Critical Legal Studies Politik Etis Terhadap Mahar Politik Dalam Pembaharuan Hukum Pidana (original) (raw)

Delik Politik Dalam Hukum Pidana Indonesia


According to Indonesian penal law, an act is considered to be a criminal act based on the principle of legality. Problem arise when political crime is associated with the principle of legality, that said problem is related to the definition of political crime that is not stipulated in any of statutory provisions and/or regulations in Indonesia. This legal research aims to answer two legal problems raised by the Author, those are: Firstly, to determine the parameter of political crime in Indonesia. Secondly, to elaborate on the projection on how political crime should be stipulated in the future. The research in this study used normative legal research in order to find answers for legal problems elaborated by the Author. Secondary data collection is supported by some approaches, those are statutory approach, conceptual approach as well as comparative approach. Those aforementioned shall be constructed qualitatively in order to reach the conclusion using deductive and inductive method alternatively.

Kebijakan Pidana Mati Dalam Rkuhp Ditinjau Dari Aspek Politik Hukum Dan Ham

Arena Hukum, 2018

The confl icts between groups to abolish and retains the death penalty seek to be mediated by a death penalty moderation model contained in the Draft of Criminal Code (RKUHP) currently discussed by the House of the Representatives (DPR) and the Government. This article is a normative juridical research using statute, conceptual and philosophical approach. The results showed that the death penalty policy in RKUHP is in accordance with the national legal policy both permanent and temporary. The model of death penalty policy adopted by RKUHP is deemed not to be contradictory to Human Rights because although it does not abolish the death penalty, RKUHP places death penalty in the formulation as a special criminal punishment and is threatened alternatively.

Hubungan Antara Hukum dan Etika dalam Politik Hukum di Indonesia (Membaca Pancasila sebagai Sumber Nilai dan Sumber Etik)

Pena Justisia: Media Komunikasi dan Kajian Hukum

The purpose of the Indonesian state is contained in the Constitution of 1945 paragraph IV. Achieving the goals together should be designed, formulated and agreed with all the elements of the nation in the teacher called legal politics. The establishment of legal instruments is the final activity of public policy which includes the legislation process. Applied ethics which is a branch of philosophy that discusses about human behavior, in this paper is human in the state. The purpose of this page is to know the relationship between law and how and how to find law and ethics in the Political Law in Indonesia. The legal political formulation was 15 years after independence through the TAP MPRS. 2 of 1960 on the outline of the National Development Plan of the Universe Planning was then changed to State Policy Guidelines (GBHN) which renewed for 5 (five) years. Meanwhile, the relationship between ethics and law can be seen from 3 (three) dimensions, namely the dimension of substance and c...

(De)Legitimasi Hukuman Pidana Mati: Sebuah Pertimbangan Etis

EPIGRAPHE: Jurnal Teologi dan Pelayanan Kristiani, 2019

The death penalty is always in controversy. Ethical considerations in terms of ethics, principle, and criminality always produce two strong opinions, which are the pros and cons. The two opposing views have strong arguments and considerations concerning the maximum punishment for particular crimes. Countries in the world divided into two acts. Some chose the moratorium option, but there were also those who continued to defend it. This article describes that there are indeed substantive difficulties in an attempt to legitimize or delegitimize the death penalty. These difficulties are presented and analyzed in this paper by using theological approaches, especially in a legal perspective, the right to human life and biblical orders not to kill. The descriptive analysis was carried out by utilizing a literature review and research results.AbstrakHukuman mati selalu di dalam kontroversi. Pertimbangan moral dalam hal etika, azasi dan pidana selalu menghasilkan dua kubu pendapat yang sama-...

