UML Diagrams Generator: A New CASE Tool to Construct the Use-Case and Class Diagrams from an Event Table (original) (raw)
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An approach to derive the use case diagrams from an event table
Building the use-case diagram is a very important task since it represents a transition between the requirements and design phases. However, building such diagram is a time consuming process and needs a complete understanding of the requirements. In this paper, we introduce an approach to derive use case diagrams from an event table. This new approach will facilitate and speed the generation process of the use case diagrams. However, this approach will completely depends on the availability of a comprehensive event table which to be built from the available requirements.
A Novel CASE Tool based on Pre-Conceptual Schemas for Automatically Obtaining UML Diagrams
Avances en sistemas e informatica, 2007
Résumé/Abstract Assistance is provided, in software development process, to Analysts in drawing UML diagrams and others by means of CASE tools. However, the task of the Stakeholder discourse understanding, a previous process in diagram drawing, is not supported by traditional CASE tools. In order to complete this task, Natural Language Processing has proposed a new kind of CASE tools, including both natural language interpretation and UML diagrams generation. We introduce, in this paper, UNC- ...
Connection between UML use case diagrams and UML class diagrams: a matrix proposal
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 2023
In recent years, the UML language has been one of the most used to conduct information system analysis and design. Being an object-oriented technique, UML provides a vast set of diagrams, in order to represent the various abstractions of the system, of which the most used are the use-case diagram and the class diagram. Often, in the modelling of less complex systems, only these two diagrams are used, where one represents the functionalities of the system (use case diagram) and the other the static structure of the system (class diagram). However, it is often difficult to make the connection between the two diagrams, and mainly, it is difficult to verify when one matches the other. In order to solve this problem, a matrix is proposed that links the two diagrams, using a case study to verify the utility of the matrix.
Automatically Deriving UML Sequence Diagrams from Use Cases
Use cases are commonly used to structure and document requirements during requirement elicitation while sequence diagrams are often used during the analysis phase to document use cases as objects' interactions. Since creating such sequence diagrams is mostly manual, automated support would provide significant, practical help. Additionally, traceability could be easily established through automated transformation, which could then be used for instance to relate requirements to design. In this paper, we propose an approach and a tool to automatically generate sequence diagrams from use cases while establishing traceability links. We validate our approach with six case studies, where we compare sequence diagrams generated by our tool to the ones devised by experts and trained 4 th year undergraduate students. Results show that sequence diagrams automatically generated by our tool are highly consistent with the ones devised by experts and are also very complete. Results also show that the automatically generated diagrams are far more complete than the ones manually created by students. These encouraging results suggest that our approach and tool would indeed provide significant, practical help to engineers creating (initial) sequence diagrams from use case descriptions.
Resumen-Las herramientas CASE han asistido a los analistas en el trazado de diagramas UML y otros tipos de diagramas para el desarrollo de software. Sin embargo, la tarea previa al trazado de diagramas, que es la comprensión del discurso del interesado, no es soportada por las herramientas CASE tradicionales. Para este fin, el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural propuso un nuevo tipo de herramientas CASE, que incluye tanto interpretación del lenguaje natural como generación de diagramas UML. En este artículo se introduce UNC-Diagramador, una novedosa herramienta CASE para la representación gráfica del discurso del interesado mediante esquemas preconceptuales. UNC-Diagramador también es capaz de transformar automáticamente los esquemas preconceptuales en tres diagramas de UML 2.0. Finalmente, el uso del UNC-Diagramador se demuestra con un ejemplo
Definition of the Criteria for Layout of the UML Use Case Diagrams
Applied Computer Systems, 2019
Nowadays, the topicality and applicability of model-driven development in the object-oriented development approach has increased, so it is important that created models and diagrams display not only the content, but also visually reflect information. Transparent diagram placement that influences work productivity is important for displaying information. Manual layout of diagrams is a time-consuming activity, which can also be ineffective, so in this paper the application of UML use case automatic layout is reviewed. The paper also examines the requirements of use case diagrams and placement criteria, which will serve as a basis for the creation of an automatic use case diagram layout algorithm.
