The Implementation of Inpatient Identification In Hospital X Yogyakarta (original) (raw)

Patient Safety: The Implementation of Patient Identification in the New Normal

Jurnal Aisyah : Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan

Identifying errors at the beginning of the service will have an impact on the errors at the next stage. Nurses have a central role in safe drug delivery. This study aimed to determine the implementation of patient identification. The research used descriptive analytic with a cross-sectional approach. A total of 134 nurses was selected to be the samples trough purposive sampling at a hospital in Temanggung Regency. The data were collected using questionnaires and observation sheets. The data were analyzed using a frequency distribution. The results showed that the application of patient identification was categorized as low (<100%). Nurses need to improve the implementation of patient identification according to standards so that it will improve the quality of services that focus on patient safety.

Patient Identification Implementation in Ward Based on Nurses' Knowledge and Adherence [Pelaksanaan Identifikasi Pasien DI Ruang Rawat Inap Berdasarkan Pengetahuan Dan Kepatuhan Perawat]

Nursing Current Jurnal Keperawatan

Making errors in patient identification can cause problems and are threats to safety of patients. Nurses’ adequate knowledge and adherence to the implementation of patient identification can improve patient safety. This study used quantitative research with correlation research design. This study was conducted in the inpatient unit at a private hospital in western Indonesia with a total of 37 nurses. Data were collected using questionnaires developed and has been tested for validity and reliability. Observations were also carried out to directly observe the nurses’ behaviors in carrying out patient identification using checklist observation guide developed from the standard operational procedures of the hospital. Data were analyzed using both univariate and bivariate tests with Spearman Rank. The results of this study showed significant correlation between level of nurse’s knowledge and adherence in implementing patient identification correctly with patient identification implementa...

Patient Identification in Wards: What Influences Nurses’ Complicance?

Jurnal Medicoeticolegal dan Manajemen Rumah Sakit, 2020

Patient safety is important because people have easy information and hospitals reports related to medical errors. Patient identification is the most important causes in patient safety incidents. In 2019, 12 near misses due to misidentification of patients in the inpatient, laboratory, and pharmacy at the private class D hospital in Blitar. This prompted the authors to conduct case study and analyse the causal factors of the problems. The method used in this research is descriptive and case study approach. Identification of the root problems was done by observation and interviews with implementing inpatients room's nurses using observation sheets. Determination of the root problems is determined through two-stage focus group discussion (FGD) using a fish bone diagram. Six root problems was found that affect the low compliance in the implementation of patient identification in inpatient installations, they are low supervision and supervision from the leadership, no resocialization regarding patient identification, small number of patients, lack of safety culture, lack of supporting tools, and patients' willingness to be served quickly. Knowing the root factors that affect the officers' compliance is essential so supervision methods that are appropriate to the conditions of the hospital can be conducted. Keselamatan pasien penting saat ini karena orang memiliki akses informasi yang mudah dan banyak laporan rumah sakit terkait dengan kesalahan medis. Kesalahan identifikasi pasien merupakan salah satu penyebab paling penting dalam insiden keselamatan pasien. Tahun 2019 terdapat 12 kejadian nyaris cidera karena kesalahan identifikasi pasien pada ruang rawat inap, laboratorium, dan farmasi di RS swasta Kelas D Kota Blitar. Ini mendorong penulis melakukan studi kasus dan menganalisis faktor-faktor penyebab masalah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dan pendekatan studi kasus. Identifikasi masalah akar dilakukan dengan observasi dan wawancara dengan menerapkan perawat ruang rawat inap menggunakan lembar observasi. Penentuan akar masalah ditentukan melalui dua tahap diskusi kelompok terarah (FGD) menggunakan diagram tulang ikan. Ditemukan enam akar masalah yang mempengaruhi rendahnya kepatuhan dalam pelaksanaan identifikasi pasien di instalasi rawat inap, yaitu rendahnya pengawasan dan pengawasan dari pimpinan, tidak ada sosialisasi mengenai identifikasi pasien, sejumlah kecil pasien, kurangnya budaya keselamatan, kurangnya alat pendukung, dan kesediaan pasien untuk dilayani dengan cepat. Mengetahui akar masalah yang mempengaruhi kepatuhan petugas sangat penting sehingga metode pengawasan yang sesuai dengan kondisi rumah sakit dapat dilakukan.

Assessing knowledge and compliance of patient identification methods in a specialized hospital in Saudi Arabia

Global Journal on Quality and Safety in Healthcare, 2019

Background: Patient misidentification prevails in daily practice and remains a critical issue in health care. Being knowledgeable about how to accurately identify patients and comply with identification processes is critical, particularly in countries where patients have similar names. A study was undertaken to examine the knowledge levels of and compliance with the patient safety goals and policies and procedures of the clinical and nonclinical staff. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional survey and an observational audit design were used at a specialist and research hospital in the Saudi Arabia to assess knowledge levels and compliance rates of appropriate patient identification methods. Results: The majority of healthcare providers (n = 350, 87.1%) and almost half of non-healthcare providers (n = 186, 47.8%) reported high levels of knowledge of patient identification standards, including the need to use two patient identifiers. However, audit results revealed that health-care ...

