Dynamic model and control of heat exchanger networks for district heating


Alulírott Dobos László Csaba diplomázó hallgató, kijelentem, hogy a diplomadolgozatot a Pannon Egyetem Vegyészmérnöki Intézet, Folyamatmérnöki Intézeti Tanszéken készítettem vegyészmérnök diploma megszerzése érdekében. Kijelentem, hogy a szakdolgozatban/diplomadolgozatban foglaltak saját munkám eredményei, és csak a megadott forrásokat (szakirodalom, eszközök, stb.) használtam fel. Tudomásul veszem, hogy a diplomadolgozatban foglalt eredményeket a Pannon Egyetem, valamint a feladatot kiíró szervezeti egység saját céljaira szabadon felhasználhatja. Veszprém, 2009. május 20. hallgató aláírása Alulírott Dr. Abonyi János témavezető kijelentem, hogy a diplomadolgozatot Dobos László Csaba a Pannon Egyetem Vegyészmérnöki Intézet, Folyamatmérnöki Intézeti Tanszéken készítette vegyészmérnök diploma megszerzése érdekében. Kijelentem, hogy a diplomadolgozat védésre bocsátását engedélyezem. Veszprém, 2009. május 20. témavezető aláírása Dynamic Model and Control of Heat Exchanger Networks for District Heating 4

Modeling of a Temperature Controller using Heat Exchangers

International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering (IJATCSE), 2020

Thermoregulators are devices or applications which control temperatures. Examples of such devices are air conditioners for the everyday use of people, or heat exchangers for use in industrial purposes like chemical power plants. These kinds of devices most of the time, if not all, require a feedback system for precise and accurate observation and monitoring of data and in turn maintain or manipulate the temperature to a more favorable value to lessen or mitigate damages and prevent such possible disasters. The paper aims to simulate a feedback-controlled heat exchanger system to lessen the errors done upon the physical execution. A program called MATLAB is required to show computations and calculations of possible outcomes with the user's inputs as a simulation with ideally precise outcomes. A program for calculation runs through MATLAB while the simulation is shown for monitoring and observing on SIMULINK.

Mathematical Modeling of Industrial Heat Exchanger System

Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2012

In manufacturing and industrial fields used heat exchanger to control of temperature weather as a boiler or cooling system. This system is not stable as the temperature output can easily disturb by noise and other disturbance such as surrounding temperature. To improve the heat exchanger system performance, the mathematical model‘s needed. The heat exchanger mathematical model in this case is constructed using dynamic modelling based on real parameters of the heat exchanger. The simulation result shows almost similar trend of responses with the experiment result, it means they are can used as a model of the heat exchanger.

Optimal operation of a waste incineration plant for district heating

2009 American Control Conference, 2009

A case study of a waste incineration plant operating close to optimality by using simple feed-back control schemes is presented. Using off-line optimization the structure of the optimization problem is exploited and a set of variables is found, such that if the process is controlled with those variables are at their setpoints, operation is near-optimal.

Modelling and control of a waste to energy plant : waste bed temperature control using a feedback control law


In this dissertation the waste incineration process has been described, an overview of the state of the art control methodologies given and a new approach, based on input/output linearization and extremum seeking has been presented. This approach has been tested on a model appositely designed. The results have shown that it is possible to control the waste bed temperature to certain reference values, with robustness against changes in the waste composition. It is furthermore possible to identify reference values for the waste bed temperature such as the steam flow rate is maximized, while at the same time fulfilling operational constraints.

On flow and supply temperature control in district heating systems

Heat Recovery Systems and CHP, 1994

This paper discusses how the control of the flow and the supply temperature in district heating systems can be optimized, utilizing stochastic modelling, prediction and control methods. The main objective is to reduce heat production costs and heat losses in the transmission and distribution net by minimizing the supply temperature at the district heating plant. This control strategy is reasonable, in particular, if the heat production takes place at a combined heat and power (CHP) plant. The control strategy is subject to some restrictions, e.g. that the total heat requirement for all consumers is supplied at any time, and each individual consumer is guaranteed some minimum supply temperature at any time. Another important restriction is that the variation in time of the supply temperature is kept as small as possible. This concept has been incorporated in the program package, PRESS, developed at the Technical University of Denmark. PRESS has been applied and tested, e.g. at Vestkraft in Esbjerg, Denmark, and significant saving potentials have been documented. PRESS is now distributed by the Danish District Heating Association.

Mathematical model for refinery furnaces simulation

a mathematical model for simulation of refinery furnaces is proposed. It consists of two different submodels, one for the process side and another for the flue gas side. The process side is appropriately modeled as a plug flow due to the high velocity of the fluid inside the tubes. The flue gas side is composed by a radiative chamber and a convective section both connected by a shield tube zone. Both models are connected by the tube surface temperature. As the flue gas side model uses this temperature as input data, the process side model recalculates this temperature. The procedure is executed until certain tolerance is achieved. This mathematical model has proved to be a useful tool for furnace analysis and simulation.

Modelica model of industrial gas furnaces

E3S Web of Conferences, 2019

Modelica models for the prediction of the temperature of the load inside a walking basket type reheat furnace of the aluminium industry have been developed. The loads move through the furnace with discrete movements. Several library components have been developed using the Modelica Standard Fluid Library. In order to validate them a full 1D furnace simulation model has been built. It allows calculating the heat transfer through walls, the temperature and the composition of combustion gases, the temperature of the aluminium products, as well as the fumes flow and the pressure drops. The library provides the necessary resources for modelling this type of furnaces flexibly and quickly. The objective of the work is to validate Modelica as analyse tool for evaluating the different possibilities of heat recovery in this kind on furnaces.