The Influence Of Digital Marketing & Innovasion On The School Performance (original) (raw)

Development of Digital Marketing Strategy in the Education Industry

International Review of Management and Marketing, 2020

Indonesia Internet Service Providers Association (APJII) in 2018 released data that internet users in Indonesia amounted to 64,8%. An increasing number of internet usage is used by marketers to market their products or services through the internet. Digital marketing strategy is needed by companies in order to survive and compete. Marketing strategy planning in this study uses Internal-External matrix approach by combining the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and analytic hierarchy process methods. The purpose of this research is to determine the company's position and choose alternative priority strategies. The result of this study indicates that the company a strong internal position and responds well to opportunities and threats that exist. The company's position is in quadrant IV, meaning that the right strategy is to grow and develop and alternative priority strategies that have the highest weight is strengths-opportunities (SO). SO strategy, maximize its strength to seize opportunities, then the company's strategy is to have lots of customer satisfaction testimonials displayed on website and social media and the opportunity to make products easy to find, because the dissemination of information through the internet can quickly spread and reach all consumers.

Selection of the Best Sem Model to Identify Factors Affecting Marketing Performance in the Ict Industry

BAREKENG: Jurnal Ilmu Matematika dan Terapan

The digital revolution in society and the advances in marketing practices create tremendous challenges for companies and even more so for Information and Communication Technology (ICT) service providers. They are faced with increasingly complex and rapidly changing market competition, knowing these problems can use SEM to form a research model and find out the relationship between latent variables and their indicators. The purpose of this study is to identify the best structural equation model that can describe Marketing Performance in the ICT Industry in Indonesia. The data used in this study is primary data obtained from the results of distributing offline and online questionnaires to 300 management levels working in the ICT Industry. The methods compared in this study are Covariance Based Structural Equation Modeling and Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling. The results showed that the best model to determine the factors that influence Marketing Performance in the IC...

Investigating the effects of e-learning, digital transformation, and digital innovation on school performance in the digital era

International journal of data and network science, 2024

In the digital era that continues to develop, information technology has brought significant changes to various aspects of human life. One of the clearest impacts is in the field of education. In this era, learning is no longer limited to physical classrooms and textbooks, instead, electronic learning or e-learning has become a popular alternative for accessing knowledge and learning online. This research aims to analyze the relationship between e-learning variables and school performance, the relationship between digital transformation variables and school performance and the relationship between digital innovation and school performance. The study uses a quantitative method approach and data analysis using the Partial Least Square-Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) approach. Research data was obtained by distributing an online questionnaire form via social media platforms. The questionnaire was designed to contain statement items on a Likert scale from 1 to 7. The respondents for this research were 467 school principals in Indonesia who were determined using the sample determination method, namely simple random sampling. The stages of research data analysis are validity testing, reliability testing and hypothesis testing or significance testing. The independent variables in this research are e-learning, digital transformation and digital innovation, the dependent variable in this research is school performance. The results indicate that e-learning, digital transformation, and innovation had positive and significant effects on school performance.

The role of digital marketing in improving SME’s prod- uct competitiveness in The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) (Case study in Indonesia)

Journal of Administrative and Business Studies, 2018

Small Medium Enterprises (SME's); Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) has a huge contribution in indonesia and asean economic. There is 96% micro business in ASEAN and 99% in Indonesia. Digital technology helps SME's move faster and more competitive in national and international context. Technology and Internet had a huge impact of economic growth in the world including Indonesia. The effective free market is basic point of SME's. Therefore, it needs the right strategy in increasing competitiveness to compete in AEC. Little Bandung is one of Bandung Goverment program in increasing SME's to active in Internatioal business and contributes an economic growth nationally with becoming a part of global value chain as a response for AEC challange. The purpose of this research is identifying the characteristics of SME's in little Bandung. The research will analyze the impact of digital marketing to the competitiveness of SME's little bandung in AEC, and the effectiveness factor of digital marketing in SME's. Data collection process will held in Indonesia. This research identi ies three main variables that have potential to in luence Digital Marketing (DM) and Digital Leadership Capability (DLC) that is Digital Culture(DC), Digital Attitude (DA), Leadership Skill (LS). Furthermore, digital marketing and digital leadership capability is also tested whether it has potential for in luence on competitiveness. The the research is quantitative which collected by visiting SME's dan melalui google form. The data analysis method is partial least squares; structural equation modeling. The results of these tests indicated in the hypothesised relationship.

