The impact of academic libraries on students' academic achievement: The relationship between learning styles and information seeking anxiety (original) (raw)

Library Anxiety: The Role of Study Habits


The purpose of this study was to identify graduate students' predominant study skill strengths and weaknesses. Also examined was the relationship between specific study skills and library anxiety. Participants were 133 graduate students from a number of education disciplines at a university in the southeastern United States. These individuals were administered the Study Habits Inventory (SHI) (Jones & Slate, 1992) and the Library Anxiety Scale (Bostick, 1992). Findings revealed that students' responses to 62.9% of the 63 study skill statements presented in the SHI were appropriate. Study skill weaknesses were identified intheareas of note-taking and reading skills. An all possible subsets multiple regression analysis led to the identification of eight specific study behaviors that predicted levels of library anxiety. These study habits explained 45.8% of the variance in library anxiety, which, using Cohen's (1988) criteria, represents a large effect size. Implications for library anxiety reduction as a study skills intervention are discussed. Three tables present findings on characteristic strengths in students' study skills, characteristic weaknesses in students' study skills, and study habits that contributed significantly to 9 This document has been reproduced as received from the person or organization originating it. O Minor changes have been made to improve reproduction quality.

Kastamonu Üniversitesi Bilgi ve Belge Yönetimi Bölümü Öğrencilerinin Kütüphane Kaygısı= Library Anxiety Among the Students of the Department of Information and Records Management, Kastamonu University

Kastamonu Education Journal, 2018

Kütüphane kaygısı öğrencilerin başarısı üzerinde olumsuz etkiler oluşturan, hatta kütüphane kullanımından kaçınılmasına yol açan yaygın bir durumdur. Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, Kastamonu Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Bilgi ve Belge Yönetimi Bölümü lisans öğrencilerinin kütüphane kaygısı olup olmadığını saptamak, varsa bu kaygının düzeyini değerlendirmektir. Ayrıca öğrencilerin kütüphane kaygısının “sürekli kaygı” (trait anxiety) ile ilgisi olup olmadığı da araştırılmaktadır. Kastamonu Üniversitesi Fen Edebiyat Fakültesi Bilgi ve Belge Yönetimi Bölümü 2006 yılında kurulmuş ve 2014 yılında da öğrenci kabul etmeye başlamıştır. Şu anda (2015) mevcut toplam öğrenci sayısı (45 birinci sınıf ve 33 ikinci sınıf öğrencisi ile) 78’e ulaşmıştır. Çalışmada önce örneklem olarak alınan 57 lisans öğrencisine Zung Kendi Kendini Değerlendirme Ölçeği (Zung Self Rating Scale) uygulanmış ve öğrencilerin durumluluk (state anxiety) ile sürekli kaygıları (trait anxiety) arasında bir ilişki olup olmadığı araştırılmıştır. Daha sonra Bostick’in Kütüphane Kaygısı Ölçeği (Bostick’s Library Anxiety Scale) aracılığı ile bu öğrencilerin kütüphane kaygısı ölçülmüştür. Araştırma/anket sonuçları söz konusu öğrencilerin aşağı yukarı % 77’sinin kütüphane kaygısı duyduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Ayrıca, öğrencilerin kütüphane kaygısının ortalama 40,8 düzeyinde olduğu saptanan sürekli kaygıları ile bağlantısı olmadığı da görülmüştür. It is already known that library anxiety is a common issue which causes many negative effects on students’ success and can even lead to library use avoidance. The main aim of this study is to examine if the undergraduate students of Information and Records Management in Kastamonu University have experienced library anxiety and to determine the level of experienced anxiety. It is also examined whether library anxiety they feel, was related to trait anxiety of those undergraduate students. The department of Information and Records Management in the Faculty of Science and Letters, in Kastamonu University was established in 2006 and began to admit students in 2014, and the current student population of the department (2015) has risen to 78. First, it was measured if there is a relationship between two variables; trait and state anxiety of 57 undergraduate students by Zung Self Rating Scale for depression. Then library anxiety was measured using the Bostick’s Library Anxiety Scale. The survey’s findings showed that about 77 percent of the students experienced library anxiety. Besides it was also found that the students’ library anxiety is independent from their trait anxiety which its level is 40,8.