The Effect Of Implementation Of Patient Identification Based On The Pall Accreditation Standards On Improving The Patient Safety Program At Royal Prima General Hospital In 2022

International Journal of Health and Pharmaceutical (IJHP)

Patient safety is a variable to measure and evaluate the quality of nursingservices that have an impact on health services. One of the safety services inhospitals starts from the accuracy of patient identification. Patientidentification errors at the beginning of the service will continue to the nextservice error. The purpose of this study was to determine how the effect ofimplementing patient identification based on JCI accreditation standards onimproving the Patient Safety program at Royal Prima Hospital. This type ofresearch is a quantitative study with a cross-sectional design. Samplingtechnique The sampling technique in this study was to use the Slovinformula with a total sample of 124 patients. Data analysis in this study usedunivariate and bivariate analysis. The results of the study explained thatthere was an influence between the implementation of patient identificationbased on the Plenary accreditation standard to the improvement of thePatient Safety program at the Royal P...

He thought the "lady in the door" was the "lady in the window": a qualitative study of patient identification practices

Joint Commission journal on quality and patient safety / Joint Commission Resources, 2012

Accurate patient identification (PT ID) is a key component in hospital patient safety practices and was addressed by one of the first six Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goals, which were introduced in 2003. Although the literature on patient safety practices is replete with discussion of strategies for improvement, less is known about frontline providers' subjective views. A qualitative study was conducted to examine the subjective views and experiences of nurses and residents regarding PT ID at an urban teaching hospital. Some 15 registered nurses and 15 residents were interviewed between August 2009 and June 2010. Transcripts were analyzed using qualitative methodologies. Although residents and nurses viewed PT ID as crucial to patient safety, they cited time pressures; confidence in their ability to informally identify patients; and a desire to deliver personal, humanistic care as reasons for not consistently verifying patient identification. Nurses expressed concer...

The safety of care focused on patient identity: an observational study


Background and aim: Healthcare organizations, to reduce errors and extend the number of safe practices, are looking for possible solutions to enhance the clients’ health quality care and trying to spread the culture of safety healthcare. Although in the literature the field of research “patient safety” is very debated, there are few empirical studies that investigate about the strategies undertaken by nursing students for the patients’ identification process during their care pathway. The aim of this study is to investigate the knowledge of the Ministerial Recommendation No. 3/2008 among nursing students, a specific Italian directive that aims to guarantee the safety of cares. Methods: A four-weeks single-centered observational study was conducted, involving a convenient sample of 112 students of the 2nd and 3rd year of the Nursing Course Degree of the University of Parma. The survey was conducted using an ad-hoc questionnaire. Results: The use of the identification wristband is con...

Patient Identification Errors in the Hospital Setting: A Prospective Observational Study

Al-Rafidain Journal of Medical Sciences ( ISSN: 2789-3219 )

Background and aim: In every aspect of clinical care, including diagnostic testing and medication administration, patient identification (ID) errors can disrupt care and harm patients. The study assesses healthcare workers' frequency and accuracy in verifying patient identity before performing common tasks and develops a proposed patient verifying identity program clinical model to meet the training needs of healthcare workers. Methods: An observational cross-sectional study was conducted at Al-Najaf Teaching Hospital from March to May 2022. Data collection was done through a questionnaire and participatory observation. Hundred-forty healthcare workers participated in the study: 52 clinic doctors, 27 registered nurses, 34 information officers, 17 pharmacists, 4 radiologists, and 6 outpatient hospital doctors. Results: The majority of participants (62.1%) were female. The majority of the 40 participants (28.6%) worked in the operating room. Furthermore, the majority of the partic...

Strategy to increase the quality of service and safety patients in the hospital Imelda Medan 2020

International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences, 2021

Background: Currently, health services have very important demands, including services in hospitals that must be professional with international standards. Health services no longer only focus on patient satisfaction but also focus more on patient safety (patient safety). The aim of the study was to determine the strategy for improving the quality of service and patient safety at the Imelda General Hospital in 2020. Methods: This research used descriptive qualitative research with an inductive approach. The data used in this study came from in-depth interviews with respondents. The population was drawn from organizational staff at the Imelda Hospital Medan, namely the medical committee, nursing committee, PMKP committee, PPI committee and materials. The sample method used is exhaustive sampling.Results: Based on the research results obtained, the Imelda Hospital Medan is included in a hospital that is able to compete in a competitive market, especially in urban areas. Based on the ...