Schoolchildren’s Age and Gender Characteristics as Predictors of Bullying Risks (original) (raw)

The Role of Masculinity Norms in the Formation of School Bullying

The Role of Masculinity Norms in the Formation of School Bullying, 2024

The article presents an analytical review of domestic and foreign publications highlighting the problem of school bullying in the context of adolescents’ adherence to the norms of traditional masculinity. It is necessary to consider school bullying through the prism of how gender stereotypes become dangerous for those boys who do not feel a sense of belonging to this large social group due to the fact that they do not fully comply with normative male behavior. Such children will be subject to ridicule and attempts to adjust their behavior to the appropriate norm both from the peers and, probably, from the teachers. Recent studies in several countries show that school bullying affects up to 35% of children. Most often, boys are involved in bullying and practices of physical abuse. Traditional norms of masculinity prescribe them and encourage aggressive, active behavior, competition and the avoidance of weakness and passivity. These standards prohibit boys from being tender, crying, and provoking aggression in response to an attack. Those boys who cannot fight back are bullied by other boys. Keywords: bullying, masculinity, gender norms, masculinity norms, school climate.

Features of the status-role structure of the risk of school bullying among adolescents

Perspectives of Science & Education, 2022

Introduction. The problem of bullying, according to UNESCO, has an international status: every third student around the world has experienced various forms of bullying from his classmates; “Victims” of bullying were three times more likely than their peers to feel like “outsiders,” twice as likely to miss school and have suicidal thoughts. Bullying as a socio-psychological phenomenon has become widespread in the last ten years in educational organizations of the Russian Federation. More often the victims of bullying are children with special physical and mental development. A bibliometric review of publications on the problem of the risk of school bullying among children with disabilities indicated their appearance in 2011 in the absence of studies characterizing the status-role structure of this phenomenon. In this regard, the aim of the study was to study the characteristics of the status-role structure of the risk of school bullying among adolescents. Materials and methods. Adolescents (N=163 students of conditionally healthy and N=86 students with disabilities) aged 14 to 16 from educational institutions of Kursk and the Voronezh region took part in the study voluntarily. We used standardized methods for diagnosing the risk of bullying, socio-situational anxiety, selfesteem and personal qualities, as well as mathematical and statistical methods of data processing: descriptive statistics and factor analysis. Results and discussion. There is a risk of school bullying in organizations. In collectives, there is low stability of boundaries, compliance with the rules of behavior by adolescents and mutual respect as a group norm, low ability to accept differences, role uncertainty and status conflicts. The majority of students are combined into such sociometric groups as "high-status" (conditionally healthy adolescents: 27%, N=44; adolescents with disabilities: 21%, N=18), "average" (conditionally healthy adolescents: 26%, N =43; adolescents with disabilities: 35%, N=30) and "neglected". The average level of maladjustment and mental stability, sensitivity, low self-esteem, increased anxiety level of adolescents provide the status of a victim. Based on the results of an empirical study, a scheme was developed for the distribution and transformation of the status-role positions of adolescents in a situation of risk of school bullying, determined by their individual personality characteristics and acting as targets for corrective and preventive work.

Perceptions of Bullying of Sexually-Diverse Youth Questionnaire

PsycTESTS Dataset, 2017

Государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования Московской области «Технологический университет», г. Королев, Московская область В статье показано место контроллинга в общей системе научного экономического знания. Даны сравнительные характеристики понятий «контролинг», «контроль» и «управленческий учет». Проанализирована история возникновения и эволюции контроллинга. Дано сравнение различных национальных школ контролинга (американской и европейской). Охарактеризовано состояние отечественной науки данного направления. Контроллинг, модели контроллинга, управленческий учет, контроль.

Psychological Factors of Bullying Among Adolescent Children

Scientic Bulletin of Kherson State University. Series Psychological Sciences, 2021

Purpose. The goal of the article is to empirically study the psychological factors of bullying among adolescents in the school environment.Methods. The following diagnostic tools were used in the study: questionnaire method (author’s questionnaire); methods of diagnosis of acceptance of others; express diagnostics of the level of self-esteem; methods of diagnostics of indicators and forms of aggression by A. Bass and A. Darka (adaptation by A.K. Osnytskyi). The following methods were used to process empirical data: descriptive statistics, correlation and multiple regression analyzes.Results. The authors include the level of self-esteem, aggression, hostility, and acceptance of others among the personal psychological factors and characteristics of bullying among adolescents. The study found that most adolescents have low self-esteem, average acceptance of others with a tendency to low or low, their level of aggression and hostility is equal to the average and in some cases found a hi...

