Miki, T. & K. Shimogama (2021) Pottery from Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe. In: Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe – The Archaeological Investigations of an Early Neolithic Settlement in West Azerbaijan, edited by Y. Nishiaki, F. Guliyev and S. Kadowaki, pp. 133–151. Berlin: ex oriente. (original) (raw)

134 6.3 Results of pottery classifi cation 6.3.1 Neolithic potsherds and four ware-types found in the 2012 season Eighteen Neolithic potsherds were recovered from Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe in the 2012 season. This is the largest sample size of all the seasons (2013: three sherds; 2014: six sherds; 2015: two sherds), despite the fact that the 2012 season's excavated area (only Square M10) was limited compared to that of other seasons. This sample size enabled the classifi cation of four ware-types in terms of pottery-making techniques. The descriptions of the 2012 season's diagnostic potsherds, shown via photographs and drawings, are presented in Table 6.1. Fine Ware The fi rst ware-type, defi ned by the 2012 season's potsherds, was Fine Ware (FW) (Fig. 6.1: 1-2). Two potsherds of this ware-type were discovered. Its fabric color ranges from orange, dull orange, and brownish gray to grayish brown (see Table 6.1 for details). This ware-type fabric is fi ne, and the inclusion of mica and brown minerals (0.1-0.5 mm in diameter) was confi rmed. This ware-type was fashioned using a coiling method. Both FW sherds were thin (approximately 8 mm in thickness) and belong to parts (neck and body parts) of a small jar. Regarding surface-treatment techniques, both samples are horizontally wet-smoothed on their interiors, but they have different treatments on their exterior surfaces. The exterior surface of the ware in Fig. 6.1: 1 was wet-smoothed and subsequently slipped (color: grayish yellow-brown); the exterior surface of the ware in Fig. 6.1: 2 was lightly burnished. These FW sherds are well-fi red. Traces of secondary fi ring were not found in the FW. In addition to these characteristics of the pottery-making techniques and vessel forms, only FW has painted decoration on its exterior. The paint is black or dark reddish-brown. The painted motifs are common for both sherds in that several bands (5-8 mm thick) are horizontally applied to the upper body. Then, the spaces between these bands are fi lled either with horizontal zigzag lines (Fig. 6.1: 1) or with oblique lines (Fig. 6.1: 2). As for the discovered FW contexts, the ware in Fig. 6.1: 1 was recovered from the soft ashy sediment of Level 2 in Square M10 (M10-14), while that in Fig. 6.1: 2 came from a large pit fi lled with ash in Level 2 of Square M10 (M10-58 and 60). Mineral-tempered Medium Ware The second ware-type defi ned in the 2012 season is Mineral-tempered Medium Ware (MMW), which includes brown or reddish-brown mineral inclusions (approximately 0.5-1.0 mm in diameter). The authors changed this ware-type's name from "mineral tempered common ware" to express the frequency of inclusions clearly. Only two sherds belonging to MMW were collected. No picture of this ware-type was presented in the 2012 season's report, so knowing its fabric color, preserved part, and vessel form is diffi cult. Faint burnishing is applied on its exterior surface, and its interior surface is wet-smoothed. MMW is well-fi red. The contexts and discovered levels of the MMW of the 2012 season were not reported, except for the information that it was discovered in the upper two levels. Mineral-tempered Coarse Ware The third ware-type is Mineral-tempered Coarse Ware (MCW) (Fig. 6.2: 2-4). Although this waretype was reportedly the most common of the four ware-types at Hacı Elamxanlı Tepe in the 2012 season, the exact number of MCW sherds has not been reported. This ware-type's fabric contains