Dari Mahar Politik Hingga Mental Politik

Mizan; Jurnal Ilmu Syariah, FAI Universitas Ibn Khaldun (UIKA) BOGOR, 2017

Abstract: The simultaneous elections in Indonesia led to a number of corrupt behaviors such as political dowries, transactional mental politics, and others that indicate the rampant corruption in the millennial era. All political transactions or other modes that can harm the state's finances and economy, because profitable personally, or others, or corporations are corrupt. Islam views corruption as an illegitimate crime, and the perpetrators will be held accountable in the Akherat. In the perspective of Positive Law, corruption is a crime that must be proven and accounted for by the perpetrators. If found guilty, the perpetrator shall be punished in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Keywords: Corruption, Political Affairs, Mental Transactional Politics, Millennial Era, Islamic Law, and Positive Law Abstrak: Pilkada serentak di Indonesia memunculkan sejumlah perilaku koruptif seperti mahar politik, mental politik transaksional, dan lain-lain yang mengindikasikan maraknya korupsi di era millennial. Semua transaksi politis atau modus lain yang dapat merugikan keuangan dan perekonomian negara, karena menguntungkan pribadi, atau orang lain, atau korporasi adalah korupsi. Islam memandang korupsi sebagai tindak pidana yang haram, dan pelakunya akan dimintai pertanggungjawaban di akherat. Dalam perspektif Hukum Positif, korupsi adalah tindak pidana yang harus dibuktikan dan dipertanggungjawabkan oleh pelakunya. Jika terbukti bersalah, pelakunya harus dihukum sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Kata Kunci: Korupsi, Mahar Politik, Mental Politik Transaksional, Era Millennial, Hukum Islam, dan Hukum Positif

Relevansi Hukum Pidana Adat Dalam Pembaharuan Hukum Pidana di Indonesia

Relevansi Hukum Pidana Adat Dalam Pembaharuan Hukum Pidana di Indonesia, 2022

Penelitian ini mengkaji dua pokok persoalan utama. Pertama, relevansi Hukum Pidana Adat sebagai kontribusi dalam pembaharuan Hukum Pidana di Indonesia. Kedua, penerapan hukum dalam penyelesaian tindak pidana berdasarkan Hukum Pidana Adat di Suku Tengger. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kontribusi Hukum Pidana Adat, berupa penyelesaian perkara di luar pengadilan atau mediasi penal yang dilakukan masyarakat atau masyarakat adat secara turun temurun, sudah relevan dengan pembaharuan Hukum Pidana di Indonesia. Praktik semacam ini selaras dengan nilai dan cita-cita Bangsa Indonesia, sesuai dengan sila keempat Pancasila sebagai dasar negara. Selain itu selaras dengan ide keseimbangan Hukum Pidana, teori sifat melawan hukum, pemenuhan kewajiban adat serta perluasan asas legalitas. Masyarakat Adat Suku Tengger menggunakan mediasi penal sebagai alternatif pertama dalam menyelesaikan perselisihan atau tindak pidana yang terjadi pada daerah mereka, kemudian menyerahkan kepada pihak yangberwajib ketika mediasi penal tidak mencapai kesepakatan yang adil.

Peran Politik Hukum Dalam Rangka Revitalisasi Nilai-Nilai Pancasila Sebagai Philosopische Grondslag

i-WIN Library Perpustakaan Internasional Waqaf Illmu Nusantara, 2023

Paradigma terbentuknya Pancasila, lahir dari sebuah perumusan yang merupakan hasil dari proses dialektika yang terjadi dalam sidang pertama Badan Penyelidik Usaha-usaha Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia (BPUPKI) ketika masuk dalam pembahasan tentang dasar dari berdirinya Negara Indonesia. Dalam pembahasan ini juga para perumus yang termasuk dalam anggota BPUPKI menggali nilai-nilai yang nantinya akan tumbuh hidup dan berkembang di masyarakat. Nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam Pancasila tidak terlepas dari peran politik hukum sebagai struktur paradigma masyarakat untuk mencapai tujuan. Mengutip pendapat Ahli yakni Satjipto Raharjo bahwa politik hukum sebagai aktivitas memilih dan cara yang hendak dipakai untuk mencapai suatu tujuan sosial dan hukum tertentu dalam masyarakat

Esai Etika Politik

1. aristotle, Politics, terjmh. H. rackham (Cambridge: Harvard university press, 1959), buku 1 bab 2 baris 1252b, hlm. 8-9.