The relationship between library anxiety and learning styles among graduate students: Implications for library instruction

Library & Information Science Research, 1998

Because library anxiety can be an impediment to academic achievement among graduate students, this study determines the characteristics of this anxiety. Specifically, the relationship between learning style and library anxiety was investigated. A setwise multiple regression analysis revealed that students with the highest levels of library anxiety tend be those who like structure, who are self-motivated, who lack persistence, and who are peer-oriented learners. In addition, they tend to prefer to receive information via the visual mode, but not via either tactile or kinesthetic modes. Finally, these students tend to require mobility in learning env~onments and do not prefer to undertake difficult tasks in the afternoon. The implications of these findings are discussed. Writing a research proposal is an important skill which graduate students are expected to develop in research methodology courses. Without this skill, not only do students underachieve in these courses (Onwuegbuzie, 1997), but also they tend to find it difficult to complete their theses and dissertations, and hence their graduate degree programs. Indeed, approximately half of doctoral candidates from graduate programs in education never complete their degrees, with as many as 20% giving up at the dissertation stage (Bowen & Rudenstine, 1992; Cesari, 1990). A research proposal is a formal document containing an in-depth description of a proposed study which is designed to investigate one or more research questions

Measuring the Effects of Library Anxiety & Different Forms of Stress on Academic Performance of University Students


Library anxiety plays a critical role in academic performance of the students. Anxiety is the feeling of disturbance while doing some important work. Everybody feels anxious in a daily life routine. Anxiety affects thinking and behavior. Previous research showed that there was a negative correlation among study anxiety and educational performance of the students. Students cannot achieve their goals if they are having library anxiety. No study had been done to identify the study anxiety sources in the universities of Pakistan so there was a need to report this crucial situation. The major objective of the current study was to identify different forms of anxiety and their effects on academic performance of public and private sector university students of Pakistan. In this survey, 416 students from public and private universities of Lahore, Pakistan were included. Survey Method was utilized to meet the set objectives of the study. Data was collected by using questionnaire. Findings of ...


IJSRP, 2017

The objective of the current study was to examine library anxiety level among Universiti Technologi Mara (UiTM) undergraduate and Postgraduate students. Furthermore, the study also aimed to correlate students' library anxiety with constructs such as age, gender, the highest qualification, the frequency of library visits, CGPA, the field of study, and mode of study, which are believed to influence students' levels of library anxiety. The study used a quantitative, descriptive survey method using Library Anxiety Scale questionnaire to collect data from the respondents. The data through the questionnaire was collected from a sample of 146 respondents of which 56 were male and 90 were females. Meanwhile, 65 of them were undergraduate and the other 81 were postgraduate students studying in 17 different faculties of UiTM. The participants were randomly selected and participated voluntarily in the study. The data gathered through the questionnaire was analyzed using Statistical SPSS v.23 where both descriptive statistics and inferential statistics such as t-tests, One-Way ANOVA, and correlation were used to test hypotheses. The results of the study reveal a moderately low level of library anxiety among UiTM students. In addition, the results of the study indicate that students' demographic profiles did not have any significant effect on their levels of library anxiety.

Library Anxiety Among the Students of the Department of Information and Records Management, Kastamonu University

It is already known that library anxiety is a common issue which causes many negative effects on students’ success and can even lead to library use avoidance. The main aim of this study is to examine if the undergraduate students of Information and Records Management in Kastamonu University have experienced library anxiety and to determine the level of experienced anxiety. It is also examined whether library anxiety they feel, was related to trait anxiety of those undergraduate students. The department of Information and Records Management in the Faculty of Science and Letters, in Kastamonu University was established in 2006 and began to admit students in 2014, and the current student population of the department (2015) has risen to 78. First, it was measured if there is a relationship between two variables; trait and state anxiety of 57 undergraduate students by Zung Self Rating Scale for depression. Then library anxiety was measured using the Bostick’s Library Anxiety Scale. The survey’s findings showed that about 77 percent of the students experienced library anxiety. Besides it was also found that the students’ library anxiety is independent from their trait anxiety which its level is 40,8.

