Proficiency and Motivation: Foundation of Pre-service English Teachers’ Professional Identity Development (original) (raw)

The Correlations Among Teachers’ Competences, Students’ Learning Motivation, and Students’ English Proficiency


. Teachers’ competences and students’ motivation have been long suspected to have influence on students’ English ability. Some studies have been conducted to investigate the relationship. However, some information is unobserved. This study intended to fill the gap in literature concerning the relationship among teacher’s competences, students’ learning motivation, and students’ English proficiency at Junior High Schools in OKUT. The samples of the study were 30 teachers and 918 students. The data were collected through documentation (teachers’ competence test result and students’ English proficiency test result) and questionnaire (students’ learning English motivation). The results showed that there was a significant correlation between the English teachers’ competence and the English proficiency of students showed by r obtained = .363, (p=.49) which was higher than the r table (.361). Then, there was a positive significant correlation between students’ motivation in learning Englis...

Exploring Teachers’ Perception Toward Their Professionalism in Teaching English

English Education Journal, 2020

This study is intended to explore the teachers' perception toward their professional development in teaching English at senior high schools in Bireuen. This study employs a qualitative design in collecting and analyzing the data.To collect the data, 30 English teachers of 146 English teachers in Kabupaten Bireuen were randomly chosen as the participants. A set of Likert Scale questionnaires was given to 30 teachers and 10 of the teachers were interviewed by using a guided interview to explore the general perception about the teachers' perception toward their professional development and their effort to improve their professionalism in teaching English. The finding revealed that the English teachers in Kabupaten Bireuen presumed themselves as professionals in doing their occupation. It is due to their perception that they accomplished the four pre-requirement competencies namely pedagogical, social, personal, and professional. They improved pedagogical competence by collecting teaching materials from the internet, books, and their seniors and learning about new teaching methods. They improved their competence by building a good relationship with students, parents, and school stakeholders.The teachers improved their professional competence by joining the forum of subject matter teacher (MGMP), attending education seminars, training, and workshops, and they improved the competence by behaving with good characters.

Choosing Teaching English as a Profession in Primary Education Contexts [Elegir enseñar inglés como profesión e contextos de Educación Primaria]


Abstract: The main aim of this study was to examine the most relevant motivating factors (i.e. intrinsic, extrinsic and altruistic) influencing pre-service English school teachers to choose teaching as their profession. A small questionnaire was administered to 73 third-year student teachers at the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB). Results indicate that integrative reasons were the most dominant to choose teaching for both male and female students, followed next by altruistic reasons. Extrinsic reasons such as job security or lengthy holidays seem to have the least impact upon participants’ decision to enter the profession. However, results reveal statistically significant differences across motivational reasons within each category as a function of gender. Findings also indicate that participants show a highly positive self-concept regarding their English proficiency. This latter affective variable was found to be positively correlated with participants’ mastery of oral ski...

Pre-service teachers’ investments in English and construction of professional identity in the Indonesian context

Studies in English Language and Education

This study explored the pre-service teachers (PSTs) professional identity construction during their teacher education training at a private university in Central Java, Indonesia. It particularly investigated their understanding of the teaching profession and their professional identity, guided by two research questions: 1) what have been the influential aspects of the Indonesian pre-service teachers’ investment in the teaching profession? and 2) what professional identities do the PSTs (re)construct during their teacher education training? A qualitative case study was adopted as the design of this study. Data of this study were collected using an open-ended questionnaire and in-depth semi-structured interviews. Participants of this study are eleven PSTs of a private university in Central Java. The obtained data were analyzed by using the theoretical grounding of situated learning, professional identity, and investments. An interpretive approach and thematic analysis were adopted in ...

The Level of Motivation and Teaching Performance of English Teachers: A Descriptive-Correlational Study

Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal, 2023

Motivation is an unseen indicator that contributes to the teaching performance of a teacher. This study aims to check the level of motivation and teaching performance of the teachers. In this descriptive correlational study, it included 83 English teachers from Compostela, Davao de Oro chosen through random testing. A survey questionnaire was used to determine the level of Motivation and Teaching Performance of the English Teachers respectively through google form (online) and printed survey questionnaire. Correlation was conducted to test if there is significant relationship between Motivation and Teaching Performance, the result was p-value is 0.000 less than 0.05 which is significant and R coefficient is 0.582 which means that there is a moderately positive correlation. The result showed that the level of Motivation of English Teachers is high and the level of teaching performance of English Teachers is very satisfactory. It is concluded that level of motivation among English teachers of Compostela, Davao de Oro is generally high, the level of Teaching Performance among English teachers of Compostela, Davao de Oro is generally very satisfactory and there is a significant relationship between motivation and teaching performance among teachers. The researcher suggests to replicate the study with a larger sample involving teachers from different institutions to gather rich data and more meaningful results.

