Parity-violating anomalies in supersymmetric gauge theories (original) (raw)

On supersymmetry anomalies

Physics Letters B, 1985

It is shown analytically that there are no oneqoop supersymmetry anomalies in N = 2 and N = 4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories. This implies that the two-loop # functions in these theories are in accord with supersymmetry when the oneloop finite local counter terms required by supersymmetry are correctly taken into account.

Parity anomalies in gauge theories in 2 + 1 dimensions

Physics Letters B, 1986

We show that the introduction of massless fermions in an abelian gauge theory in Z-t1 dimensions does not lead to any parity anomaly despite a noncommutativity of limits in the structure function of the odd part of the vacuum polarisation tensor. However, a parity anomaly does exist in non-abelian theories due to a conflict between gauge invariance under large gauge transformations and the parity symmetry.

Supersymmetry counterterms revisited

Physics Letters B, 2003

Superspace power-counting rules give estimates for the loop order at which divergences can first appear in non-renormalisable supersymmetric field theories. In some cases these estimates can be improved if harmonic superspace, rather than ordinary superspace, is used. The new estimates are in agreement with recent results derived from unitarity calculations for maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories in five and six dimensions. For N = 8 supergravity in four dimensions, we speculate that the onset of divergences may correspondingly occur at the six loop order.

Anomalous generation of Chern-Simons terms in D=3, N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories

Letters in Mathematical Physics, 1986

Parity-invanant three-dimenstonal gauge theories with N = 2 extended supersymmetry are studied by the heat kernel method. The parity-anomalous part of the one-loop effective action is exactly found. It is expressed in terms of the N = 2 supersymmetric Chern-Simons term and is identified as a N = 2 superspace Atiyah-Patodi-Singer eta-invariant.

Cohomologies and anomalies in supersymmetric theories

Nuclear Physics B, 1985

We analyze the anomaly structure of renormalizable supersymmetric models coupled to supergravity using cohomological methods. We study the cohomology corresponding to superdiffeomorphisms, superlocal Lorentz and super-Weyl transformations. We conclude that in four dimensions superdiffeomorphisms and Lorentz transformations are anomaly free for all the models of interest. We determine the superWeyl anomalies. * There has been a controversy about this result in connection with the Adler-Bardeen theorem, since explicit calculations showed an apparent violation of this theorem. But this point has been clarified [16]. ** It has been shown that, for gauge groups, FP ghosts are to be identified with the Maurer-Cartan form of group of gauge transformations, and their transformation properties are dictated by the corresponding Maurer-Cartan equation . *** This can be done also when the sYmmetry is global, i.e. in the absence of the first step (see sect. 4

Parity conservation in supersymmetric vectorlike theories

Physical Review D, 1999

We show that parity is conserved in vector-like supersymmetric theories, such as supersymmetric QCD with massive quarks with no cubic couplings among chiral multiplets, based on fermionic path-integrals, originally developed by Vafa and Witten. We also look into the effect of supersymmetric breaking through gluino masses, and see that the parityconservation is intact also in this case. Our conclusion is valid, when only bosonic parity-breaking observable terms are considered in path-integrals like the original Vafa-Witten formulation.

Supersymmetric gauge anomaly with general homotopic paths

Nuclear Physics B, 2001

We use the method of Banerjee, Banerjee and Mitra and minimal homotopy paths to compute the consistent gauge anomaly for several superspace models of SSYM coupled to matter. We review the derivation of the anomaly for N = 1 in four dimensions and then discuss the anomaly for two-dimensional models with (2, 0) supersymmetry.

Positivity constraints on anomalies in supersymmetric gauge theories

Physical Review D, 1998

The relation between the trace and R-current anomalies in supersymmetric theories implies that the U(1) R F 2 , U(1) R and U(1) 3 R anomalies which are matched in studies of N = 1 Seiberg duality satisfy positivity constraints. Some constraints are rigorous and others conjectured as four-dimensional generalizations of the Zamolodchikov c-theorem. These constraints are tested in a large number of N = 1 supersymmetric gauge theories in the non-Abelian Coulomb phase, and they are satisfied in all renormalizable models with unique anomaly-free R-current, including those with accidental symmetry. Most striking is the fact that the flow of the Euler anomaly coefficient, a U V − a IR , is always positive, as conjectured by Cardy.

The consistent chiral anomaly in supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories

Nuclear Physics B, 1985

By means of algebraic methods we find a solution of the consistency conditions obeyed by the charm anomaly in SYM theories The latter conslsts of a charal gauge anomaly whach breaks rigid supersymmetry and of a supersymmetnc partner We prove that the supersymmetrlc partner can be ehmmated by adding a statable counterterm to the actaon The gauge anomaly obtained by varying the new actaon is shown to be supersymmetnc mvanant We give an explicit expression of it We also show the equivalence of the expression of consistent charal anomahes in different formulataons of SYM theories