Emission of solar chromospheric and transition region features related to the underlying magnetic field (original) (raw)
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Relation between photospheric magnetic field and chromospheric emission
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2007
We simultaneously observed the Stokes parameters of the photospheric iron line pair at 630.2 nm and the intensity profile of the chromospheric Ca II H line at 396.8 nm in a quiet Sun region at a heliocentric angle of 53 deg. We perform a statistical analysis of network and inter-network properties.The H-index is the integrated emission in a 0.1 nm band around the Ca core. We separate a non-magnetically, H_non, and a magnetically, H_mag, heated component from a non-heated component, H_co in the H-index. The average network and inter-network H-indices are equal to 12 and 10 pm, respectively. The emission in the network is correlated with the magnetic flux density, approaching a value of H 10 pm for vanishing flux. The inter-network magnetic field is dominated by weak field strengths with values down to 200 G and its mean absolute flux density is 11 Mx cm$^{-2}$. We find that a dominant fraction of the calcium emission caused by the heated atmosphere in the magnetic network, has non-magnetic origin (H_mag = 2pm, H_non = 3pm). Considering the effect of straylight, the contribution from an atmosphere with no temperature rise to the H-index (H_co = 6pm) is about half of the observed H-index in the inter-network. The H-index in the inter-network is not correlated to any property of the photospheric magnetic field, suggesting that magnetic flux concentrations have a negligible role in the chromospheric heating in this region. The height range of the thermal coupling between the photosphere and low/mid chromosphere increases in presence of magnetic field. In addition, we demonstrate that a poor signal-to-noise level in the Stokes profiles leads to a significant over-estimation of the magnetic field strength.
Analysis of photospheric magnetic fields in AR 12546: a case study
Astrophysics and Space Science
We investigate high-resolution observations with the spectropolarimeter (SP) aboard the Hinode satellite of the Solar Optical Telescope (SOT) of a positive polarity sunspot of an active region (AR) (NOAA 12546). We present a case study for the properties of the thermal, magnetic field, and plasma flows as a function of the optical depth from the inversion of the observed Stokes profiles, covering a wide field of view area. Particular attention is paid to the examination of the net circular polarization (NCP) and area asymmetry of spectral lines in sunspots. We detect a large red-shifted velocity of 10 km sec−1 localized with the presence of a strong magnetic field corresponding to the NCP best fit of the inverted profiles. In addition, the comparison between the observed and calculated NCPs or Stokes V area asymmetries of spectral lines fitted well for most pixels in the field of view region, with a significant indication of a single-component inversion. We study the vertical gradie...
The Astrophysical Journal, 2010
Line-of-sight magnetograms for 217 active regions (ARs) of different flare rate observed at the solar disk center from January 1997 until December 2006 are utilized to study the turbulence regime and its relationship to the flare productivity. Data from SOHO/MDI instrument recorded in the high resolution mode and data from the BBSO magnetograph were used. The turbulence regime was probed via magnetic energy spectra and magnetic dissipation spectra. We found steeper energy spectra for ARs of higher flare productivity. We also report that both the power index, α, of the energy spectrum, E(k) ∼ k −α , and the total spectral energy W = E(k)dk are comparably correlated with the flare index, A, of an active region. The correlations are found to be stronger than that found between the flare index and total unsigned flux. The flare index for an AR can be estimated based on measurements of α and W as A = 10 b (αW ) c , with b = −7.92 ± 0.58 and c = 1.85 ± 0.13. We found that the regime of the fully-developed turbulence occurs in decaying ARs and in emerging ARs (at the very early stage of emergence). Well-developed ARs display under-developed turbulence with strong magnetic dissipation at all scales.
Multiwavelength ultraviolet (UV) observations by the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph satellite in active region NOAA 12529 have recently pointed out the presence of long-lasting brightenings, akin to UV bursts, and simultaneous plasma ejections occurring in the upper chromosphere and transition region during secondary flux emergence. These signatures have been interpreted as evidence of small-scale, recurrent magnetic reconnection episodes between the emerging flux region (EFR) and the preexisting plage field. Here we characterize the UV emission of these strong, intermittent brightenings and study the surge activity above the chromospheric arch filament system (AFS) overlying the EFR. We analyze the surges and the cospatial brightenings observed at different wavelengths. We find an asymmetry in the emission between the blue and red wings of the Si IV λ1402 Å and Mg II k λ2796.3 lines, which clearly outlines the dynamics of the structures above the AFS that form during the small-scale eruptive phenomena. We also detect a correlation between the Doppler velocity and skewness of the Si IV λλ1394 and 1402 line profiles in the UV burst pixels. Finally, we show that genuine emission in the Fe XII λ1349.4 line is cospatial to the Si IV brightenings. This definitely reveals a pure coronal counterpart to the reconnection event.
Here, we analyzed magnetic elements of the solar active regions (ARs) observed in the line-of-sight magnetograms (the 6173 Å Fe I line) recorded with the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO)/Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI). The Yet Another Feature Tracking Algorithm (YAFTA) was employed to extract the statistical properties of these features (e.g. filling factor, magnetic flux, and lifetime) within the areas of 180′′ × 180′′ inside the flaring AR (NOAA 12443) and the non-flaring AR (NOAA 12446) for 3 to 5 November 2015 and for 4 to 6 November 2015, respectively. The mean filling factor of polarities was obtained to be about 0.49 for the flaring AR; this value was 0.08 for the non-flaring AR. Time series of the filling factors of the negative and positive polarities for the flaring AR showed anti-correlation (with the Pearson value of -0.80); while for the non-flaring AR, there was the strong positive correlation (with the Pearson value of 0.95). A power-law function was fitted to...
