The European Public Prosecutor’S Office – Necessary Instrument or Political Compromise? (original) (raw)

Towards a European Public Prosecutor's Office

This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the LIBE Committee, analyses the proposal for a Regulation establishing the EPPO. The evolution of the text is analysed through a comparison between the initial Commission proposal and the current version of the text (dated of 28 October 2016). The paper assesses whether the EPPO, as it is currently envisaged, would fit the objectives assigned to it, whether it will have some added value, and whether it will be able to function efficiently and in full respect of fundamental rights. It focuses on the main issues at stake and controversial points of discussion, namely the EPPO institutional design, some material issues, its procedural framework, and its relations with its partners.

Establishing the European Public Prosecutor's Office and Suppression of Criminal Offenses аgainst the EU Financial Interests


During 2017, at the level of the European Union, two regulations of importance for the sup-pression of criminal offenses against the EU financial interests have been passed: Directive on the fight against fraud to the Union’s financial interests by means of criminal law and Regulation implementing enhanced cooperation on the establishment of the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO). The protection of these interests by the criminal substantive legisla-tion did not encounter such resistance in the Member States as an idea of the establishment of the EPPO.Pursuant to the provisions of Regulation implementing enhanced cooperation on the establish-ment of the EPPO are carried out by national delegated prosecutors, and the criminal proceed-ings are conducted by the courts of the Member States. The experience of the public prosecutors and judges in proceedings concerning those criminal offenses may also enhance knowledge and skills of relevance to the conduct of proceedings against perpetrators of offenses against financial interests of the Member States’.In the paper authors are trying to point out the importance of timely and adequate sanctioning the perpetrators of the above-mentioned crimes. Consequently authors point to the advantages of establishing the European Public Prosecutor’s Office in order to combat crimes that damage not only the financial interests of the European Union, but also the national financial inter-ests. However, the concept of the European Public Prosecutor is not fully accepted, because the Regulation contains illogicalities that still make it unacceptable for member states. Therefore, in order for wider acceptance the establishment of the EPPO, it is necessary to amend these provisions of the Regulation. Keywords: the European Public Prosecutor’s Office, EU financial interests, economic crimes, perpetrators, investigations and prosecutions.

Shifting Perspectives on the European Public Prosecutor's Office


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Establishing the European Public Prosecutor’s Office. A Necessity in the Regional Context or a Diminution of Competences?

EURINT, 2015

Given the possible multiple jurisdictions for cross-border offences falling under the competence of the European Public Prosecutor's Office, it is essential to underline the advantages and disadvantages of this new single, strong, independent institution. The opportunity of establishing the European Public Prosecutor's Office derives, ipso facto, from the prejudice of about 5 million EUR in the European budget and also from the ex nunc benefits of all member states due to effectively combat the border crime phenomenon and the frauds from the own member states systems.

Establishing the European Public Prosecutor’s Office and Suppression of Criminal Offenses Against the Eu Financial Interests


During 2017, at the level of the European Union, two regulations of importance for the suppression of criminal offenses against the EU financial interests have been passed: Directive on the fight against fraud to the Union's financial interests by means of criminal law and Regulation implementing enhanced cooperation on the establishment of the European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO). The protection of these interests by the criminal substantive legislation did not encounter such resistance in the Member States as an idea of the establishment of the EPPO. * This paper was created within the two projects: "Serbia in contemporary international relations: Strategic directions of development and firming the position of Serbia in international integrative processesforeign affairs, international economic, legal and security aspects", Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia, number 179029, which is implemented in Institute of International Politics and Economics and "Serbian and European Law: Comparison and harmonization", Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia, number 179031, which is implemented in the Institute of Comparative Law Sanja Jelisavac Trošić, Jelena Kostić: ESTABLISHING THE EUROPEAN PUBLIC...