Learning: How the Brain Learns (original) (raw)

The learning brain: Lessons for education: a precis


This book highlights the importance of anchoring education in an evidence base derived from neuroscience. For far too long has the brain been neglected in discussions on education and often information about neuroscientific research is not easy to access. Our aim was to provide a source book that conveys the excitement of neuroscience research that is relevant to learning and education.

Neuroscience and the learning brain : From biology to psychology


Whether by using the most sophisticated scanning techniques or subtle psychological tests, experimenters were able to delve into the human brain and attempt to understand the way it learns. Research in neuroeducation focuses essentially on the teaching-learning activity by striving to produce, as far as possible, a precise comprehension of the cerebral mechanisms of cognition. The present article proposes a thoughtful reading of the act of learning in the light of the contributions of cognitive sciences and neuroeducation, passing essentially through biology and psychology.


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