Kureyşler Barajı Kurtarma Kazıları 2015-2016 Yılları Mezar Tipleri ve Ölüm Uygulamaları/Kureyşler Dam Rescue Excavations 2015-2016 Grave Types and Death Practices (original) (raw)
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978-625-7799-18-8, 2020
An irrigation dam project was carried out by DSI at the village of Kureyşler, Aslanapa district, Kütahya province and the construction has been completed. In this area, there are Höyüktepe, Attepe Settlement, Dereköy Necropolis and Almacık Bridge, which are registered as Grade 1 protected Archaeological Sites. Since the those archaeological sites are located in the dam lake basin, studies have been carried out by Kütahya Museum Directorate under the responsibility of Museum expert Archaeologist (MA) Serdar ÜNAN for three years. There is an avarage of 3 km distance between Höyüktepe, Attepe Settlement and Dereköy Necropolis and the studies were conducted between 2014 and 2016. The borders of Höyüktepe were determined as 200 m in east-west and north-south directions, and it was determined to be a medium sized mound which is the first place the Kureyşler Dam Rescue Excavation was started. Attepe Settlement is located northeast of Kureyşler village, approximately 3 km east of Höyüktepe. Dereköy Necropolis is located in Dere village, Kızlar Yeri locality. The first rescue excavation in this area was carried out in 2013 by Kütahya Museum Directorate. Field work was carried out for 6 mounths during the 2015 excavation season at three areas, namely Höyüktepe, Attepe Settlement and Dereköy Necropolis. 56 squares, each measuring 10.00x10.00m, at Höyüktepe, 31 squares at Attape and 7 at Dereköy were excavated. In the 2016 excavation season, it was possible to work for three months. 23 squares were studied at Höyüktepe and 1 square at Attepe. At Höyüktepe settlement; four different periods: Early Bronze Age, Middle Bronze Age, Hellenistic and Late Roman Periods; at Attepe Settlement Late Eastern Roman Period settlement dated to 10-11st century AD were identified. Marble sarcophagi of secondary use dating to the Roman Imperial Period and tombs dating to the Late Eastern Roman Period (10-11st century AD) were unearthed at Dereköy Necropolis. The results of the archaeological excavations conducted at the Höyüktepe Settlement and the Dereköy Necropolis in 2014 were immediately published in 2015 in the book titled “Kütahya, Kureyşler Dam Rescue Excavations 2014”1. This book titled “Kütahya, Kureyşler Dam Rescue Excavations 2015-2016” has been prepared for publication, this is the continuation of the mentioned book. This book contains the articles about these subjects: the Early Bronze Age II architecture, pottery, metallurgical finds, seals, bone tools, figurines, terracotta brushes, textile group, chipped and ground stones of Höyüktepe settlemet; and Middle Bronze Age architecture, pottery and small finds of the Höyüktepe Settlement. Also there are articles about the Late Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Period, its architecture, coins, metal artifacts, lead seals. Architecture and metal finds of Attepe Settlement are worth mentioning. The articles that evaluate findings of Höyüktepe, Attepe settlements and Dereköy Necropolis as a whole are about the tomb types and death practices, glass ware-, pottery, metal finds, archaeobotanical finds, anthropological remains, faunal studies. Beside these there are articles about Paleolithic researches, georadar, metal analyses, paleoclimatology and geomorphological researches. The findings were reflected in the studies by using carbon 14 age determination and dendrochronology methods within the scope of archaeometry. Dating results are also included in related articles. This book includes articles particularly by Serdar ÜNAN, who took the scientific responsibility of the Kureyşler Dam Rescue Excavations, scientific consultants, archaelogists and academics working in different universities in Turkey and the World who participated and contributed to the Kureyşler Rescue Excavations.
Kureyşler Barajı Kurtarma Kazıları 2015 / Kureyşler Dam Rescue Excavations 2015
The 2015 season excavations carried out under of Kureyşler Dam Rescue Excavations were performed at Höyüktepe, Attepe settlement and Dereköy Necropolis located 2km away from each other. As a continuation of the 35 squares excavated at Höyüktepe, 2 squares excavated at Attepe Settlement, 7 squares excavated at Dereköy Necropolis during 2014 year in total and the discovered architectural remains and findings dated to Early Bronze Age and Late East Roman Periods at Höyüktepe, and dated to Early and Late East Roman Periods at Attepe Settlement and Dereköy Necropolis also. In 2015 year, new squares with a size of 10.00x10.00 m were opened at the sites comprising 54 squares at Höyüktepe, 29 squares at Attepe Settlement and as for 6 squares at Dereköy Necropolis. Middle Bronze Age architectural remains and findings were discovered for the first time during 2015 season at squares E-17, G-22, H-22, H-23, J-22, M-19, M-24 located on the eastern and southern parts of the mound. This indicates that there is also a Middle Bronze Age layer at Höyüktepe in addition to the Early Bronze Age and Late East Roman Periods. A Late East Roman settlement that leans to the slope was discovered and on the west of this settlement a basilica dated to the Early East Roman Period was unearthed. The borders of the architectural structure around the vaulted-grave at Dereköy Necropolis were extended and new graves were discovered in the area.
