Disease of the urinary system of commonly kept rodents: Diagnosis and treatment (original) (raw)

Proliferative and Nonproliferative Lesions of the Rat and Mouse Respiratory Tract

Toxicologic Pathology, 2009

The INHAND Project (International Harmonization of Nomenclature and Diagnostic Criteria for Lesions in Rats and Mice) is a joint initiative of the Societies of Toxicologic Pathology from Europe (ESTP), Great Britain (BSTP), Japan (JSTP) and North America (STP) to develop an internationally-accepted nomenclature for proliferative and non-proliferative lesions in laboratory animals. The purpose of this publication is to provide a standardized nomenclature for classifying microscopic lesions observed in the respiratory tract of laboratory rats and mice, with color photomicrographs illustrating examples of some lesions. The standardized nomenclature presented in this document is also available electronically on the inter-net (http://www.goreni.org/). Sources of material included histopathology databases from government, academia, and industrial laboratories throughout the world. Content includes spontaneous developmental and aging lesions as well as lesions induced by exposure to test m...

Importance of urinalysis in veterinary practice – A review

Urinalysis is a remarkable tool that can reveal many of the diseases that could go unnoticed and undiagnosed because they generally do not produce striking signs or symptoms. Examples include diabetes mellitus, various forms of glomerulonephritis, and chronic urinary tract infections. Observing the colour, transparency, microscopic and chemical characteristics of urine and urinary sediments coupled with microbial culture and sensitivity test is likely to identify majority of the lower urinary tract disorders in domestic animals. Urinalysis though being a readily available and an inexpensive tool for the diagnosis and management of numerous urinary tract abnormalities, it is still a much neglected facet in veterinary medicine. This review is aimed at highlighting the various beneficial aspects of urinalysis which is an indispensable diagnostic tool in veterinary practice.

Lower urinary tract lithiasis of cats in Algeria: Clinical and epidemiologic features

Veterinary World, 2020

Aim: This study aims to describe the clinical symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of urolithiasis of the lower urinary tract and to determine the main risk factors involved in the occurrence of urinary lithiasis in cats in Algeria from 2016 to 2018. Materials and Methods: During the study period, 465 cats were examined and 32 cases of urolithiases were selected and investigated by conducting physical examinations, blood analyses, urinalysis, X-ray radiography, and ultrasonography. Parameters such as breed, age, or sex were studied and reported in a farm return to analyze risk factors involved in the formation of lower urinary urolithiasis. Results: The most clinically relevant symptoms of urolithiasis observed in cats were dysuria, pollakiuria, hematuria, and stranguria. Urinalysis and blood analysis revealed a significant presence of urinary crystals and acute kidney failure in nine cats. The ultrasonography and radiography confirmed the diagnosis of urolithiasis with the incidence ...


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Critical issues in chronic prostatitis

Archivio Italiano Di Urologia Andrologia Organo Ufficiale Di Societa Italiana Di Ecografia Urologica E Nefrologica Associazione Ricerche in Urologia, 2010