Development of Sustainable Rural Tourism (original) (raw)

Possibilities of sustainable development of rural tourism in continental Croatia


MOGUĆNOSTI ODRŽIVOG RAZVOJA RURALNOG TURIZMA U KONTINETALNOJ HRVATSKOJ POSSIBILITIES OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL TOURISM IN CONTINENTAL CROATIA SAŽETAK: U radu se analiza postojeće stanje ruralnog turizma u Hrvatskoj te se utvrđuju mogućnosti i smjernice njegova održiva razvoja. Istraživanje je pokazalo da ruralni turizam u Hrvatskoj zaostaje za kupališno-odmorišnim turizmom primorske Hrvatske, kao i da se nedovoljno koriste brojni i raznoliki prirodni i društveni resursi kojima kontinentalni dio Hrvatske obiluje. Dosadašnji razvoj ruralnog turizma u kontinentalnoj Hrvatskoj bio je uglavnom prepušten individualnoj poduzetničkoj inicijativi i oskudnim izvorima fi nanciranja pa se stihijski razvila heterogena i usitnjena turistička ruralna ponuda temeljena na različitim vrstama i specifi čnim oblicima turizma. Budući da je riječ o ekološki očuvanom prostoru čije je resurse potrebno sačuvati i za buduće generacije, u razvoju ruralnog turizma nužno se nameće koncept održivog razvoja. Iz toga proizlazi temeljna hipoteza ovog rada da se dugoročni održivi razvoj ruralnog turizma u kontinentalnoj Hrvatskoj može osigurati samo integriranom turističkom ponudom različitih specifi čnih oblika turizma. KLJUČNE RIJEČI: održivi razvoj ruralnog turizma, specifi čni oblici turizma, integrirana turistička ponuda, kontinentalna Hrvatska SUMMARY: The goal of this paper was to analyse the current status of rural tourism in Croatia and to identify possibilities and guidelines of its sustanibale development. The research has shown that rural tourism in Croatia falls behind the sun-and-beach holiday tourism in coastal Croatia and that numerous and diverse natural and social resources in continental Croatia are insuffi ciently employed. Past research of rural tourism in continental Croatia relied on individual entrepreneurial initiative and scarce funding resources, so that consequently a heterogenous and fragmented rural tourism offer, based on various tourism forms and special interest tourism types, has developed in an unorganised way. Since the area in question is ecologically preserved and its resources need to be protected for future generations, the issue of rural tourism development unequivocally introduces the concept of sustainable development. From these results the basic hypothesis of this paper is derived that long-term sustainable development of rural tourism in continental Croatia may be provided only through integrated tourism offer of special interest tourism.

Sustainable tourism development in Croatian rural areas : tourist experiences, economic and social benefits


Rural areas, because of their special features, require a carefully planned tourism development which should be based on principles of sustainable development. Besides economic characteristic, these areas are characterized by demographic problems and by the abandonment of traditional economic activities such as agriculture, animal husbandry and forestry. Republic of Croatia is highly tourism-oriented country but more than 80% of this tourist traffic is carried out in coastal parts of the country and on islands along the Adriatic coast. Since the 1970s, rural settlements in these coastal areas are recording a shift in terms of major economic activities of the local population. In fact, tourism generally becomes the main source of local population's income, either directly or indirectly. However, completely different situation is taking place in continental rural areas of Croatia, and those inland areas are the research object of this paper. The growth of tourists' interest for visiting these very areas has encouraged the residents of inland villages to the new development and new entrepreneurial orientation-tourism. This general trend worldwide indicates a growing demand for services and facilities that are connected to tradition and to typical and authentic rural experiences but at the same time it emphasizes the need for sustainable development and the protection of resources.

Constraints and possibilities of the rural tourism development with the special stress on the case of Croatia

Global economic restructuring has created a climate in which many local economies have to adjust, in order to maintain or enhance their socioeconomic viability. Social and economic forces operating at the global level are determining both the nature and form of the rural landscape and how we value and use it. These changes, coupled with new ideas and approaches to leisure and recreation time are encouraging tourism development in rural areas at an ever increasing pace. The definition of rural tourism has been subject of much debate in the literature without arriving at any firm consensus. Most definitions tend to focus on the types of activities visitors engage with in a rural area, this leads to labelling of different tourism types. For example, forms associated with rural areas are agri tourism, eco tourism, green tourism, cultural tourism, heritage tourism, nature tourism and countryside tourism. All of these forms are closely associated with the basic requirements of sustainable development. What mustn't be overlooked as the very essence of rural tourism is local cooperation and community involvement through different forms of networking. This is supposed to be one of the most important requirements for the rural tourism to become sustainable in the long term. The main objective of this paper is to examine the trends of rural tourism development in Europe and to highlight most obvious constraints to its better development in the context of sustainability. In this context some suggestions will be given so as to enhance future development of the rural tourist destinations and especially in the Republic of Croatia where this form of tourism is still underdeveloped.