Digital Marketing: An Influence towards Business Performance among Entrepreneurs of Small and Medium Enterprises

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Digital marketing is basically promoting the brand of business products using all forms of digital advertising mediums as a more interactive and informative alternative. This is in line with the availability of internet technology and enabling various marketing methods to be done digitally. Entrepreneurs are encouraged to use this mediums optimally to achieve more aggressive and inovastive business quality. Specifically, this study aims to look at the digital media phenomenon which is seen as increasingly powerful as information and marketing channel agent as well as to test the impact of its usage on entrepreneurial performance. This study will consider the aspect of powerful digital marketing in the development of business performance among Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). A quantitative approach based on cross sectional design is iapplied in this study. The questionnaire form as a research instrument is based on the domains in the identified variables. The sample consists of 300 SME entrepreneurs aged between 18 to 55 years old who run businesses around Klang Valley. The data was analyzed using SPSS software (Satistical Package for Social Sciences) and Smart PLS. The results reveal that the business purpose, product advertising, marketing benefits and product reputation have significant relationship with the business performance of SME entrepreneurs. The results of the structural equation modeling analysis showed that the powerful of digital marketing significantly influenced business performance. This explains that the dimensions, which measure the digital marketing, affect the business performance positively and thus help the business development towards a more effective system.

The role of digital marketing in improving SME’s prod- uct competitiveness in The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) (Case study in Indonesia)

Journal of Administrative and Business Studies

Small Medium Enterprises (SME's); Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) has a huge contribution in indonesia and asean economic. There is 96% micro business in ASEAN and 99% in Indonesia. Digital technology helps SME's move faster and more competitive in national and international context. Technology and Internet had a huge impact of economic growth in the world including Indonesia. The effective free market is basic point of SME's. Therefore, it needs the right strategy in increasing competitiveness to compete in AEC. Little Bandung is one of Bandung Goverment program in increasing SME's to active in Internatioal business and contributes an economic growth nationally with becoming a part of global value chain as a response for AEC challange. The purpose of this research is identifying the characteristics of SME's in little Bandung. The research will analyze the impact of digital marketing to the competitiveness of SME's little bandung in AEC, and the effectiveness factor of digital marketing in SME's. Data collection process will held in Indonesia. This research identi ies three main variables that have potential to in luence Digital Marketing (DM) and Digital Leadership Capability (DLC) that is Digital Culture(DC), Digital Attitude (DA), Leadership Skill (LS). Furthermore, digital marketing and digital leadership capability is also tested whether it has potential for in luence on competitiveness. The the research is quantitative which collected by visiting SME's dan melalui google form. The data analysis method is partial least squares; structural equation modeling. The results of these tests indicated in the hypothesised relationship.

Digital Marketing Pada Ukm : Identifikasi Riset Gap Melalui Studi Literatur Review

Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi: Jurnal Keilmuan dan Aplikasi Teknologi Industri

Perkembangan digitalisasi semakin cepat, seiring dengan pertumbuhan penggunaan internet. Data dari Kominfo pengguna internet di Indonesia tumbuh 10,2 persen setiap tahunnya atau sekitar 27 juta pengguna, jika dibandingkan dengan pengguna internet di dunia, Indonesia menempati peringkat ke-5. Kondisi ini membuat perubahan yang sangat drastis bagi dunia marketing, yaitu perubahan sistem dari konvensional kepada digital. Kebutuhan untuk melakukan penelitian tentang penggunaan digital marketing di UKM merupakan hal yang sangat penting. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengembangkan pemahaman tentang penelitian yang terkait dengan pemasaran digital pada UKM, dan menemukan riset gap pada penelitian yang diterbitkan antara tahun 2015 hingga tahun 2020. Untuk menganalisis dan mengkaji literatur yang bertemakan digital marketing di UKM, menggunakan analisis sistematis dan mengklasifikasikan data yang dipublikasikan dari jurnal pemasaran, jurnal ekonomi, bisnis dan manajemen serta jurnal IT yang dapat diakses secara online. Hasilnya menunjukkan. terdapat kesenjangan penelitian dibidang digital marketing, untuk mengisinya, perlu dilakukan penelitian untuk menyelidiki peluang yang diciptakan oleh digital marketing untuk UKM di Indonesia.

