In-situ, High-Frequency Assessment of Phytoplankton Functional Groups and Their Ecology in Diverse Marine Areas (original) (raw)
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Biogeosciences, 2015
Phytoplankton observation in the ocean can be a challenge in oceanography. Accurate estimations of its biomass and dynamics will help to understand ocean ecosystems and refine global climate models. Relevant data sets of phytoplankton defined at a functional level and on a sub-meso- and daily scale are thus required. In order to achieve this, an automated, high-frequency, dedicated scanning flow cytometer (SFC, Cytobuoy b.v., the Netherlands) has been developed to cover the entire size range of phytoplankton cells whilst simultaneously taking pictures of the largest of them. This cytometer was directly connected to the water inlet of a PocketFerryBox during a cruise in the North Sea, 08–12 May 2011 (DYMAPHY project, INTERREG IV A "2 Seas"), in order to identify the phytoplankton community structure of near surface waters (6 m) with a high spatial resolution basis (2.2 ± 1.8 km). Ten groups of cells, distinguished on the basis of their optical pulse shapes, were described (...
Journal of Plankton Research, 2007
Phytoplankton observation is the product of a number of trade-offs related to sampling processes, required level of diversity and size spectrum analysis capabilities of the techniques involved. Instruments combining the morphological and high-frequency analysis for phytoplankton cells are now available. This paper presents an application of the automated high-resolution flow cytometer Cytosub as a tool for analysing phytoplanktonic cells in their natural environment. High resolution data from a temporal study in the Bay of Marseille (analysis every 30 min over 1 month) and a spatial study in the Southern Indian Ocean (analysis every 5 min at 10 knots over 5 days) are presented to illustrate the capabilities and limitations of the instrument. Automated high-frequency flow cytometry revealed the spatial and temporal variability of phytoplankton in the size range 12$50 mm that could not be resolved otherwise. Due to some limitations (instrumental memory, volume analysed per sample), recorded counts could be statistically too low. By combining high-frequency consecutive samples, it is possible to decrease the counting error, following Poisson's law, and to retain the main features of phytoplankton variability. With this technique, the analysis of phytoplankton variability combines adequate sampling frequency and effective monitoring of community changes.
Journal of Plankton Research, 2008
Short-term variations of phytoplankton communities are poorly documented. To overcome these limitations and make observations on a short-time (hours) scale, we moored a submersible flow cytometer (CytoBuoy b.v.) in the Bay of Marseille. The CytoSub monitored phytoplankton every 30 min at a fixed site (2 m depth) during summer 2005. The data treatment, conducted on the basis of pulse-shape analysis, resolved seven clusters. Daily sampling of nutrients and continuous information on salinity, temperature and wind speed allowed distinction between diel cycles and the impact of environmental factors on phytoplankton communities. Autocorrelation of the time series showed a significant periodicity of $24 h for most of the clusters during undisturbed meteorological conditions. Two clusters had regular daily abundance variations in the range 0-.10 3 cells cm 23. Two strong wind events revealed similar cluster succession patterns occurring over several days after the wind events. These results provided by the high frequency in situ analysis suggest that the flow cytometry resolved clusters, showing independent behaviour and distinct environment-correlated variations, which may be considered as functional groups. We point out its potential for global oceanic observing systems for which such systems could provide real biological information.
Biogeosciences Discussions, 2014
Phytoplankton observation in the ocean can be a challenge in oceanography. Accurate estimations of their biomass and dynamics will help to understand ocean ecosystems and refine global climate models. This requires relevant datasets of phytoplankton at a functional level and on a daily and sub meso scale. In order to achieve this, an automated, high frequency, dedicated scanning flow cytometer (SFC, Cytobuoy, NL), has been developed to cover the entire size range of phytoplankton cells whilst simultaneously taking pictures of the largest of them. This cytometer was directly connected to the water inlet of a pocket Ferry Box during a cruise in the North Sea, 8-12 May 2011 (DYMAPHY project, INTERREG IV A "2 Seas"), in order to identify the phytoplankton community structure of near surface waters (6 m) with a high resolution spacial basis (2.2 ± 1.8 km). Ten groups of cells, distinguished on the basis of their optical pulse shapes, were described (abundance, size estimate, red fluorescence per unit volume). Abundances varied depending on the hydrological status of the traversed waters, reflecting different stages of the North Sea blooming period. Comparisons between several techniques analyzing chlorophyll a and the scanning flow cytometer, using the integrated red fluorescence emitted by each counted cell, showed significant correlations. The community structure observed from the automated flow cytometry was compared with the PHYSAT reflectance anomalies over a daily scale. The number of matchups observed between the SFC automated high frequency in situ sampling and the remote sensing was found to be two to three times better than when using traditional water sampling strategies. Significant differences in the phytoplankton community structure within the two days for which matchups were available, suggest that it is possible to label PHYSAT anomalies not only with dominant groups, but at the level of the community structure.