Magnetic power spectra derived from ground and space measurements of the solar magnetic fields
Solar Physics, 2001
We study magnetic power spectra of active and quiet regions by using Big Bear Solar Observatory and SOHO/MDI measurements of longitudinal magnetic fields. The MDI power spectra were corrected with Gaussian Modulation Transfer Function. We obtained reliable magnetic power spectra in the high wave numbers range, up to k = 4.6 Mm −1 , which corresponds to a spatial scale l = 1.4 Mm. We find that the occurrence of the spectral discontinuity at high wave numbers, k ≥ 3 Mm −1 , largely depends on the spatial resolution of the data and it appears at progressively higher wave numbers as the resolution of the data improves. The spectral discontinuity in the raw spectra is located at wave numbers about 3 times smaller than wave numbers, corresponding to the resolution of the data, and about 1.5 -2.0 times smaller in the case of the noise-and-resolution corrected spectra. The magnetic power spectra for active and quiet regions are different: active-region power spectra are described as ∼ k −1.7 , while in a quiet region the spectrum behaves as ∼ k −1.3 . We suggest that the difference can be due to small-scale dynamo action in the quiet-Sun photosphere. Our estimations show that the dynamo can generate more than 6% of the observed magnetic power. Solar Physics 201: 225-240, 2001.
Statistical Properties of Photospheric Magnetic Elements Observed by SDO/HMI
Magnetic elements of the solar surface are studied in magnetograms recorded with the high-resolution Solar Dynamics Observatory / Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager . To extract some statistical and physical properties of these elements (e.g., filling factors, magnetic flux, size, lifetimes), the Yet Another Feature Tracking Algorithm (YAFTA), a region-based method, is employed. An area with 400$^{\prime\prime}\times$400$^{\prime\prime}$ was selected to investigate the magnetic characteristics during the year 2011. The correlation coefficient between filling factors of negative and positive polarities is 0.51. A broken power law fit was applied to the frequency distribution of size and flux. Exponents of the power-law distributions for sizes smaller and greater than 16 arcsec$^2$ were found to be -2.24 and -4.04, respectively. The exponents of power$-$law distributions for fluxes smaller and greater than 2.63$\times$10$^{19}$ Mx were found to be -2.11 and -2.51, respectively. The rela...
Chromospheric models of solar analogues with different activity levels
Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2005
We computed chromospheric models of the Sun as a star and of nine solar analogues. The atmospheric models were constructed to obtain the best possible match with the Ca II K and Hβ lines, including the asymmetry of the lines due to macroscopic velocity fields. The stars were chosen with 0.62 < B − V < 0.68 (the solar B − V = 0.65) and have a wide variety of magnetic activity levels, which allows us to study the differences in atmospheric structures induced by activity. For the less active stars we found that the changes with activity are in the region of the temperature minimum, while the most active stars show changes all along their atmospheric structures, mainly in the upper chromosphere. Regarding the macroscopic velocity fields, we can distinguish between the two groups. The most active group has a velocity field in the temperature-minimum region, and the other group in the chromospheric plateau. We also computed the net radiative losses for each model, and found that they depend linearly on the usual index of chromospheric activity, S CaII .
Irradiance Models Based on Solar Magnetic Fields
International Astronomical Union Colloquium, 1994
A method to separate the active region and quiet network components of the magnetic fields in the photosphere is described and compared with the corresponding measurements of the He I λ 10830 absorption. The relation between the total He I absorption and total magnetic flux in active regions is roughly linear and differs between cycles 21 and 22. There appears to no relation between these two quantities in areas outside of active regions. The total He I absorption in the quiet Sun (comprised of network, filaments, and coronal holes) exceeds that in active regions at all times during the cycle. As a whole, active regions of cycle 22 appear to be less complex than the active regions of cycle 21, hinting at one possible cause for a differing relation between spectral-irradiance variations and the underlying magnetic flux for these two cycles.
The Contrast of Magnetic Elements in Synthetic CH‐ and CN‐Band Images of Solar Magnetoconvection
The Astrophysical Journal, 2006
We present a comparative study of the intensity contrast in synthetic CHband and violet CN-band filtergrams computed from a high-resolution simulation of solar magnetoconvection. The underlying simulation has an average vertical magnetic field of 250 G with kG fields concentrated in its intergranular lanes, and is representative of a plage region. To simulate filtergrams typically obtained in CH-and CN-band observations we computed spatially resolved spectra in both bands and integrated these spectra over 1 nm FWHM filter functions centred at 430.5 nm and 388.3 nm, respectively. We find that the average contrast of magnetic bright points in the simulated filtergrams is lower in the CN-band by a factor of 0.96. This result strongly contradicts earlier semi-empirical modeling and recent observations, which both etimated that the bright-point contrast in the CN-band is higher by a factor of 1.4. We argue that the near equality of the bright-point contrast in the two bands in the present simulation is a natural consequence of the mechanism that causes magnetic flux elements to be particularly bright in the CN and CH filtergrams, namely the partial evacuation of these elements and the concomitant weakening of molecular spectral lines in the filter passbands. We find that the RMS intensity contrast in the whole field-of-view of the filtergrams is 20.5% in the G band and 22.0% in the CN band and conclude that this slight difference in contrast is caused by the shorter wavelength of the latter. Both the bright-point and RMS intensity contrast in the CN band are sensitive to the precise choice of the central wavelength of the filter.