what Motivates Pre-Service Teachers to become Teachers and Their Perspectives of English Teaching as a Career Option

TEFLIN Journal - A publication on the teaching and learning of English, 2017

Teaching motivation issues are well-researched in several countries. However, these issues have been rarely investigated in the Indonesian context. This study investigated motivational factors that influence pre-service teachers to enter English teacher training and their perspectives of English teaching as a career option. It comprised a survey of 140 pre-service teachers from a teacher training institution in Bali and two semi-structured group interviews. The results suggest that the participants are more influenced by intrinsic and altruistic factors than extrinsic factors. These findings contradict earlier studies of teacher motivation in developing countries and what is generally believed in Indonesia. Moreover, the development of the tourism industry in Bali seems to have a great impact on the participants’ perspectives of English teaching in Bali in particular and in Indonesia in general. Most of those surveyed held positive views of the development of English teaching as a c...

Extrinsic Motivation of English Teacher in Teaching and Learning Process at Sman 4 Kota Solok


This research aimed to analyze teachers’ extrinsic motivation in teaching and learning process. This research was descriptive research. In this research, this research used participant as the sample, the participant of this research was all of English teachers in SMA Negeri 4 Kota Solok. This research, the used three instruments to find the data, they are questionnaire, interview, and field-note. There are some results of this research; it can be concluded that teacher’s extrinsic motivation: first, the participants’ response, they were allowed to work independently, their school environment was conducive and it make them be comfortable. Second, the participants enjoy with their work, they were satisfied with their job, and they have good relationship with their manager and their students. Third, the participants were satisfied with their fringe benefits, they were satisfied with current salary, they had a job in which they could perform to the best their ability, and they would lik...


Teachers’ professional identity development has been receiving increasing attention from teacher educators [1]. However, a relatively small number of studies have addressed the issue of professional identity formation of non-native teachers of English [2]. During the teacher preparation program, the pre-service teachers are continually reconstructing their self identity as well as their professional identity as a result of a variety of university courses and field experiences. Each environment contributes differently to the student-teacher’s construction of knowledge and identity [3]. This study aims at investigating the effect of the pre-service English program on the formation of the professional identity of the student-teachers at the Faculty of Pedagogy at the Lebanese University. Seventeen female participants took part in this study. These student-teachers filled the Professional Identity Survey at the beginning and end of their senior year. Focus group interviews were also used to collect data. Results showed that there was no statistical significance in the difference in means in the pre and post tests although there was a slight increase in the post means. Participants admitted that their enrollment in the pre-service program made them change their mind about the profession of the teacher which they viewed now as more demanding and challenging. This small convenient sample of participants could be a limitation to this study. More research is recommended to explore the formation of the teacher identity of non-native English speaking student-teachers. Keywords: Identity formation, professional identity, pre-service teachers, teacher preparation program, elementary cycles

Pre-service English Language Teachers in terms of Their Orientations of Motivation in Turkey’s Context


This paper seeks to investigate motivational orientations of Turkish prospective (pre-service) English language teachers in a descriptive way. In a state university in Turkey, 35 male and 90 female pre-service English language teachers participated in the study. These participants were 38 freshmen, 69 junior, and 18 senior students. A motivation scale adapted from Gobel and Mori (2006) was administered to the participants. The results showed that pre-service English language teachers have a high level of the intrinsic, integrative, and instrumental motivational orientations for learning English except the extrinsic one. Moreover, although the female participants displayed higher motivation than their male counterparts, the difference was not found robust enough excluding the intrinsic motivation. Moreover, it was obtained that the motivation levels of learners showed fluctuations in the course of time, which is congruent with previous studies. Lastly, the findings were further inter...


International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 2022

This study explores how English Language teachers in primary school construct their professional identities (PI) as English teachers. Teacher interview was uses as a data gathering tools for the study. Accordingly, ten English language teachers who were teaching English in upper primary schools were interviewed to collect data needed. The results of the interview data reveal that former English as FLT willingness to help students learn well, good teaching skills, students' engagement, the understanding that schools as a safe learning environment, and teacher confidence and competence were honored by EFL to construct their profession identities. Similarly, teachers' commitment, sense of appreciation and self-understanding, sense of connectedness, and imaging future career were also honored to develop teacher professional identity. The teacher interview data imply that the English teachers are required to professionally develop the willingness to help students learn well, to develop the motivation needed to engage students to increase their classroom practices. Based on the findings of the study, it was suggested that UPSET is also required to get further development programs so that they develop their knowledge and pedagogic skills needed to create a safe learning environment and to their increase confidence and competence needed to teach this grade level students.