Processing of spatial visual information along the pathway between the suprageniculate nucleus and the anterior ectosylvian cortex (original) (raw)
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Brain Research, 1985
Key words: cortical visual area --interhemispheric connection --cat --fluorescent retrograde tracer lntra-and interhemispheric connections between the anterior ectosylvian visual area (AEV) and other visual cortical areas including the lateral suprasylvian (LSS) were examined in the cat using the retrograde double-label fluorescence technique. The areal and laminar distributions of labeled neurons were mapped following injections of different tracers: Evans Blue (EB), Fast Blue (FB) and Nuclear Yellow (NY) made separately into AEV and LSS of the same or opposite hemispheres. The results indicated: (1) reciprocal and bilateral AEV-LSS connections stemming from layers V and VI in addition to a predominant efferent LSS projection upon AEV from both layer III and the posterior lateral (PLLS) subdivision of LSS; (2) homotopic interhemispheric connections to AEV arising from layers III, V and VI and from layers III and V of ipsilateral areas 20 and 21a; (3) differential laminar distributions of the cell populations projecting to the two cortical sites injected including neurons in layer III of LSS which project to contralateral LSS and AEV of either hemisphere via collateral axon branching (double-labeled). The anatomical findings support the functional similarities between AEV and LSS and the possible role of AEV in interhemispheric transfer of visual information is discussed.
Experimental Brain Research, 1985
The cortical afferents to the cortex of the anterior ectosylvian sulcus (SEsA) were studied in the cat, using the retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase technique. Following injections of the enzyme in the cortex of both banks, fundus and both ends (postero-dorsal and anteroventral) of the anterior ectosylvian sulcus, retrograde labeling was found in: the primary, secondary, and tertiary somatosensory areas (SI, SII and SIII); the motor and premotor cortices; the primary, secondary, anterior and suprasylvian fringe auditory areas; the lateral suprasylvian (LS) area, area 20 and posterior suprasylvian visual area; the insular cortex and cortex of posterior half of the sulcus sylvius; in area 36 of the perirhinal cortex; and in the medial bank of the presylvian sulcus in the prefrontal cortex. Moreover, these connections are topographically organized. Considering the topographical distribution of the cortical afferents, three sectors may be distinguished in the cortex of the SEsA. 1) The cortex of the rostral two-thirds of the dorsal bank. This sector receives cortical projections from areas SI, SII and SIII, and from the motor cortex. It also receives projections from the anterolateral subdivision of LS, and area 36. 2) The cortex of the posterior third of the dorsal bank and of the posterodorsal end. It receives cortical afferents principally from the primary, secondary and anterior auditory areas, from SI, SII and fourth somatosensory area, from the anterolateral subdivision of LS, vestibular cortex and area 36. 3) The cortex of the ventral bank and fundus. This sulcal sector receives abundant connections from visual areas (LS, 20, posterior suprasylvian, 21 and 19), principally from the lateral posterior and dorsal subdivisions of LS. It also receives abundant connections from the granular insular cortex, caudal part of the cortex of the sylvian sulcus and suprasylvian fringe. Less abundant cortical afferents were found to arise in area 36, second auditory area and prefrontal cortex. The abundant sensory input of different modalities which appears to converge in the cortex of the anterior ectosylvian sulcus, and the consistent projection from this cortex to the deep layers of the superior colliculus, make this cortical region well suited to play a role in the control of the orientation movements of the eyes and head toward different sensory stimuli.
Experimental Brain Research, 1987
We report electrophysiological data regarding the contribution of the corpus callosum to visual responses in the cortex around the anterior ectosylvian sulcus (AES). The experiments were performed in cats in which the optic input from each eye was surgically restricted to the ipsilateral hemisphere (split-chiasm cats), and where neuronal responses to stimulation of the contralateral eye were mediated by interhemispheric connections. A very high proportion of cells were driven by stimuli presented to either eye indicating that they were activated not only through an intrahemispheric pathway from the ipsilateral eye, but also through an interhemispheric pathway from the contralateral eye. With few exceptions, both receptive fields (RFs) of each binocular neuron abutted or were in the vicinity of the vertical meridian. All neurons responded well to moving stimuli and most of them showed directional selectivity. A few cells were activated by stimuli moving in depth. Following an additional section of the posterior half of the corpus callosum, cells in AES responded only to stimulation of the ipsilateral eye, demonstrating thus that the input from the contralateral eye was conveyed by this part of the corpus callosum. By contrast following a section of the anterior half of the corpus callosum, all visually responsive AES neurons were binocularly activated. These results suggest that the interhemispheric visual input to this ectosylvian region is conveyed via a polysynaptic loop involving visual cortical areas that are connected through the posterior portion of the corpus callosum.
Experimental Brain Research, 2003
The spatial and temporal visual sensitivity to drifting sinusoidal gratings was studied in 75 neurons of the feline anterior ectosylvian visual area (AEV). Extracellular single-unit recordings were performed in halothane-anesthetized (0.6%), immobilized, artificially ventilated cats. Most cells were strongly sensitive to the direction of drifting gratings. The mean value of the direction tuning widths was approximately 90 deg. Most of the cells (69 of the 75 cases) displayed rather narrowly tuned band-pass characteristics in the low spatial frequency range, with a mean optimal spatial frequency of 0.2 cycles/degree (c/deg). The mean spatial bandwidth was 1.4 octaves. The remainder of the units was low-pass tuned. A majority of the units responded optimally to high temporal frequencies (mean 6.3 Hz), although some cells did exhibit preferences for every examined temporal frequency between 0.6 Hz and 10.8 Hz. The temporal frequency-tuning functions mostly revealed a band-pass character with a mean temporal bandwidth of 1.1 octaves. Our results demonstrate that the neurons along the anterior ectosylvian sulcus display particular spatial and temporal characteristics. The AEV neurons, with their preference for low spatial frequencies and with their fine spatial and temporal tuning properties, seem to be candidates for special tasks in motion perception.
Neuroscience Letters, 2009
Although the visual perception depends on the integration of spatial and temporal information, no knowledge is available concerning the responsiveness of neurons in the intermediate layers of the superior colliculus (SCi) to extended visual grating stimuli. Accordingly, we set out to investigate the responsiveness of these neurons in halothane-anesthetized cats to drifting sinewave gratings at various spatial and temporal frequencies. The SCi units responded optimally to gratings of low spatial frequencies (none of the analyzed SCi units exhibited maximal activity to spatial frequencies higher than 0.3c/deg) and exhibited low spatial resolution and narrow spatial frequency tuning. On the other hand, the SCi neurons preferred high temporal frequencies and exhibited high temporal resolution. Thus, the SCi neurons seem to be good spatio-temporal filters of visual information in the low spatial and high temporal frequency domain. Based upon the above summarized results we suggest that the SCi units can detect large contours moving at high velocities well, but are unable to distinguish small details. This is in line with the generally held view that the SCi could possess visuomotor function, such as organizing the complex, sensory-guided oculomotor and skeletomotor responses during the self-motion of the animal.