A Green Micro-Algal Growth Model developed in the Activated Sludge Modeling Framework (original) (raw)

Modeling green microalgal growth, nutrient uptake and storage in the ASM framework


Recent research focuses on the development of cost-effective ways to recover nutrients, energy and fresh water from wastewater. Microalgal photobioreactors (PBRs) coupled with wastewater treatment processes offer an opportunity for efficient resource recovery. Several models with different complexities have been developed to simulate microalgal growth. However, none of these models can effectively describe all the relevant processes when microalgal growth is coupled to nutrient removal and recovery from wastewaters. We present a novel consensus model (ASM-A) developed in the activated sludge modelling (ASM) framework to predict photoautotrophic growth, nutrient uptake and storage, as well as heterotrophic microalgal growth, and decay of mixed green microalgae. A two-step model evaluation was carried out using independent data obtained in a 24-L sequenced batch PBR. Three hypothesis were answered comprising (I) Does culture history or substrate availability influence parameter values...

Microalgae Activated Sludge: Process Modelling and Optimization

Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings, 2017

This work deals with steady-state simulation study of a process formed by a microalgae-bacteria photobioreactor (PBR) in an activated sludge configuration. In particular, the process behavior in terms of variations in the sludge retention time and carbon dioxide (CO 2) injected is presented. The optimization is done by considering the total PBR volume as two volumes in series, and aiming for the minimal substrate concentration in the effluent, for a given external light and CO 2 injected. Results suggest that it is possible to obtain an optimum volume distribution of the process that gives a lower effluent substrate concentration compared to the same process using a single volume.

Model-based evaluation of algal-bacterial systems for sewage treatment

journal of water process and engineering, 2020

Many papers on wastewater treatment by algal-bacterial systems have been published. Current reactor models cannot model the simultaneous removal of organic matter, ammonium and phosphate from an algal-bacterial reactor. Because a powerful theoretical analysis platform is not available, how the consortia function in bio-reactors is still not clear. In this study, the activated sludge model NO.3 was extended with a modified algal biokinetics for modeling wastewater treatment by algal-bacterial consortia. The applied model was calibrated and verified by experiments. The model shows that phosphate accumulating organisms (PAOs) and nitrifying bacteria consumed over 80% of phosphate and 60% of ammonium under different aeration conditions, respectively, whereas algae played a minor role in removing nutrients. In addition, the model shows that maintaining alkalinity at 1 mol/m 3 (100 mg/L CaCO 3) can significantly promote nutrient removal by increasing activities of PAOs and nitrifying bacteria, despite that algae consume less nutrients. Light intensity decreased quickly in suspended algal-bacterial consortia, which was accurately modelled. Compared with algae, bacteria played a more significant role in reducing light intensity. A defined light utilization efficiency decreased by 50% when doubling biomass concentration, showing that concentrated biomass should not be applied at large-scale when artificial illumination is applied. The model predicts that efficient wastewater treatment by algal-bacterial consortia at a biomass concentration of approximately 1 g/L can be achieved in eight hours under non-aerated conditions. This study proved that biological wastewater treatment by algal-bacterial consortia can be modeled, while heterotrophic bacteria, nitrifying bacteria, PAOs and algae simultaneously function in the consortia. The model can be a useful tool to study and optimize algal-bacterial reactors.

A Dynamic Model for Microalgae-Bacteria Aggregates Used for Wastewater Treatment

A dynamic model based on the activated sludge model 1 (ASM1) of IWA, complemented with a microalgal population and its associated processes, is proposed. The critical parameters of the model are fitted to experimental data from batch experiments inoculated with microalgae-bacteria aggregates from a stable high-rate algal pond laboratory bioreactor and fed with real wastewater from a nearby WWTP. The results show a good fit with experimental data, when the model uses a Contois law for the COD uptake rate and Monod kinetics for the other rates. The model considers bacterial nitrification and denitrification, as well as ammonia and nitrate uptake by the microalgae.

