pH en saliva total en pacientes con enfermedad periodontal del Servicio de Periodoncia de la Facultad de Odontología de la UNMSM (original) (raw)
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El Ph salival como indicador de alteraciones en los tejidos periodontales
Revista de la Facultad de Odontología
Introducción: Considerando que importantes estudios epidemiológicos demuestran la alta prevalencia de la enfermedad periodontal crece el interés por conocer las primeras evidencias de ésta patología y determinar los factores de riesgo que inciden en su desarrollo. Como los medios de diagnóstico usuales para ésta enfermedad no logran aún predecir la destrucción periodontal en cada individuo sería importante su detección clínica en los estados iniciales de la lesión a través de un indicador de fácil acceso y lectura que permita conocer precozmente zonas afectadas o de riesgo inminente para implementar tratamientos específicos o estrategias de prevención. Conociendo la estrecha relación e influencia de la saliva en la formación de la placa bacteriana, así como su importancia en la homeostasis de la cavidad bucal, es posible que el estudio detallado de éste fluido orgánico, a través de uno de sus valores como es el Ph, pueda agregar información significativa a los conocimientos buscados...
Cambios en el flujo de pH salival de individuos consumidores de chimó
Saliva is a complex secretion which helps in maintaining the homeostasis of the oral cavity. It contains 99.5% of water and its pH oscillates between 6.5 and 7.5. A large quantity of substances is dispersed in it. The human being secretes 1 to 1.5 liters of saliva daily, with an average speed of 0.25 to 0.35 ml/minute at basal conditions, with some variations depending on the nervous stimulation and the circadian cycle. The intake of some substances as the "chimó", which has stimulating properties on the central nervous system, could affect the saliva secretion under usual conditions. In order to evaluate the effect of chimó over the salivary pH and flow, and make a projection of its consequences on oral health, measurements of these characteristics were developed to saliva samples from chimó consumers and not consumers. A raise of 84.85% was observed for salivary flow in consumer group over not consumers, with no significant differences in the pH values. Then, it could be suggested that chimó stimulates salivary secretion with a parasympathetic-like response exhibiting the efficiency of intrinsic mechanisms to stabilize the intraoral pH.
Introduction: Due to the university demands dental students are subjected to highly stressful situations where their physical and mental health are compromised. This study aims to describe the levels of academic stress and states of salivary pH. Objective: To relate the level of academic stress and the state of salivary pH in dental students of the Catholic University of Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo in the province of Chiclayo, 2015. Materials and Methods: all students of the School of Dentistry of the Catholic University of Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo that met the selection criteria. They took saliva samples in a space of 30 seconds per student, these being taken to the laboratory where they were evaluated with HACH LANGE® pH meter giving the state of salivary pH of each sample; followed DES30 assessment questionnaire academic stress of 34 items and was filled in a space of 15 minutes was applied collectively. Each student was identified by a code assigned when filling out the survey and placed in their saliva sample. Data analysis of this project was conducted using statistical test Analysis Co-Co-Relational Relationship or with a confidence level of 95%, to find the relationship between the level of academic stress and salivary pH in the dental students of the Catholic University of Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo. Results: no statistically significant relationship between the level of academic stress and salivary pH was obtained as a result.
Objectives: For years, periodontal disease diagnosis was based on clinical parameters, these conventional clinical parameters measure the result of the disease and the amount of tissue that has been damaged, however, provide no information about the activity, progression of disease and response to treatment. The host response to periodontal disease include the release of different enzymes, some of which relate to injury and tissue damage as the enzyme Alanine aminotransferase (ALT). The purpose of this study was to compare the levels of the enzyme ALT in stimulated saliva from healthy patients with periodontal disease as well as before and after periodontal treatment in order to find a biomarker for periodontal disease. Design: The study group consisted of 40 subjects, 20 with gingivitis and 20 periodontitis. The control group consisted of 20 healthy subjects. Stimulated saliva was collected with Paraffin technique of both groups in sterile tubes and ALT concentration determined through the spectrophotometer before and after periodontal therapy, the latter in the study group. Likewise Periodontal disease was determined based on clinical parameters such as the Oral Hygiene Index O leary, gingival bleeding index, probing depth and clinical adherence level. Results: The results showed statistically significant differences in ALT levels in the study group specifically for Periodontitis group (p <0.001). Similarly, the enzyme ALT levels decreased after periodontal therapy (p <0.001). Conclusions: Based on these results it can be concluded that the enzyme ALT levels in stimulated saliva can be considered a biomarker for periodontal disease and the evaluation of periodontal therapy
The main objective of this study was to determine if orthodontic fixed appliances affect salivary flow and viscosity in odontology faculty students of Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. The research had an analytical, longitudinal and prospective. The sample was compound by 24 students per group (experimental and control group). First group with orthodontic appliances and second without orthodontic appliances, selected based on exclusion and inclusion criteria. Saliva samples were taken at the beginning and the end of 30 days after used of orthodontic appliances to measure salivary viscosity (to carry on the measure it was used INVERTED CANON-FENSKE Oswaltd viscometer) and salivary flow (It just was calculated unstimulated saliva produced in 5 minutes). It was found that exist an increase of salivary flow in students that used orthodontic appliances, 0.54 ml/min at the beginning and 0.74 at the end of the usage month, with statistical significance (P=0) in the T-student test for related samples; also it was discovered a decrease of salivary flow in student that used orthodontic appliances, 1.70 cp at the beginning and 1.21 cp at the end of the usage month, with statistical significance (P=0.02) in Wilcoxon test. In conclusion, there is an influence of orthodontic fixed appliances in salivary flow and viscosity of students, and the other hand it is noted that doesn't exist relation between salivary viscosity and flow variables in both groups.