Characterizing Small-Town Development Using Very High Resolution Imagery within Remote Rural Settings of Mozambique (original) (raw)

Mapping Population Distribution from High Resolution Remotely Sensed Imagery in a Data Poor Setting

Remote Sensing

Accurate mapping of population distribution is essential for policy-making, urban planning, administration, and risk management in hazardous areas. In some countries, however, population data is not collected on a regular basis and is rarely available at a high spatial resolution. In this study, we proposed an approach to estimate the absolute number of inhabitants at the neighborhood level, combining data obtained through field work with high resolution remote sensing. The approach was tested on Ngazidja Island (Union of the Comoros). A detailed survey of neighborhoods at the level of individual dwellings, showed that the average number of inhabitants per dwelling was significantly different between buildings characterized by a different roof type. Firstly, high spatial resolution remotely sensed imagery was used to define the location of individual buildings, and second to determine the roof type for each building, using an object-based classification approach. Knowing the locatio...

Mapping Heterogeneous Urban Landscapes from the Fusion of Digital Surface Model and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based Images Using Adaptive Multiscale Image Segmentation and Classification

Remote Sensing

Considering the high-level details in an ultrahigh-spatial-resolution (UHSR) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) dataset, detailed mapping of heterogeneous urban landscapes is extremely challenging because of the spectral similarity between classes. In this study, adaptive hierarchical image segmentation optimization, multilevel feature selection, and multiscale (MS) supervised machine learning (ML) models were integrated to accurately generate detailed maps for heterogeneous urban areas from the fusion of the UHSR orthomosaic and digital surface model (DSM). The integrated approach commenced through a preliminary MS image segmentation parameter selection, followed by the application of three supervised ML models, namely, random forest (RF), support vector machine (SVM), and decision tree (DT). These models were implemented at the optimal MS levels to identify preliminary information, such as the optimal segmentation level(s) and relevant features, for extracting 12 land use/land cover (L...

A Gabor Filter-Based Protocol for Automated Image-Based Building Detection


Detecting buildings from high-resolution satellite imagery is beneficial in mapping, environmental preparation, disaster management, military planning, urban planning and research purposes. Differentiating buildings from the images is possible however, it may be a time-consuming or complicated process. Therefore, the high-resolution imagery from satellites needs to be automated to detect the buildings. Additionally, buildings exhibit several different characteristics, and their appearance in these images is unplanned. Moreover, buildings in the metropolitan environment are typically crowded and complicated. Therefore, it is challenging to identify the building and hard to locate them. To resolve this situation, a novel probabilistic method has been suggested using local features and probabilistic approaches. A local feature extraction technique was implemented, which was used to calculate the probability density function. The locations in the image were represented as joint probabil...

Assessing Deep Convolutional Neural Networks and Assisted Machine Perception for Urban Mapping

Remote Sensing

High-spatial-resolution satellite imagery has been widely applied for detailed urban mapping. Recently, deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) have shown promise in certain remote sensing applications, but they are still relatively new techniques for general urban mapping. This study examines the use of two DCNNs (U-Net and VGG16) to provide an automatic schema to support high-resolution mapping of buildings, road/open built-up, and vegetation cover. Using WorldView-2 imagery as input, we first applied an established OBIA method to characterize major urban land cover classes. An OBIA-derived urban map was then divided into a training and testing region to evaluate the DCNNs’ performance. For U-Net mapping, we were particularly interested in how sample size or the number of image tiles affect mapping accuracy. U-Net generated cross-validation accuracies ranging from 40.5 to 95.2% for training sample sizes from 32 to 4096 image tiles (each tile was 256 by 256 pixels). A per-pixel ...

Deep Learning-Based Semantic Segmentation of Urban Features in Satellite Images: A Review and Meta-Analysis

Remote Sensing

Availability of very high-resolution remote sensing images and advancement of deep learning methods have shifted the paradigm of image classification from pixel-based and object-based methods to deep learning-based semantic segmentation. This shift demands a structured analysis and revision of the current status on the research domain of deep learning-based semantic segmentation. The focus of this paper is on urban remote sensing images. We review and perform a meta-analysis to juxtapose recent papers in terms of research problems, data source, data preparation methods including pre-processing and augmentation techniques, training details on architectures, backbones, frameworks, optimizers, loss functions and other hyper-parameters and performance comparison. Our detailed review and meta-analysis show that deep learning not only outperforms traditional methods in terms of accuracy, but also addresses several challenges previously faced. Further, we provide future directions of resea...