Library Anxiety in College Students: A Case Study of the Undergraduate Students of the Farook College, Kozhikode

ILIS Journal of Librarianship and Informatics, , 2019

Resources and services of a library are meant for user community. Unless they are put to proper use, the existence of the library itself cannot be justified. Therefore it is necessary to eliminate all the various factors that lead to any kind of hindrance in usage. Library anxiety is considered to be a major factor of this type in a college library environment. This paper is an outcome of a study conducted by the investigators to identify the factors leading to library anxiety in the first semester students of undergraduate (UG) level courses in the Farook College, Kozhikode. Surveying a sample of 103 UG students, the investigators have identified the extent of impact of factors such as frequency of library visit, artificiality in organisation and physical facilities as leading to library anxiety. Giving proper initiation to the fresh entrants and familiarising them with the resources and services are the methods to overcome anxiety. The degree of anxiety in relation to the subject areas of study-science, commerce and arts-is also examined. A discussion on the factors leading to library anxiety, its effects and remedial measures is given as a background of the study.

Information Anxiety from the Undergraduate Student Perspective: A Pilot Study of Second-semester Freshmen

In early spring 2013, a p ilo t study was conducted at a m ajor p u b lic university in O h io to explore elements o f inform ation anxiety (defined herein as a com bination o f library anxiety and inform ation technology anxiety) among second-semester freshmen enrolled in all iterations o f both a traditional and a remedial first-year English course. The Infor m ation A nxiety Scale (an adaptation o f Sharon Bostick's 1992 'Library A nxiety Scale') was the p ilo t study's prim ary measure. Study researchers wanted to exam ine w h ich inform ation anxiety elements registered the most statistical significance for respondents. Analysis o f results revealed statistically significant findings between elements in the scale and previous research and library experience, sex, and race/ethnicity. This p ilo t study experience w ill aid the study's researchers in revising their version o f the Infor m ation A nxiety Scale for a larger study on inform ation anxiety, tow ard understanding specific inform ation anxiety triggers for undergraduate students and inform ing future inform ation literacy instruction practices.

Library Anxiety Among the Students of the Deparment of Information and Records Management, Kastamonu University

Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, 2018

It is already known that library anxiety is a common issue which causes many negative effects on students’ success and can even lead to library use avoidance. The main aim of this study is to examine if the undergraduate students of Information and Records Management in Kastamonu University have experienced library anxiety and to determine the level of experienced anxiety. It is also examined whether library anxiety they feel, was related to trait anxiety of those undergraduate students. The department of Information and Records Management in the Faculty of Science and Letters, in Kastamonu University was established in 2006 and began to admit students in 2014, and the current student population of the department (2015) has risen to 78. First, it was measured if there is a relationship between two variables; trait and state anxiety of 57 undergraduate students by Zung Self Rating Scale for depression. Then library anxiety was measured using the Bostick’s Library Anxiety Scale. The s...

Library anxiety among university students: A survey.

Abstract Library anxiety has been identified as a contributory factor to poor academic performance among students, and libraries are being challenged to give serious consideration to this phenomenon in order to develop strategies for reducing the problem. This study sought to determine if there were any indicators of the presence of library anxiety among a sample of 150 undergraduates in the faculty of Humanities and Education at the University of the West Indies, Mona Campus and some of the factors contributing to this condition. The findings indicated the presence of library anxiety of short-term duration among the students due to both personal and institutional factors. Some personal factors included a lack of the relevant information literacy skills, absence of previous library experience, ignorance of the capability and extent of the library information retrieval systems and confusion when trying to find their way around the library. Institutional factors included the relatively large size of the library, the layout and organization of floors and collection, unavailability of computers and lack of appropriate signage. Recommendations were made to help alleviate the problems that appear to have triggered library anxiety. Keywords Library anxiety, academic library, undergraduate students, University of the West Indies, library phobia, library avoidance.