Wearable Device for Monitoring of Slow Wave Sleep Stage of Insomnia Patients (original) (raw)
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Jornal brasileiro de pneumologia : publicacao oficial da Sociedade Brasileira de Pneumologia e Tisilogia, 2010
Recent years have seen a growing interest in the use of portable monitoring devices for the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. These have the potential to be used in lieu of the more complicated and uncomfortable alternative, polysomnography, which has long been considered to be the gold standard for the diagnosis of this relatively prevalent condition. Following their approval in 2008 by the Center of Medicare and Medicaid Services, the federal agency which administers Medicare and Medicaid in the United States, there has been extensive discussion about the utility and validity of these devices for use in the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Although there are various models of portable monitoring devices, the literature contains little information regarding how each device should be used in specific age groups, patients presenting comorbidities, and asymptomatic patients. Additionally, studies about the cost-effectiveness of this diagnostic method are sca...
An Automated System for Diagnosis of Sleep Apnea Syndrome Using Single-Channel EEG Signal
2019 27th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), 2019
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System for Wearable Devices for Tracking and Monitoring People with Alzheimer's Disease
The purpose of this article is to highlight a geolocation and tracking system using technologies with wearable devices (Wearables) and GPS trackers to monitor, track and locate Alzheimer's disease patients on a map. The use of GPS tracking systems is expanding to several markets, including the personal / individual location. This makes its use quite important in the control and care of people diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease, where it sometimes leads to the loss of individuals who are unable to identify the way back home, the system capable of monitoring an individual's location, and adapt an entry and exit control from virtual fences (geofencing), seeking to ensure confidentiality, availability, verification and security of the information transmitted. The usability of the application will be intuitive for different profiles of caregivers and users of the technology. The results showed that Wearables and GPS technology are a reality in helping caregivers and family me...
Objective To investigate the viability of the bispectral index in the sleep evaluation of critically ill patients and to quantify the associations of sleep parameters measured by this index with the Richards-Campbell Sleep Questionnaire and environmental noise. Methods This was a cross-sectional observational study that evaluated critically ill adults with diseases of low or moderate severity. The following were measured: total sleep volume and time, deep sleep volume and time, continuous sleep volume and time, sleep onset latency, and environmental sound pressure level. The subjective perception of sleep was evaluated with the Richards-Campbell Sleep Questionnaire the morning after each night of observation. Results Patients had a low total sleep time (234 minutes), a predominance of superficial sleep stages, and little deep sleep (1.7 minutes). The total, deep, and continuous sleep volumes were 3,679, 9.4, and 3,143 (bispectral index units × minutes), respectively. The sleep laten...
Wearable and Mobile System to Manage Remotely Heart Failure
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 2009
Resumo: A dança instala no corpo uma outra cena de sentidos que potencializa a ação criativa, assim, quando o corpo dança, sua percepção é aguçada em direção a estados alterados da consciência. Neste nível perceptível, instalado em meio ao processo criativo, técnica (a competência) e liberdade (a performance) se relacionam, e criam, como efeito, a dança. A partir desta evidência, que aqui será sustentada segundo um cruzamento de leituras entre a psicanálise e a filosofia, lanço-me a uma reflexão sobre a percepção corporal na dança, na tentativa de situar a atuação criativa. Assim, abro um caminho para entender o processo criativo como campo de sensibilização corporal, a partir do qual a intervenção educativa é efetivada no corpo.
Sleep apnea related micro-arousal detection with EEG analysis
Somos uma companhia para autônomos no segmento de Home -Office/E-commerce (Trabalho em Casa) Equipe de digitação e divulgação pela Internet. Será necessária que tenha um computador de confiança com acesso à Internet (isso pode ser na sua residência, Lan House ou qualquer lugar que você tenha a garantia de segurança), uma conta válida de correio eletrônico(E-mail) , conhecimento de Internet, e habilidades mínimas de digitação. Você também deve conduzir de uma maneira profissional. Isto inclui ter uma boa gramática. Continue lendo o texto e siga as instruções!
Sleep delayed phase syndrome: the effects of melatonin and bright light alone, or in combination
OBJETIVO: Avaliar, por meio de um estudo duplo cego e aleatorio, os efeitos do uso isolado e do uso combinado de melatonina (3 mg) e de fototerapia (10.000 lux) no horario de inicio do sono, na variacao do horario de inicio da secrecao do hormonio melatonina e na fase do valor minimo da temperatura corporal central em voluntarios com o diagnostico de sindrome da fase atrasada do sono. METODOS: Vinte voluntarios foram submetidos ao uso do actigrafo e preencheram o diario de sono, antes e durante os tratamentos, e a coleta de melatonina plasmatica e de temperatura retal durante 24 horas, antes e apos os tratamentos. Os tratamentos consistiram no uso de fototerapia pela manha e placebo a noite, de placebo de fototerapia pela manha e melatonina a noite e fototerapia pela manha e melatonina a noite durante 4 semanas. RESULTADOS: Houve o avanco no horario do inicio do sono nos voluntarios que usaram fototerapia pela manha e placebo a noite (n=7) e nos que usaram placebo de fototerapia e m...
State-of-the-art in Wearable Technology: Medical area applications
Actually there are more technological devices in our lives which may vary from glasses, a ring or to a technological shirt. Such development represents an innovation in miniaturizing technological components to such a point where they can be used as accessories we use in everyday life; meaning this, Wearable Technology consists in the incorporation of technological components in clothing accessories or objects we carry. This implies that Wearable Technology is a subarea of Internet of Things since it incorporates physical objects with sensors and software that allows them to exchange data without human intervention. This is the case of the devices that increasingly are being developed for the medical area, especially because of the growing number of patients overloading hospitals and medical centers.