The Tactical Networking Environment : Observations and Lessons Learned (original) (raw)
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: The Joint Tactical Information Display System (JTIDS) is a multiservice acquisition program being led by the US Air Force. JTIDS is designed to provide secure transmission of position, target track, and voice data between host terminals in a manner that is transparent to the user. The user or host terminal is any system which orignates or receives digitized tactical information transmitted over the JTIDS secure radio links. The system was originially designed to provide communication between F-15 and Advance Warning and Control System (AWACS) aircraft and Combat Reporting Centers (CRC). The US Army recognized the potential for improved communication between Air Force and Army Air Defense Artillary (ADA) units, and within ADA units, and became part of the program well into the development process. The Army host terminals were to be TSQ-73s at the brigade and battalion levels for the HAWK fire units, the Platoon Command P9st (PCP) at the batteries, and the PATRIOT missile system.
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