A macromodel for outdoor algal mass production

Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 1990

A model describing growth of an outdoor algal (Spirulina platensis) culture was developed. The model can simulate biomass production, pH, growth rate, oxygen evolution, and C 0 2 fixation rate. It was calibrated and validated against experimental data obtained by a novel automatic data loggedcontroller instrumentation which can number most vital parameters of the culture including on line estimation of oxygen production rate (OPR). The importance of understanding light distribution through the pond and its effects on the photosynthesis and respiration processes are emphasized. A maximum yield of about 38 g day-' m-2 under optimal conditions is predicted. The present model can also be a useful tool for optimization of algal mass production sites.

Growth of an Indigenous Algal Consortium on Anaerobically Digested Municipal Sludge Centrate: Photobioreactor Performance and Modeling

BioEnergy Research, 2014

Centrate from dewatering anaerobically digested municipal sludge is a particular concern in wastewater treatment, as it contains high ammonia concentrations and is often recycled to the head of the plant, reducing efficiency. Algae have the potential to remove ammonia from this wastewater, while producing biomass that can be used as an energy feedstock. In this research, an indigenous algal consortium was cultivated on municipal sludge centrate in a semi-continuous photobioreactor under natural light conditions. The goals of this research were to (1) enrich an algal consortium capable of growth on sludge centrate; (2) determine the main species of the consortium;(3) measure biomass, lipid production, and nutrient removal rates; and (4) develop a simple model to describe the system. The results suggested that Chlorella sp. was the dominant species (95 %) in the consortium. Mean biomass productivity was 5.2 g m −2 day −1 , which was relatively high compared with other studies carried out with high ammonia strength wastewaters. Lipid production was low, comprising only 10 % of total biomass. The algal consortium effectively removed nutrients from the centrate, with observed mean removal efficiencies for total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and chemical oxygen demand of 65, 72, and 8 %, respectively. A simple irradiance-based model was developed from the fundamental Michaelis-Menten photosynthesis-irradiance (PI) response for photosynthetic organisms. A good fit to the experimental data was obtained with the irradiance-based model (R 2 =0.96), indicating that the system was light limited. The results show that biomass production can be predicted based on irradiance only.

Analysis of green algal growth via dynamic model simulation and process optimisation

Biotechnology and bioengineering, 2015

Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a green microalga with the potential to generate sustainable biofuels for the future. Process simulation models are required to predict the impact of laboratory-scale growth experiments on future scaled-up system operation. Two dynamic models were constructed to simulate C. reinhardtii photo-autotrophic and photo-mixotrophic growth. A novel parameter estimation methodology was applied to determine the values of key parameters in both models, which were then verified using experimental results. The photo-mixotrophic model was used to accurately predict C. reinhardtii growth under different light intensities and in different photobioreactor configurations. The optimal dissolved CO2 concentration for C. reinhardtii photo-autotrophic growth was determined to be 0.0643 g · L(-1) , and the optimal light intensity for algal growth was 47 W · m(-2) . Sensitivity analysis revealed that the primary factor limiting C. reinhardtii growth was its intrinsic cell decay...

BIO_ALGAE 2: improved model of microalgae and bacteria consortia for wastewater treatment

Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019

A new set up of the integral mechanistic BIO_ALGAE model that describes the complex interactions in mixed algal-bacterial systems was developed to overcome some restrictions of the model. BIO_ALGAE 2 includes new sub-models that take into account the variation of microalgae and bacteria performance as a function of culture conditions prevailing in microalgae cultures (pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen) over daily and seasonal cycles and the implementation of on-demand dioxide carbon injection for pH control. Moreover, another aim of this work was to study a correlation between the mass transfer coefficient and the hydrodynamics of reactor. The model was calibrated using real data from a laboratory reactor fed with real wastewater. Moreover, the model was used to simulate daily variations of different components in the pond (dissolved oxygen, pH, and CO 2 injection) and to predict microalgae (X ALG) and bacteria (X H) proportions and to estimate daily biomass production (C b). The effect of CO 2 injection and the influence of wastewater composition on treatment performance were investigated through practical study cases. X ALG decreased by 38%, and X H increased by 35% with respect to the system under pH control while microalgae and bacteria proportions are completely different as a function of influent wastewater composition. Model simulations have indicated that C b production (~100 gTSS m −3 day −1 for manure and centrate) resulted lower than C b production obtained using primary influent wastewater (155 gTSS m −3 day −1).