Bullying as a Sociocultural Phenomenon and Its Relation to Personality Traits among Younger School Children

Явление травли, запугивания и третирования других (чаще всего, более слабых) членов коллектива стало объектом детального изучения антропологов, психологов, этологов, социологов, криминалистов, юристов и специалистов других областей знания относительно недавно (Olweus 1980(Olweus , 1993 Smith, Sharp 1994;. До этого феномены травли попадали в категорию агрессивного поведения или анализировались психологами и психиатрами как проявление садистического поведения. Однако данные антропологов, историков и культурологов изобилуют описаниями травли, из которых отчетливо видно, что данное поведение практикуется в обществах с выраженной иерархией, и его характерной чертой является невозможность жертвы апеллировать за помощью к третьим лицам. На сегодняшний день общепринятым международным термином, обозначающим это явление, стало понятие "буллинг" (bullying) -от англ. bully, что в переводе означает "запугивать, задирать, изводить" (Словарь... 1987). Буллинг определяют как физическую, вербальную или психологическую агрессию (нападение) с целью нанести вред жертве, запугать ее и (или) стресси-ЭО, 2012 г., № 5 © М.Л. Бутовская, Е.Л. Луценко, К.Е. Ткачук


Peer violence (PV) is a global problem and Serbia, as a country in which almost every second child was exposed to PV, is no exception. The aim of the study, conducted on a sample of 322 students (m = 39.2%; f = 60.8%; aged 11 to 14) from Serbia, was to determine the differences in the relationships between personality traits and violent behavior among boys and girls. The tendency towards PV and exposure to PV was measured using the PRONA questionnaire, while personality traits were measured by the Big Five+Two - the questionnaire for children. The results indicate that boys are significantly more included in the PV, both as bullies and as victims. Also, there is a significant difference in the pattern of relations with the personality traits and PV regarding gender. Aggression and Negative Valence contribute positively to the prevalence of violent behavior, both among boys and girls; however, in the case of girls, Positive Valence additionally contributes to this dimension. Exposure to violence is positively related to Neuroticism among girls, while in the case of boys, there is a positive contribution by Negative Valence, and a negative contribution by Positive Valence. The findings of the research have practical significance for the organisation and implementation of the PV prevention and intervention programs. If the findings are replicated, the focus during preventive work with boys should be on strengthening the capacity to adequately evaluate one's own personality traits. In the work with girls, on the other hand, the primary focus should be on developing the ability to adaptively respond to negative emotions and violent interaction from the perspective of the victim.

Predictors of Bullying, Cyberbullying and Victimization: Review of Current Research

National Psychological Journal, 2021

Background. Despite the prevalence of school bullying in Russia and data on the severity of the consequences for its participants, the Russian-language scientifi c literature lacks a systematic understanding of the prerequisites for bullying, which could serve as the basis for practical developments aimed at preventing bullying in educational organizations. Th is article aims to fi ll this gap and systematize longitudinal, regression and meta-analytic studies of predictors of bullying, cyberbullying and victimization. Objective. Th e purpose of the article is to systematize data on predictors of school bullying and to model its escalation in school environment. To achieve this goal, a search, selection and theoretical analysis of a number of articles published over the past 5 years was carried out. Results. Th e performed theoretical analysis allows us to model the development of school bullying. Th e complex of individual-personal and environmental factors that increase the risk of...


This paper examines the role of personality traits and gender in violent interaction among middle school children (11-15 age range). The aim of the research presented here was to determine the contribution of personality traits and gender to various aspects of violent interaction, i.e. predisposition towards and exposure to peer violence. The sample consisted of 344 students from 5th to 8th grade, the majority of whom were girls (60.8%). The instruments used in the research were a questionnaire designed to assess violent behavior in primary school children (PRONA) and the Big Five Plus Two inventory (the BF + 2 for children), designed to assess seven basic personality traits in primary school children. The results of a multivariate analysis of covariance suggest that boys tend to perpetrate and be exposed to violent behaviour more than girls, and also that certain personality traits contribute to the manifestation of these constructs. Exposure to violence is determined by low Extraversion, as well as higher levels of Neuroticism and Negative Valence. The traits that contribute most significantly to the tendency towards abusive behaviour are high levels of Aggression and Negative Valence as well as lower levels of Positive Valence. The most effective means of abuse prevention among middle school children is the setting up of prevention programs along with the detection of specific vulnerable groups of students, and the adjustment of these programs to students’ personological traits.