978-625-7799-18-8, 2020
An irrigation dam project was carried out by DSI at the village of Kureyşler, Aslanapa district, Kütahya province and the construction has been completed. In this area, there are Höyüktepe, Attepe Settlement, Dereköy Necropolis and Almacık Bridge, which are registered as Grade 1 protected Archaeological Sites. Since the those archaeological sites are located in the dam lake basin, studies have been carried out by Kütahya Museum Directorate under the responsibility of Museum expert Archaeologist (MA) Serdar ÜNAN for three years. There is an avarage of 3 km distance between Höyüktepe, Attepe Settlement and Dereköy Necropolis and the studies were conducted between 2014 and 2016. The borders of Höyüktepe were determined as 200 m in east-west and north-south directions, and it was determined to be a medium sized mound which is the first place the Kureyşler Dam Rescue Excavation was started. Attepe Settlement is located northeast of Kureyşler village, approximately 3 km east of Höyüktepe. Dereköy Necropolis is located in Dere village, Kızlar Yeri locality. The first rescue excavation in this area was carried out in 2013 by Kütahya Museum Directorate. Field work was carried out for 6 mounths during the 2015 excavation season at three areas, namely Höyüktepe, Attepe Settlement and Dereköy Necropolis. 56 squares, each measuring 10.00x10.00m, at Höyüktepe, 31 squares at Attape and 7 at Dereköy were excavated. In the 2016 excavation season, it was possible to work for three months. 23 squares were studied at Höyüktepe and 1 square at Attepe. At Höyüktepe settlement; four different periods: Early Bronze Age, Middle Bronze Age, Hellenistic and Late Roman Periods; at Attepe Settlement Late Eastern Roman Period settlement dated to 10 11st century AD were identified. Marble sarcophagi of secondary use dating to the Roman Imperial Period and tombs dating to the Late Eastern Roman Period (10-11st century AD) were unearthed at Dereköy Necropolis. The results of the archaeological excavations conducted at the Höyüktepe Settlement and the Dereköy Necropolis in 2014 were immediately published in 2015 in the book titled “Kütahya, Kureyşler Dam Rescue Excavations 2014”. This book titled “Kütahya, Kureyşler Dam Rescue Excavations 2015-2016” has been prepared for publication, this is the continuation of the mentioned book. This book contains the articles about these subjects: the Early Bronze Age II architecture, pottery, metallurgical finds, seals, bone tools, figurines, terracotta brushes, textile group, chipped and ground stones of Höyüktepe settlemet; and Middle Bronze Age architecture, pottery and small finds of the Höyüktepe Settlement. Also there are articles about the Late Eastern Roman (Byzantine) Period, its architecture, coins, metal artifacts, lead seals. Architecture and metal finds of Attepe Settlement are worth mentioning. The articles that evaluate findings of Höyüktepe, Attepe settlements and Dereköy Necropolis as a whole are about the tomb types and death practices, glass ware, pottery, metal finds, archaeobotanical finds, anthropological remains, faunal studies. Beside these there are articles about Paleolithic researches, georadar, metal analyses, paleoclimatology and geomorphological researches. The findings were reflected in the studies by using carbon 14 age determination and dendrochronology methods within the scope of archaeometry. Dating results are also included in related articles. This book includes articles particularly by Serdar ÜNAN, who took the scientific responsibility of the Kureyşler Dam Rescue Excavations, scientific consultants, archaelogists and academics working in different universities in Turkey and the World who participated and contributed to the Kureyşler Rescue Excavations.
Kütahya Kureyşler Barajı Kurtarma Kazıları 2016-2016, 2020
During the salvage excavation at Höyüktepe, Attepe settlement and Dereköy Necropolis area which will remain in the basin of Kureyşler Dam located near the Kureyşler village, Aslanapa district, vilayet of Kütahya, directed by Kütahya Museum in 2015, total number of 35 coins had been unearthed. Dated between 2 nd cent. BC to AD 12 th cent. these coins represented as Hellenistic, Roman Imperial, Byzantine, Eyyubid and Anatolian Seljuks.
978-625-7799-18-8, 2020
In our country, ‘rescue excavation’ is a type of scientific excavation which is supposed to be carried out and documented within certain time limits in line with cultural assets that could reach the present day maintaining its property under the Earth for thousands of years, infrastructure or activities such as energy production. Since the time dimension is one of the most decisive elements of the work in these excavations, where large financial resources are sometimes required, not much result is expected from these excavations except for scientific documentation studies. Comprehensive scientific publications about the results of rescue excavations are rare to be seen in our country. The Kureyşler Dam Rescue Excavations are the main elements that distinguish these excavations from others in the context of the fact that the results of the excavations have been revealed by scientific publications, as well as the fact that an architectural structure has been left behind where these studies can be followed.
Çavdarhisar Barajı Kurtarma Kazısı / Çavdarhisar Dam Rescue Excavations
Çavdarhisar Dam was built on Bedir Brook for irrigation purposes between the years of 1985-1990. Due to the cracks on the body of the dam which occurred in 2016, its water was drained and the body started to be repaired. When some cultural assets showed up in the catchment basin with water drain, an examination started and pottery fragments belonging to Late Eastern Roman Period and Bronze Age were detected. In addition to these pottery fragments, two stone cists were encountered and a rescue excavation was carried out in the catchment basin 26 years after the dam retained water. Thus, an interesting result has been arised about what may happen to the cultural assets which remain behind after the water in a catchment basin is drained. One of the detected cists was dated to Late Eastern Roman Period and the other one was dated to Early Bronze Age III. The earliest tomb finds unearthed with archeological excavation in Kütahya belong to Early Bronze Age II, but these are pottery tombs. On the other hand, cists were detected in Middle Bronze Age beforehand. As a result of Çavdarhisar Dam Rescue Excavation, a cist dated to Early Bronze Age III was detected for the first time. In the scope of this article, rescue excavations carried out in the tombs have been explained and the finds have been dated by comparing with their similars.