Ф. М. Достоевский и мировой кинематограф: диалог культур (F. M. Dostoevsky and The World Cinematography: Dialogue of cultures) (original) (raw)

2021, ТРУДЫ Санкт-Петербургского государственного института культуры 2021 • Том 222 Проблемы художественной антропологии Материалы международной научной конференции «Литературные чтения», посвященной памяти В. Я. Гречнева

Раздел 1 • Способы изображения человека и мира в литературе XIX-XXI веков • Труды Санкт-Петербургского государственного института культуры • 2021 • Marina L. Kupchenko Possible English sources of F. M. Dostoevsky's novel «Crime and Punishment» The problem of crime and punishment has been of concern to mankind since ancient times. In antiquity, it was viewed through the prism of the will of fate, in the tragedies of Shakespeare the psychological aspect of crime was analyzed, at the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries; this problem was sharply actualized and acquired a special shade in connection with the French Revolution and the era of Napoleon. For the first time, the question arose about the possibility of doing good by criminal methods. This question has become the basis of philosophical controversy, contrasting Kant's ethics of the categorical imperative with the utilitarian theory of happiness of as many people as possible in Bentham and the Carlyle's cult of heroes. These discussions are reflected in fiction and, in particular, in the works of English writers and thinkers W. Godwin, E. Bulwer and Ch. Dickens. The classic solution to this problem was F. M. Dostoevsky's novel «Crime and Punishment». It appeared as a generalization and completion of the great work of thought carried out by previous generations. Such predecessors include Godwin and Bulwer. The latter was extremely popular in Russia in the 30-50th years, and his novel «Eugene Aram» was considered a masterpiece. Devoted to the problem of crime on an ideological basis, it is very close to the topic raised by Dostoevsky, and the motivation of the crime is almost identical to Raskolnikov's motivation. The emotional suffering of Aram and Falkland (the hero of «Caleb Williams» by Godwin), who immediately realized their fatal mistake, also brings the characters together, and the public admission of guilt by Falkland at the end of the novel resembles Raskolnikov's repentance. The problem of mental suffering, the difficult path of realizing mistakes and reviving the personality is also characteristic of Ch. Dickens, one of the favorite English writers of F. M. Dostoevsky. The article is devoted to the analysis and comparison of these works.