Concepts and architecture of a simulation framework based on the JavaBeans component model (original) (raw)
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Component Based Modelling and simulation: A Case for Simulation Software Architecture
International System Dynamics …, 1999
concept is new to SD simulation software. SD simulation software has greatly improved in usability and user acceptance in recent years, although the modelling process is still tedious particularly for people new to SD. This is often due to a lack of experience in the conceptualisation process and in gaining understanding of the problem domain. The paper further suggests that there are potential benefits in using a CBP architecture in SD modelling as it leads to shorter development and simulation time, higher user acceptance of and greater confidence in the models developed.
Using Java Beans to teach Simulation and using Simulation to teach JavaBeans
This work reports on two courses for computer scientists. The first is a graduate course on modeling and simulation and the second is a course on component based software engineering. For both of these courses we principally use the same basis, that is, the Java Beans component technology and the DEVS system theory formalism for discrete event simulation. However, in the two coursed, we pursue quite different objectives. While in the first course the Java Beans technology is used to teach discrete event simulation, in the second course we use simulation as an example to show how a component library can be realized using Java Beans.
Formal modeling of the Enterprise JavaBeans™ component integration framework
Information and Software Technology, 2001
An emerging trend in the engineering of complex systems is the use of component i n tegration frameworks. Such a framework prescribes an architectural design that permits exible composition of thirdparty components into applications. A good example is Sun Microsystems' Enterprise JavaBeans TM EJB framework, which supports objectoriented, distributed, enterprise-level applications, such as account management systems. One problem with frameworks like EJB is that they are documented informally, making it di cult to understand precisely what is provided by the framework, and what is required to use it. We believe formal speci cation can help, and in this paper show h o w a formal architectural description language can be used to describe and provide insight i n to such frameworks.
Component Frameworks for Modelling and Simulation
In the domain of modelling and simulation, improving the interoperability of software has an enormous potential. Universities and research institutes constantly produce new and improved simulation models, which are aimed at solving specific problems, and when connected to other models and decent user interfaces, can make usable applications and even commercially exploitable products.
Component-oriented simulation architecture: toward interoperability and interchangeability
Abstract In this paper we investigate two issues at the heart of simulation reusability: interoperability and interchangeability. Their implications for simulation technology are discussed. Based on our previous work on simulation component oriented world view and simulation component classification, the Component-Oriented Simulation Architecture (CORSA) is devised to address both issues. The ideas and considerations which motivated us in developing CORSA are discussed.
Using JavaBeans to Realize a Domain Specific Component Model, submitted to Software Engineering
SaveCCM is a domain specific component model devel-oped specifically for safety-critical hard real-time embed-ded systems in the vehicular domain. This paper expands the scope of SaveCCM to make it usable also outside this narrow domain, as the general concepts behind SaveCCM are applicable for a wider range of embedded systems. We describe the extensions made to SaveCCM in order to ad-just it to a broader scope, focusing on a new realization mechanism. In its original form, SaveCCM systems are re-alized by components being grouped and transformed into real-time tasks. We propose an alternative realization of SaveCCM by a transformation to JavaBeans, which main-tains the structure of the component-based design, and also makes the executable system more general and portable. 1
Using JavaBeans to Realize a Domain-Specific Component Model
2009 35th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, 2009
SaveCCM is a domain specific component model developed specifically for safety-critical hard real-time embedded systems in the vehicular domain. This paper expands the scope of SaveCCM to make it usable also outside this narrow domain, as the general concepts behind SaveCCM are applicable for a wider range of embedded systems. We describe the extensions made to SaveCCM in order to adjust it to a broader scope, focusing on a new realization mechanism. In its original form, SaveCCM systems are realized by components being grouped and transformed into real-time tasks. We propose an alternative realization of SaveCCM by a transformation to JavaBeans, which maintains the structure of the component-based design, and also makes the executable system more general and portable.
Component-based simulation on the Web?
WSC'99. 1999 Winter Simulation Conference Proceedings. 'Simulation - A Bridge to the Future' (Cat. No.99CH37038), 1999
Various forms of distributed simulation are possible over the worldwide web, including simple multiple replications of the same model, client-server architectures for one or more simultaneously running models and the distributed operation of one or more linked models. Like all webbased operations, these simulations are slow due to current bandwidth limitations, but that could change in the next few years. Languages such as Java make this distributed work possible within standard web-browsers such as Internet Explorer and Netscape, though security considerations mean that this is not always straightforward. Component-based simulation stems from the ideas of object-orientation, which enable libraries of simulation based components to be developed for re-use. The development of the worldwide web means that distributed component, discrete simulation libraries in Java are now feasible. This paper reviews some of these developments and considers requirements for such distributed libraries, drawing on our experience at Lancaster.
Realizing a domain specific component model with JavaBeans
SaveCCM is a domain specific component model developed specifically for safety-critical hard real-time embedded systems. The goal of this paper is to extend the scope of SaveCCM to make it usable also outside this narrow domain, as the general concepts behind SaveCCM are applicable as well for embedded systems that have soft or no real-time constraints. We describe the modifications made to SaveCCM in order to adjust it to the wider scope, focusing on defining a new realization mechanism. In its original form, a SaveCCM system is realized by component allocation to real-time tasks, which means that individual components are not observable in the run-time system. We propose realizing SaveCCM by a transformation to JavaBeans, making the advantages of component-based development present also at run-time. This way we also make the executable system more general and portable.