em. Corte Cost. -Ungheria) enrico paTTaro (Alma Mater-Università di Bologna -Italia)