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 2015
The distribution of phytoplankton (from pico-to microphytoplankton) was investigated, at single-cell level and at high spatial resolution, during an oceanographic cruise across the eastern English Channel (EEC) between April 27 and 29, 2012. Seawater was continuously collected from surface waters and analysed on board at high frequency (one sample every 10 min), by using a new generation of pulseshape recording scanning flow cytometer (CytoSense, Cytobuoy©). A Bray-Curtis matrix analysis based on phytoplankton composition allowed the discrimination of 4 communities. Within these communities, abundance, cell size as well as single cell and total red fluorescence of 8 phytoplankton groups were measured. Picoeukaryotes and Synechococcus spp. cells dominated the mid Channel and most of the English waters monitored, whereas waters off Eastbourne as well as French coastal waters (under remote and direct estuarine influence) were characterized by the dominance of Phaeocystis globosa haploid and diploid cells. Most of the total red fluorescence signal, which correlated with chlorophyll a concentrations, was attributable to P. globosa and, to a lesser extent, to diatoms. In addition to submesoscale variation within phytoplankton communities, the single-cell features within each phytoplankton group gave information about the physiological status of individual phytoplankton cells.
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2011
Automated in situ flow cytometry, high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC), optical microscopy and fluorometry were combined to monitor phytoplankton over two summer periods (2005 and 2006). In 2006, temperature was higher and nutrients lower than in 2005, generating differences in the phytoplankton assemblages (i.e., abundance and structure). Pigment-size classes based on daily HPLC analysis provided evidence for higher proportions of picoplankton and nanoplankton with higher biomass in 2005 and a dominance of microplankton with lower biomass in 2006, the latter with lower specific diversity, as evidenced by weekly microscopy analyses. Total chlorophyll a estimations from fluorometry measurements recorded every 30 min were higher in 2005 than in 2006, as for the HPLC chlorophyll a concentrations. An automated in situ flow cytometer (Thyssen et al., J Plankton Res 30(9):1027–1040, 2008a) sampled seawater every 30 min. Data analysis yielded the resolution of seven clusters based on light scatter and fluorescence. In 2006, an increase in abundance of the largest cells was observed, confirming pigment and microscopy data. The results suggest that the ecosystem was on a constant renewing process in summer 2005 due to a strong wind event and on a highly productive and recycling way in summer 2006 due to stratification of the upper water layer. Automated submersible flow cytometry confirms to be a powerful tool providing high-resolution data by monitoring phytoplankton at the single cell level. This technology gives access to the shape of the light scatter and fluorescence signals generated by each cell passing through a laser beam and that are linked to size, structure and pigment content of the target cell. When combined with conventional techniques, it further improves our understanding of phytoplankton assemblages.
Flow cytometry: A powerful tool in analysis of biomass distributions in phytoplankton
Water Science and Technology, 1995
The large range in cOllcentraJions and cell-sizes of algal cells and colonies and the large variety of cell types are the main reasons for developing a dedicated cytometer for the analysis of phytoplankton. A ElD'Opean Community funded cOllsonium has developed the EUlQPA cytometer. which is easily transponed and can be operated at sea. With the EuJOPA. both small smgle cells and large colonies of cyanobacteria can be analyzed In OIIe run. ThIs provides correlated mformaUon 011 optical characteristics. pigments contents and taxonomy. The resulting dlstnbution of (chlorophyll) biomass over taxonomic groups can be inter-caJjbrated With standard spectrometnc analysIs teChniques. The EmQPA can be used successfully for analysis of field samples and phytoplankton cultures. It is well SUited for phytoplankton monitoring and grazing studies.
Frontiers in Marine Science, 2022
Phytoplankton biomass, through its proxy, Chlorophyll a, has been assessed at synoptic temporal and spatial scales with satellite remote sensing (RS) for over two decades. Also, RS algorithms to monitor relative size classes abundance are widely used; however, differentiating functional types from RS, as well as the assessment of phytoplankton structure, in terms of carbon remains a challenge. Hence, the main motivation of this work it to discuss the links between size classes and phytoplankton groups, in order to foster the capability of assessing phytoplankton community structure and phytoplankton size fractionated carbon budgets. To accomplish our goal, we used data (on nutrients, photosynthetic pigments concentration and cell numbers per taxa) collected in surface samples along a transect on the Atlantic Ocean, during the 25th Atlantic Meridional Transect cruise (AMT25) between 50° N and 50° S, from nutrient-rich high latitudes to the oligotrophic gyres. We compared phytoplankto...