Understanding the Current State of English-Medium Instruction in Japan (original) (raw)

Why and Why Now? Understanding the Rapid Rise of English-medium Instruction in Higher Education in Japan

English-medium instruction (EMI) of content courses is a growing trend in higher education in Japan. As of 2013, over 1/3 of Japanese universities offered EMI courses, mainly in humanities and social sciences, and this number has been steadily growing over the past 15 years. The timing of the growth in EMI can be tied to shifts in how internationalization is viewed among higher-education stakeholders, administrative and structural changes at universities, changes in the relationship between universities and the government, and the rising importance of university ranking tables. Underlying rationales for EMI implementation can be understood in terms of wider global trends towards greater internationalization, and the massification of higher education in Japan. Other oft cited rationales for EMI implementation, financial incentives or the inward looking tendencies of Japanese youth, do not appear to be significant drivers. Brown, H. (2017). Why and why now? Understanding the rapid rise of English-medium instruction in higher education in Japan. Journal of International Studies and Regional Development, 8 1-16

Current Trends in English-medium Instruction at Universities in Japan

OnCue Journal, 2016

Brown, H. (2016). Current trends in English-medium instruction at universities in Japan. OnCue Journal, 10(1) 3-20. English-medium Instruction (EMI) of academic subjects is expanding rapidly at universities in Japan without a clear nationwide picture of the context. This study paints such a picture with findings from a nationwide survey of 258 universities with undergraduate EMI programs (response rate 46%, n=118). The survey results cover the scope, scale and organization of EMI programs as well as showing which fields are most often taught in English. Results also reveal some challenges to EMI implementation relating to both faculty and students. 日本の大学において、専門課程の英語による教育(EMI)が急速に広がりつつあるが、全国的な現状の輪郭は明確に描かれていない。本研究は、EMIによる学位プログラムを提供する日本の大学258校を対象に実施した全国的調査によって明らかになった現状を報告する(回答率46%, n=118)。調査結果は、英語による教育が最も多く提供されている分野を示すだけでなく、EMIプログラムの範囲、規模、組織についても取り上げる。また、教員および学生双方のEMI導入に対する課題を明らかにする。

Contextual Factors Driving the Growth of Undergraduate English-Medium Instruction Programs at Universities in Japan

Asian Journal of Applied Linguistics

In Japan, offering English-Medium Instruction (EMI) content classes at university is a growing trend and at least 25% of universities make some English-medium courses available to undergraduates. Currently, there is a great deal of discussion of, and support for, the role of EMI in internationalizing Japanese universities and serving the needs of international students in the future. However, it does not appear that the influx of international students seen in the past 20 years has been a main driving factor in the growth of many EMI programmes established thus far. Rather, EMI programmes have developed as individual universities acted independently in response to both pressures and opportunities in their local contexts. These contextual factors include universities' concerns about being left behind as elite universities become more internationalized, and their desire to sharpen their image amid growing competition and a shrinking university-aged cohort. In addition, EMI is seen as a possible benefit to domestic students, making them more competitive in the labour market or better preparing them for further study. Finally, language educators in Japan are turning to EMI pedagogies for authenticity and validity in language learning, and to strengthen their own professional identities.

Book review. [Review of the book English-Medium Instruction in Japanese Higher Education: Policy, Challenges and Outcomes, by A. Bradford, H. Brown (Eds)]

System, 2018

English-Medium Instruction in Japanese Higher Education: Policy, Challenges and Outcomes. A. Bradford, H. Brown (Eds). Multilingual Matters (2017). xxiii + 300pp. I have been researching EMI in Japan since my Master's degree in 2013. I looked at a trilingual international professor's strategic use of code-switching. My DPhil research is investigating what the main predictors are of professor and students' attitudes towards EMI. I am familiar with the Japanese context and have witnessed how the eruption of EMI seems to have caught everyone off guard. This is also a personal matter for me as I have two, largely monolingual, Japanese godsons who will one day face the same challenges faced by all Japanese university students in Japan. As a result, Bradford and Brown's edited book piqued my interest as it is the first volume focused solely on Japan. As research on EMI in Japan is still in its infant stages I hoped to read more large-scale empirical research, nevertheless, contributors do provide valuable contextual descriptions, theoretical contributions, small-scale qualitative study findings, and insights from personal experience. A look back into the history of Japanese education policy highlighted to me a tangential relationship between EMI and money. Bradford and Brown (p. 7) note the key role that the Japan Business Federation plays in education policy making. Motivated by a shrinking domestic market, Japanese businesses are calling on universities to foster graduates that are equipped with the linguistic skills and the cultural capital to operate in a global trading arena. This lack of graduate global competitiveness is reinforced by Hashimoto (p. 15). What the authors lack to explain is why such competitiveness has not yet been fostered in the last 10 years of EMI expansion.

Factors Influencing the Implementation and Development of Undergraduate English-Medium Instruction Programs in Japan

English-medium instruction (EMI) of content classes is growing in Japan with nearly 1/3 of all universities currently offering some undergraduate EMI. These programs are developing in response to both national-level drives to internationalize higher education and local contextual factors motivating individual universities. This exploratory study seeks to identify local factors in the university community which facilitate or hinder the implementation and development of EMI programs. Results are based on documentary evidence and interview data collected at eight universities. A total of 15 stakeholders from eight undergraduate EMI programs shared their experiences and insights in semi-structured interviews. Findings indicate that implementation and development of EMI programs are influenced by a set of eight overlapping factors: questions of status and position; issues of territoriality; the overall financial health of the institution; the pace of change; external validation; issues connected to staffing; available support structures; and communication issues. In terms of the initial decision to implement EMI, the overall position of the program in the university and the status of faculty and other stakeholders are important issues, as are issues of territoriality and protection of perceived turf, the overall position and financial health of the institution and the value of external validation. Following initial implementation other factors become important in the successful development of EMI programs including: a slow pace of change and innovation; issues connected to the appropriate qualifications and employment conditions of faculty; the availability of support structures for students; and effective communication.

