Knowledge and Conservation - Creating the Digital Library of New Hispanic Thought (original) (raw)
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Astrological literature in Seventeenth Century Spain 2009
When he wrote his Religion and the Decline of Magic, Keith Thomas stressed that the topics he considered, including astrology, were not peculiarly English, and said that an exercise in comparative history would be desirable, but impossible until the data for each country have been properly assembled (x). Nearly forty years later, this exercise in comparative history is still not possible and the numerous astrological works printed in the different kingdoms of the Spanish Monarchy during the early modern period have not systematically studied. The desirable exercise of comparative history proposed by Thomas must begin with a knowledge sources, which is still lacking for the case of many European countries. 1 The objective of this paper is to make a first step towards that knowledge with a simple description and classification of early modern Spanish astrological printed works. The works described and commented upon in this article are specifically those related to astrology that were printed in Spain or written by Spanish authors and published abroad during the seventeenth century. 2
From the standpoint of many thinkers in the Renaissance, astrology was science. 1 It comprised a body of knowledge that fit the criteria of verification commonly accepted for confirming information and establishing certitude about the natural world. It derived from authoritative traditions rooted in admired ages and places, illuminated by ancient wisdom. The most respected intellects had set great store by it from time immemorial. It made sense according to prevailing ideas about how the world and human nature worked. Its language was embedded in the very discourse whereby the results of scientific investigations were expressed. It seemed to conform to observations and experiences accumulated over time. Its methods were the methods of all knowledge-gathering. It used an experiential, not an experimental approach; and as such it belonged to Renaissance science and only partly to ours. And to the extent that Renaissance thinkers began to invent modes of knowledge-testing to which it could not conform, it gradually lost its grip on Renaissance minds and was superseded by other approaches. 2 Thus the story of astrology and science in the Renaissance is largely the story of science in general. No wonder Giovanni Battista Riccioli included both astrologers and astronomers together in the list he compiled at the end of the seventeenth century of experts on celestial matters from ancient to modern. And no wonder that, well into the seventeenth century and beyond, it kept its position among the studies associated with "mixed mathematics" as taught in the medical schools. And the works and days of its practitioners deserve all the attention that, for instance, the Cambridge History of Early Modern Science, or indeed the Cambridge History of Renaissance Philosophy have devoted to them. To these anthologies we also refer for a fuller discussion of the problematic term "science" in this context, adding only that for the sake of convenience "science" and "natural knowledge" will be used interchangeably in deference to historical usage when referring to our period, and clear indications will be given when anything specifically relating to the notion of "modern science" is in play.
Jesuits and Astrology: Print versus Manuscript
Journal of Jesuit Studies, 2023
Astrology played an important part in early modern European culture, as a fundamental part of both mathematical and astronomical traditions. During the same period, the Society of Jesus built their global educational enterprise, which included a proven expertise in mathematical and astronomical study. Although insufficiently acknowledged in Jesuit historiography, astrology formed an important part of this scientific project. Several Jesuit authors engaged in the study, teaching, and practice of astrology. From the mathematics curriculum of the Roman College to the Jesuit astrology classes in Portugal and Spain, the present article discusses astrology’s presence in early modern Jesuit publications. It examines the discussion of astrology in the Society’s scientific works, highlights the sharp contrast between the printed word and the manuscript tradition, and demonstrates how the latter provides a better guide to the role of astrology as part of Jesuit science.
Astronomy and astrology: once indistinguishable, now clearly sepaate
Understanding human life, 2022
Astronomy and astrology have been defined in many ways over the centuries, so we must begin by specifying exactly what we mean by the two terms. We show how astronomy and astrology were closely linked in antiquity. We then describe how these initial ties weakened over time, resulting in two opposite approaches to our relations with celestial phenomena-the first becoming a science, the second a divination art. The next section discusses the present revival of scientific interest in astrology, both to condemn it as a superstition and to apply a new scientifc approach to it. In conclusion, it is important to examine the reasons for astrology’s enduring popular appeal.
