Optimum parameters for fault detection and diagnosis system of batch reaction using multiple neural networks (original) (raw)
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Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) consist of simple processing elements or nodes that work in unison to solve specific problem. Information processing is achieved through activation and inhibition of the interconnections among the units in the network. The effective computational ability of the Feed-forward neural networks based on the back-propagation algorithm was used to develop a neural network computer program for fault detection and diagnosis in complex chemical plants. Fault detection and diagnosis are mapped as a pattern recognition and classification problem. The catalytic dehydrogenation of heptanes to toluene was simulated as a case study to illustrate the great potential of the program developed. A three-layered network was used in this case study, the network was made up of 18 units in the input layer, 5 units in the first hidden layer, 7 units in the second hidden layer and 6 units in the output layer. Data abstracted from sensor measurements for normal and faulty operating conditions was used to train the network. After training the network for 8,000 epochs, the network learning was seen to be stable and was able to recognize and classify all patterns for the fault scenarios presented with accuracy above 99%.
This paper discusses the application of artificial neural networks in the area of process monitoring, process control and fault detection. Since chemical process plants are getting more complex and complicated, the need of schemes that can improve process operations is highly demanded. Artificial neural network can provide a generic, non-linear solution, and dynamic relationship between cause and effect variables for complex and non-linear processes. This paper will describe the application of neural network for monitoring reactor temperature, estimation and inferential control of a fatty acid composition in a palm oil fractionation process and detection of reactor sensor failures in the Tennessee Eastman Plant (TEP). The potential for the application of neural network technology in the process industries is great. Its ability to capture and model process dynamics and severe process non-linearities makes it powerful tools for process monitoring, control and fault detection.
Given the universal approximation properties, simplicity as well its intrinsic analogy to the non-linear state space form, a recurrent Elman network is derived and applied as process predictor for fault detection in process plants. In this paper, a two-stage scheme integrating a neural Elman network dynamic predictor and a feedforward neural network fault classifier is proposed to overcome the problem of multiple sensor faults. The scheme was implemented to detect sensor failures in a palm oil fractionation process. To generate the required simulation data, Hysys.Plant dynamic process simulator was employed. The use of the output prediction error, between a neural network model and a non-linear dynamic process, as a residual for detecting sensor faults is analysed. A second neural network classifier is developed to detect the sensor faults from the residuals generated, and results are presented to demonstrate the satisfactory detection of two sensor faults achieved simultaneously using this scheme.
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WIT Transactions on Information and Communication Technologies, 1970
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Fault detection and diagnosis for continuous stirred tank reactor using neural network
Kathmandu University Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology, 2010
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