Modelos matemáticos para evaluar la tasa de digestión in vitro del almidón (original) (raw)
Mendoza MGD, Ortega CME, Ricalde VR, Martinez GJA. Tec Pecu Mex 2000;38(1)51-65. The objective was to compare mathematical models to describe ruminal starch digestion. Information of ruminal starch degradation in vitro from sorghum, corn, high moisture corn and wheat were analyzed. The first order kinetic model (FOM), with lag time (FOM-L), with indigestible fraction (FOM-I), two compartmental models, and the saturation kinetics model (SKM) were compared by analyses of residual sum squares and the biological meaning of the parameter derived. Compartmental models did not fit the data and the rest of the models detected the differences of the rate of starch digestion of the grains. The SKM had the lowerst residual sum of squares followed by the FOM. However, SKM estimated some parameters without biological meaning. The inclusion of lag time and indigestible fraction did not improve the estimation of the FOM. It was concluded that the first order model is the most appropriate to descri...