Scientific Astrology Abstracts
First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2008, Copyright © 2008 by Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this abstract may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law. ZODIACAL INFORMATION KLAUDIO ZIC Academy for RTRRT and Scientific Astrology ABSTRACT The Academy of Scientific Astrology is based on astronomic principles confirming to the IAU convention. The calculations are performed on the HORIZONS integrator by Jon Giorgini of NASA JPL, Pasadena CA. Subject headings: solar system – Academic Zodiac, astronomy – precession, religion – planetary exorcism Online material: Amo 5:8 seek him that made the Pleiades and Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the day dark with night; that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth: Jehovah is his name. 1. MOTIVATION In the age of Cetus, our scientists uncover our distant past through walking snakes and whales1. A fossil is information. Information often requires further interpretation, sometimes even when simple and direct. We assume that the position of the sun is an information of interest to many. It will be immediately apparent that information is classified according to authority, namely NASA JPL. When an authority issues information, there is no doubt as to its efficaciousness as well as correctness. In extension, information, when properly applied, fertilizes the original human mind. On the other hand, misinformation binds the mind in the dungeons of darkness and superstition. Only a short ephemeris strip will provide more information than all superstition through ages, as well as stir exorcism in a crooked mind beset by dark superstition. The superstitious 2. PROBLEM Information travels like seed. If it falls on fertile ground, it will bloom, while if it slips towards barren minds, it will hardly produce any effect. In order to make gold, one must have at least a little gold oneself. In acquiring information, one must possess at least one happy thought an infinitesimal parcel of one’s original mind. A true mind is hard to find, as most human minds lie suffocated under the burden of false ego. The hermit seeks human beings with the help of a lamp. Ecce homo. False ego is an install, quite incapable of any magickal feat. The default ego victimizes humankind. Without that ego, humankind would not suffer death at all. This precise ego is marked for deletion according to the bible and the reality-rendering project. 3. APPROACH In order to exemplify information as function of planetary exorcism, we presented the astrological community with an authoritative set of ephemeris, the NASA JPL HORIZONS ephemeris. These are readily available as national patrimony and racial legacy. As there can be no doubt as to the precision and accuracy of such an ephemeris, we used them in defining the zodiac. The result was the Academic Zodiac, an accurate as well as operative environment for qualified astronomical as well as astrological praxis. 4. RESULTS The results of our research are enlisted as follow. The easiest way in one’s own progress is the acceptance of authority. As one’s often cherished mind is not one’s own at all, authority is called in dispelling doubts. You decide when to walk or when to sit, but you do not decide when to think. Moreover, no one can stop thinking2. If default mind would be our own, we would be able to switch it off and on at will. In order to absorb information, one relaxes into non-thinking. A second of non-thinking is worth an eternity. It is eternity! Time and space are just concepts like any, as unzipped by the true mind distiller3. Inspection shows that there are 22 zodiacal constellations. When scanned and packed together, they form the Academic Zodiac. Precession has 16 rising constellations at east at the present epoch. Some of the zodiacal constellations are occasionally overlapping with the zodiacal constellations. Several zodiacal constellations do not rise at east at the present epoch, namely Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Libra, Scorpius, Sagittarius and Capricornus do not rise at east, and thus can not be labeled as ascendants. Information is often packed within little capsules like this NASA ephemeris strip4 for the winter sun. The sun is still in Libra on November 23rd. 2008-Nov-23 00:00 Lib 2008-Nov-24 00:00 Sco 2008-Nov-25 00:00 Sco 2008-Nov-26 00:00 Sco 2008-Nov-27 00:00 Sco 2008-Nov-28 00:00 Sco 2008-Nov-29 00:00 Sco 2008-Nov-30 00:00 Oph 2008… 2008-Dec-17 00:00 Oph 2008-Dec-18 00:00 Sgr A further zodiacal information is provided within a graphical example. It happens that the example is a typical horoscope printout for modern times. This setup includes all the major dwarf planets, including the recent discoveries. Note that such a printout was never available anywhere else. Eris sitting precisely on the NYC western horizon, or moon in Orion for the WTC are simply not part of any pseudo-astrological experience. The horoscope of course shows 16 rising constellations5 as nested within the Cartesian house system. Thus, if the moon is rising in Cetus at east in your horoscope, Cetus is marked as ascendant and lord of the first house. On the other hand, if Venus in Hydra is rising at east, the longest zodiacal constellation will be visible at the ascendant in your horoscope. In the graphical example, we observe recently discovered dwarf planets as neatly nested within the Cartesian house system. The wheel chart is for Pas de Calais 15886. Eris is conjunct Masonic 2002 MS4 in the first house. While the lord of war, Mars is conjunct with 2006 QH181 precisely NE. The example serves as unique map for the modern astrologer, in that it announces an expansion of our integrating capabilities. NASA is introducing a new integration model which would be able to calculate the accurate position for e.g. dwarf planets like 2007 OR10, even towards remote epochs. As concern information, the map clearly stands as standard. Technically, we deal with an astronomical-astrological chart wheel as based on the Cartesian chart system. As all the new discoveries are automatically loaded, we gain a better perspective of the event. It is most exciting to discover our past as armed with the new discoveries, from giant comets to KELU-1 or the dwarf planets. The map shows 2007 OR10 in the 10th Cartesian house, as aligned with the prominent Moon Uranus conjunction. Dr John Dee would give everything to have this map on his desk. How do we use this map? If we associate 2007 OR10 with war waged and lost, we immediately have a warning for the current president of the USA, who has 2007 OR10 prominent in his own natal chart. Namely, the direction of 2007 OR10 in the map can be associated with the movement of the betrayed Armada fleet. Astrological maps clearly show the movement of troops. In our case, we would expect an attack from NE. When properly projected, minute detail clearly shows in its strategic proportions. Thus, 2007 OR10 will mark a specific vessel coming from the London direction. We can even determine the name and speed of the vessel itself, as based on a recent discovery within the dwarf planet realm. This is more data than Dr John Dee ever had or needed. 5. DISCUSSION The superstitious mind is a separate apparatus that is installed atop of the original, in order to suffocate it. The install pertains to the transcendental sphere, albeit intuition penetrates the mystery of the original sin. Children intuitively know not only that something is wrong, but also who and what is wrong, but are discouraged to claim their original mind, precisely by their already enslaved parents. Nevertheless, scientific is encouraged in an illuminated environment, from which true mind springs free as associated with objective science.
ASTROLOGY’S UNIVERSAL PARADIGM: The One Universal Language (Part 2)
Astrology is in every sense a wholly mystical religious paradigm. It is the sine qua non of all religions that ever was, is or ever will be. Its innumerable mysteries cannot be fathomed by the human intellect. This article investigates the origins of Astrology. Where did the idea for Astrology come from and how did it develop globally?