English-medium degree programs in Japanese universities: learning from the European experience

Asian Education and Development Studies, 2(3), 225-240., 2013

Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to examine the challenges facing Japanese institutions of higher education wishing to implement degree programs taught through the medium of English. Design/methodology/approach -The paper takes a comparative perspective in examining the rationales and policies for, and the challenges and successes associated with, the adoption of Englishmedium instruction (EMI) in Japan and in Europe, where EMI has a longer history. It uses government policy declarations and reports and synthesizes the research literature and information published by universities. Next, it investigates the practices that apply to the Japanese context and provides recommendations on the strategies that Japanese decision makers could adopt. Findings -Japan does not share exactly the same rationales for adopting EMI as many European countries, however there is utility in looking to Europe for best practices. Japanese institutions of higher education can benefit from examining the linguistic, cultural and structural dilemmas that EMI poses. Research limitations/implications -Documented evidence of the successful implementation of EMI programs is scarce, and therefore it is difficult to provide a comprehensive study of strategies that can be used to overcome the challenges which accompany EMI. This paper does not examine the introduction of EMI programs in Japan in relation to other Asian contexts. Originality/value -As Japan is still in the early phases of introducing EMI programs, this paper provides valuable information for those involved in their implementation.

Painting a Picture of EMI in Japan: Extent of, Rationales for, and Implementation of Undergraduate English-Medium Instruction Classes at Universities in Japan

English-medium instruction at universities in Japan is expanding rapidly with more universities offering new programs and existing programs expanding. However, this development is occurring without a clear picture of the context of EMI in Japan as a whole. This study attempts to paint such a picture in order to give EMI stakeholders a solid foundation for discussions and decision making. Findings are based on a nationwide survey of 258 universities known to offer undergraduate EMI programs. Results indicate that undergraduate EMI programs are relatively small, most serving less than 10% of the university's student body, though many are currently expanding. These programs largely focus on humanities and social sciences and many are unstructured or ad hoc; however, there seems to be a growing trend towards more structured programs. The number of undergraduate full-degree English-taught programs is small but growing, based on strong government support. The vast majority of EMI programs are elective components of a mainly Japanese-medium degree program. In addition, most EMI programs in Japan serve domestic students and the rationales for implementing the programs reflect that. A major concern at many universities offering EMI is the low English proficiency of domestic students; however, it seems little is being done to test or set benchmarks for language proficiency and coordination between EMI and language classes is lacking in most programs. EMI faculty members are largely Japanese and their qualifications, teaching skills, and support for EMI are seen as key factors in the success of programs. Although they are identified as key stakeholders in the majority of EMI programs, training and professional development for them are lacking in most cases. There is a great deal of variety in how EMI is being implemented at universities in Japan. However, neither the type of university (private, national or public) nor the size of university seems to be a reliable predictor of how a university chooses to approach EMI.

English-Medium Instruction in the Internationalization of Higher Education in Japan: Rationales and Issues

Educational Studies in Japan, 2018

As internationalization has become part of the raison d'être of universities worldwide, English-medium instruction (EMI) has emerged as an irresistible force in the higher education systems of many non-English speaking countries. In a manifestation of its commitment to internationalization, Japan has seen a dramatic increase in the number of EMI programs now in place at universities throughout the country. This paper looks closely at EMI in Japan's system of higher education through an examination of the existing literature and an assessment of government policies and university practices designed to internationalize the system. The diff erent rationales motivating the various stakeholders (nation, university, and individual) are identifi ed, and the internal and external factors that have led to the introduction of EMI into Japanese universities are discussed. Insofar as EMI is more than a mere linguistic change, it will have a huge impact both on education and research. This paper then raises signifi cant ideological and practical issues associated with English in education as a tool of "academic imperialism" in the unique Japanese context. It also addresses the diff erent practices and adaptations of EMI at Japan's "elite" and "mass" universities. Finally, the double meanings of "internationalization" through EMI programs is conceptualized with using the terms of "internationalization abroad" and "internationalization at home" through examining the framework of nationalistic and cosmopolitan dimensions. For the further study and implications for university practices, the author asserts the importance of developing language education policy not to serve English imperialism but to facilitate focused research by students with a critical perspective.

The Process of Internationalization and the Potential Negative Impacts of English-Medium Instruction (EMI) within Japanese Universities

Shounan Eibungaku, 2021

Since the 1970s, Japan has had a long history of striving to become internationalized, and English is perceived to be one of the critical factors toward achieving this goal (Rose & McKinley, 2018). English Medium Instruction (EMI) could greatly aid in the internationalization of Japanese English education, especially in higher education. However, EMI research in Japan is still relatively new and not yet widely explored (Toh, 2016). Therefore, even though EMI could promote internationalization, there may be potential disadvantages, challenges, and negative influence or impact on English learners in Japan. This paper will discuss the challenges, the potential negative influence of EMI within Japanese higher education, as well as the process of internationalization via a historical background analysis of governmental internationalization projects.