Updating Quantum Cryptography Report ver. 1 (original) (raw)

An Overview of Quantum Cryptography

Information Security Management Handbook, Fifth Edition, Volume 3, 2006

† Potentially solves significant keydistribution and management problems † Offers ahighly secure cryptographysolution † Is not meant to replace, nor will it replace, existing cryptographyt echnologies † Is anew hybrid model that combines quantum cryptographyand traditional encryption to create amuch moresecure system † Although not really readyf or widespread commercial use, is developing very fast.


Dr.Anil Lamba, 2018

Rapid development of supercomputers and the prospect of quantum computers are posing increasingly serious threats to the security of communication. Using the principles of quantum cryptography, quantum communication offers provable security of communication and is a promising solution to counter such threats. Quantum cryptography that does not depend on the computer capacity of the adversary but is absolutely guaranteed by the laws of quantum physics, although it is in an initial stage, it is necessary to motivate the work for research purposes in the academic world, industry and society in general is taken as a solid alternative of security.

Quantum Cryptography: The Future of Internet and Security Management

JMSS, A2Z Journals, 2021

In today's world, the cryptography techniques are used and implemented on the elementary method of finding the prime factor of large integer, which is said to be "Inevitable to Track". But living in an era where nothing is impossible to achieve, so cryptography techniques are exposed to both technologies' advancement in computational power of machines and advancement in the fields of mathematics to break the notion that factoring of large integers into their prime is impossible. To cope up with the threat that cryptography will face is handled by fusion of physics into cryptography, leading to the evolution of Quantum Cryptography. It is one of the fast-growing fields in computer technology. In this paper, I am going to brief the concepts of Quantum Cryptography and how this technology has led to the development of the strategy of complete secure key distribution. The paper covers the loophole present in the modern cryptography techniques, the fundamental principle of quantum cryptography, its implementation in the real world along with the limitation faced in this field, and the possible future of quantum cryptography.

Quantum cryptography: State-of-art, challenges and future perspectives


With quantum computing, we are witnessing an exciting and very promising merging of three of the deepest and most successful scientific and technological developments of modern era: quantum physics, computer science, and nanotechnology. Quantum computers have the potential to perform certain calculations billions of times faster than any silicon-based computer. A functional quantum computer will be invaluable in factoring large numbers, and therefore extremely useful for decoding and encoding secret information. In this paper we have discussed contemporary cryptographic systems and their strengths and drawbacks. Two of the most common quantum key distribution protocols have been explained. This is followed by a note on the experimental realizations of quantum key distribution and the associated technological challenges. A few novel extensions of this concept in the future have also been dealt with. This paper aims at familiarizing the reader with the field of quantum cryptography and gives an insight about the latest developments.

Quantum Cryptography: Revolutionizing Secure Communication

Quantum cryptography, leveraging the principles of quantum mechanics, represents a groundbreaking advancement in secure communication. This article provides a comprehensive overview of quantum cryptography, its foundational principles, key technologies, and potential applications. We discuss the theoretical underpinnings, practical implementations, current challenges, and future directions, emphasizing its potential to redefine cybersecurity in the quantum era.

Information Technology: Quantum Cryptography


In traditional fibre optic communications, light pulses are used to transmit data across transmission channels. To protect the data, it is algorithmically encrypted in each light pulse. This has a major drawback; the amount of data throughput is reduced as the space inside each pulse has to carry both data and encryption. The underlying principle behind Quantum Cryptography (QC) is that we can increase the encryption strength of data traversing an optical channel by polarizing photons prior to transmission. This means the data packet can transmit data only; thereby increasing data throughput per unit. The principle of using the physical characteristics of light as an encryption methodology has been explored by numerous researchers. Bennett and Brassard (1984) set the foundation and proposed the BB84 protocol, which uses polarization of photons as it method of encryption. Further improvements were built on this foundation and included Time Polarization (Ali, 2016) which uses the time between successive photons as the encryption, SARG04 and Decoy State; which both relied on the sharing of a photonic key before standardized data transmission (Fehr, 2010 and Lo et al., 2008) and the Continuous Variable scheme as presented by Ralph (1999), that relied on the modulation in phase and amplitude of photons for encryption. This paper will seek to investigate the BB84 protocol to determine if it is a viable alternative to traditional AC. It will seek to explore its utility and application to industry today by investigating its strengths and limitations, the legal, social and ethical implications of its use and finally, any recommendations for improvements.

Quantum Cryptography: A Review

Indian Journal of Science and Technology, 2017

Background/Objectives: The preferment from conventional computing to quantum computing has created new challengesinthefieldofcryptography.Thecryptographicalgorithmswhichensuredintractabilityinconventionalcomputingsurfacesseriouschallengeinquantumcomputing.Methods/Statistical Analysis:Byapplyingthequantummechanics quantumcryptographycanbeusedtounrestrictedlyforreliabledatacommunications.Findings:Thecryptographycurrently in use, known as conventional cryptography, depends absolutely on the hardness of the mathematical concepts. Ellipticalcurvecryptographytodayknownasmoderncryptographyisusedextensivelyforsecuringfinancialtransactions. Advancesinquantumcomputing,caneasilybreakthissecuritybyreversecomputingkeysfasterthantheconventional computers.Application/Improvements:Thispaperisanattempttoreviewfundamentalsofquantumcryptographytoas to representitineasiestpossiblewayforanovicedemonstratingquantumonetimepad.

Quantum cryptography: Overview, security issues and future challenges


In recent years Quantum Cryptography gets more attention as well as becomes most promising cryptographic field for faster, effective and more secure communications. Quantum Cryptography is an art of science which overlap quantum properties of light under quantum mechanics on cryptographic task instead of current state of algorithms based on mathematical computing technology. Major algorithms for public key encryption and some digital signature scheme such as RSA, El Gamal cryptosystem, hash function are vulnerable at quantum adversaries. Most of the factoring problem can be broken by Shore's algorithm and quantum computer threatens other hand discrete logarithm problem. Our paper describes why modern cryptography contributes quantum cryptography, security issues and future goals of modern cryptography.