Automatic generation of analysis class diagrams from use case specifications
ArXiv, 2017
In object oriented software development, the analysis modeling is concerned with the task of identifying problem level objects along with the relationships between them from software requirements. The software requirements are usually written in some natural language, and the analysis modeling is normally performed by experienced human analysts. The huge gap between the software requirements which are unstructured texts and analysis models which are usually structured UML diagrams, along with human slip-ups inevitably makes the transformation process error prone. The automation of this process can help in reducing the errors in the transformation. In this paper we propose a tool supported approach for automated transformation of use case specifications documented in English language into analysis class diagrams. The approach works in four steps. It first takes the textual specification of a use case as input, and then using a natural language parser generates type dependencies and p...
Formalization of UML use case diagram-a Z notation based approach
2006 International Conference on Computing & Informatics, 2006
A Unified Modeling Language (UML) [1, 2] use case diagram is a visual tool that provides a way for developers to come to a common understanding with system's end users and domain experts. The behavior of a use case can be specified by describing a flow of events in text for an outsider to understand it easily. The flow of events of a use case is specified in an informal structured text. Therefore, it is not possible to automate the verification of tracking requirements captured in a use case diagram in the design phase. On the other hand, Z is a formal language, which is non-executable, but, a strongly typed specification language. We here propose a structured-expandable format of a use case, which is expressed in Z notation and then represented visually using an Entity-Relationship diagram. Implementation of our approach would bridge the gap between a formal language, which is mathematical and difficult to understand and UML use case diagram that is visual, easy to comprehend and that is used widely to capture requirements. Development of a tool based on this approach will produce a visual representation of a formalized UML use case diagram, from which automated traceability and verification of the design phase can be achieved.
An Effective Approach for Transforming Use Cases Specifications into Class Diagram
The transition from object-oriented software requirements to design is a crucial activity in the software process. Being the most important diagram of the design phase, class diagram combines the presentation of the components that will provide the solution and their relationships. Class diagram requires much focus and effort to be developed. In order to read the use cases specifications written in natural languages and design the class diagram will provide the intended solution, several software researches made great effort in this matter. This paper suggests the use of natural language processing techniques in order to extract information from the use case specifications and translate these information into a class diagram. The approach will identify the classes, how they are related and will provide information about the internal structure of each class.
UML activity diagrams are primarily used to visualise scenarios. The verification of activity diagrams consistency is subsequently needed to identify errors in requirements at the early stage of the development process. The consistency verification is difficult due to a semi-formal nature of activity diagrams. We propose to extend the activity diagram to the new Functional-Structure-Behaviour (FSB) UML diagram to enable automatic verification of consistency of scenarios of the visualized use cases. Moreover the FSB UML diagram enables simultaneous modelling of the functionality, of the structure and of the behaviour of the target system model. Thus the proposed Functional-Structure-Behaviour UML activity diagram enables consistent and complete models to be developed from scenarios. Furthermore the FSB UML activity diagram can be used for automatic generation of complete workflow applications without any manual programming. Streszczenie. Diagramy aktywności UML używane są przede wszystkim do wizualizacji scenariuszy. W celu wyeliminowania błędów w przyszłym systemie niezbędny okazuje się proces weryfikacji tych diagramów UML. Weryfikacja spójności jest jednakże dość złożonym zagadnieniem, gdyż diagramy aktywności nie są formalnym sposobem zapisu wymagań. Proponujemy rozszerzenie diagramów aktywności UML do diagramów nazwanych przez nas diagramami Funkcjonalność-Struktura-Behawioryzm (FSB) UML które umożliwiają automatyzację weryfikacji spójności scenariuszy wizualizowanych przypadków użycia. Co więcej diagram FSB UML umożliwia równoczesne modelowanie funkcjonalności, struktury i zachowania docelowego modelu systemu. Dlatego też zaproponowany diagram aktywności FSB UML umożliwia również opracowywanie kolejnych spójnych i kompletnych modeli na jego podstawie. Ponadto diagram aktywności FSB UML może być wykorzystany do automatyzacji generowania aplikacji typu workflow bez potrzeby ręcznego programowania. Warunki wystarczające do spójnego modelowania diagramów realizacji przypadku użycia z wykorzystaniem ulepszonego diagramu aktywności FSB UML.