Rural tourism and sustainable development

Paper presented, 1998

Rural tourism is one of the main priorities of tourism development in Hungary, for several reasons. The country has competitive resources in this field (nature, cultural heritage, traditional hospitality), and these resources are mainly located in the less developed areas of Hungary, where tourism can contribute to the overall economic development, thus improving the quality of life of local residents. Rural tourism has just recently started to develop in Hungary. The first experiences of small businesses and rural communities have been ambivalent. The benefits of tourism development have not always lived up to the expectations of the parties involved (including the communities, the individual businesses and also the tourists). In this paper, the development of Hungarian rural tourism is analysed through a set of sustainability indicators relevant to this kind of tourism. These indicators have been chosen according to their relevance to rural tourism development. The study aims to identify the critical points of rural tourism development in Hungary and to suggest further areas to be researched in more detailed way.

A Sustainable Approach to Tourism Development in Rural Areas: The Example of Poland


The research presented in this article concerns the issue of rural tourism, which is associated with significant economic and landscape changes in the countryside. It is important that tourist development in these areas be subject to the principles of sustainable development, which are important for the preservation of the environment in which tourism operates. The research topic is related to two of the most salient features of rural tourism today, environmental sustainability and pro-environmental behavior, which are considered the right ways to achieve sustainability goals. The main research aim presented is to indicate which of the postulates of sustainable development are being implemented and how concerning the functioning and development of rural tourism is on the Polish tourism market. Another goal is to indicate what types of resources in the rural environment are the basis for the preparation of a tourist product; for whom and how these resources are to be used; as well as...

Strategic approaches to rural tourism and sustainable

The paper describes the role of rural tourism for the sustainable development of rural areas and stresses out the importance of strategic approach in the planning of their development. The author identifies core problems, which eliminate their use and disable individual strategies set by some entrepreneurs in rural tourism. Concretely it is the absence of developing projects and focus on the development of individual villages. Then it is the lack of will to cooperate, local resources are not effectively used and the local community is not adequately involved.

How to develop sustainable tourism in rural destinations in Serbia

Glasnik srpskog geografskog dru?tva, 2008

The classical distinction between countries of tourist offer and countries of tourist demand has already been surpassed considering that many countries of tourist demand (USA, Germany, Great Britain …) earn much more from tourism than the countries of tourist offer (Italy, Greece, Portugal …). The changes in customers' behaviour are reflected through restructuring of tourist movements towards new destinations. What is essential in creating, promoting and marketing tourist destinations for the specific tourism forms development is the identification of all the positive and negative factors that influence the development of these destinations. Converting a potential into a tourist destination depends on many factors both in qualitative and in quantitative sense. Discovering an area of preserved environment that also possesses attractive motifs presents the beginning of the possible tourist destination creating. Further 'destiny' of a tourist destination depends on its planning and development intensity. Rural tourism is a significant component of integral and sustainable development and revitalization of the village, as well as a component that is missing in stimulating the local market development for agricultural and non-agricultural activities in the country, along with a special stimulation to employment. Serbia possesses remarkable natural resources and other potentials for the development of all forms of rural tourism. However, rural tourism in Serbia is an insufficiently organized field that is not being developed adequately to the possibilities available to it.That is why this paper wants to point out the potential opportunities for the development of rural tourism in Serbia through sustainable development and correct performance policy on both national and international tourist market.

Sustainable Pilar Of Rural Tourism Development


Tourism is not only done in urban areas but also has been in great demand in the countryside. This is due to the beauty of nature, cultural uniqueness, and other characteristics in rural areas that attract visitors. Besides aiming to reduce the fatigue of activities in the city, tourists also want to experience nature and the life of rural communities. This literature study research seeks to identify the main pillars of sustainable rural tourism development. Sustainable rural tourism development is the development of the tourism sector in the village by observing the sustainability of tourism, such as efficient use of environmental resources while preserving natural heritage and biodiversity, including respecting the socio-cultural authenticity of the local community in terms of inter-cultural tolerance and should provide socio-economic benefits to all stakeholders, using qualitative descriptive methods. The writer analyzed the objects of the study in terms of tourism development, r...

Evaluation of sustainable rural tourism development in Serbia

Serbian rural tourism face a growing number of challenges. A competitive Serbian rural economy requires a balance between agricultural production, other economic activities, environmental protection and social development. Rural development has focused on improving agricultural competitiveness consolidating land, improving market orientation, and developing economic infrastructure. Rural tourism is seen as one of the aspects of sustainable economic growth of the four rural areas in Serbia. The paper gives an evaluation of rural tourism development in Serbia through rural tourism product and rural tourism clusters prioritizing. Rural tourism is highlighted as one possible solution for the poor rural areas development. It is seen as an instrument for revitalization of the rural space and for the increasing of their attractiveness. Leisure, recreation and tourism in rural areas are perspectives of a new approach in which society is changing from the concern of production to concern of ...

The Contribution of Rural Tourism to the Sustainable Development of the Rural Areas


There are some elements related to the concept of rural tourism which has nowadays become very important around the world. The rural tourism can revitalize the conventional concepts and views on tourism, and bring in a new dimension to the sustainable development of tourism. It has been realized that tourism can play a major role in many countries economies, especially