Pendampingan Penerapan Digital Marketing Sebagai Strategi Marketing Pada Umkm Bakpao Ijo Lumer

Sarwahita, 2022

The development of technology today has been increasingly advanced and developed, especially social media that greatly impact and affect people's lives. The development of technology also has an impact on marketing, especially in the process of buying and selling, Digital Marketing is one of the marketing strategies that can reach the wider community from the top to the bottom. Research in this training uses the ABCD method or this training using the ABCD approach that is Asset Based Community Development, which prioritizes the utilization of assets and potential that exist around and owned by the community. Marketing planning in this study aims to develop MSMEs Bakpao Ijo Lumer in Milangasri District Panekan which due to pandemic vovid-19 began to decrease sales, the problems faced by bakpao ijo sellers one of them is in marketing or marketing, With this research bakpao ijo sellers can better know the benefits of technology, especially digital marketing to advertise or sell the...

Analysis of Structural Equation Modeling as a Measuring Tool for Educational Management Research

APTISI Transactions on Management, 2018

In management education and psychology there are certain concepts that cannot be well defined and then various discussions arise about the true meaning of the concept. Concepts such as management intelligence, personality, attitudes, interests, ambitions, social prejudice and social status are hypothetical constructs that are not available in operational methods that can directly measure them. Concepts such as intelligence, personality, attitudes, interests, ambitions, social prejudice, social status are hypothetical constructs that are not available operational methods that can directly measure them. This study aims to determine the background of the use of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM), understanding SEM, basic concepts of SEM: constructs, manifest variables, validity, reliability, factor analysis, polycoric correlation, causal relationships, LISREL: Linear Structural Relationship, SEM procedures : definition of variance and covariance, model specifications, model identification, model estimation, model formation, model compatibility test, model specification, LISREL program output. Symbols in SEM and SEM mathematical equations. The method used during this study took place, namely using a literature study method which functions so that in research, researchers continue to add insight.

Does the Link Between Marketing Orientation and Innovation Lead to Success? A Survey Based on Structural Equation Modeling in Turkey


Innovation has been long discussed to be an important element for sustaining a competitive advantage. The relationship between market orientation and innovation has not been argued enough in literature. Innovation can be defined as firms gain position through an introduction of new technologies, production processes, and products in the market place. According to the Schumpeterian view (1934) to take a competitive advantage, firms should link between marketing and innovation orientation. However, Drucker (1954) defines that the two basic elements, of the firms' are marketing and innovation, so that innovation concept fits on the centrality of market orientation. The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of innovation on a firm's performance in the context of product and marketing innovation among over 10.000 firms, the data of which were provided by the Turkish Statistical Institute. It examines the relation between firm innovation and financial performance as a firm performance criterion. Structural Equation Modeling has used to analyze the possibility of a marketing/innovation effect on performance model, as the basis of the Community Innovation Statistics questionnaire survey. Equation Model (SEM) JEL Classification: M10, M20, M30 PAZARLAMA YÖNLÜLÜK İLE INOVASYON ARASINDAKİ İLİŞKİ BAŞARIYI GETİRİR Mİ? TÜRKİYE'DE SEM TEMELLİ BİR ARAŞTIRMA Özet İnovasyon, rekabetin avantajının sürdürülmesinde önemli bir eleman olarak uzun süredir tartışılmaktadır. Pazarlama odaklılık ile inovasyon arasındaki ilişki literatürde yeterince tartışılmamıştır. İnovasyon firmaların yeni teknolojiler, üretim süreçleri ve ürünler yoluyla pazarda bir pozisyon elde etmeleri olarak tanımlanabilir. Schumpeteryan bakış açısına (1934) göre bir rekabet avantajı elde etmek, firmaların pazarlama ile inovasyon odaklılık arasında bir bağ oluşturmasıyla olmaktadır. Ancak, Drucker (1954) firmaların iki temel unsurunu pazarlama