Accompagnement présentiel dans un dispositif hybride : des paramètres qui influencent la conduite de l'action tutorale (original) (raw)

Phd Thesis 2013 (on emergence of communication in collaborative action)

iii I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work. Name, Last Name: Murat Ulubay Signature : iv ABSTRACT RESILIENT FEATURES OF RE-EMERGING DYADIC COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS IN AN INTERACTIVE VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT Ulubay, Murat This study mainly focuses on the emergence and utilization of communication systems in the context of joint action where collective cognitive activity is required. Dyads are given an instant messaging medium of communication where only a limited number of characters and symbols can be used for information exchange in order to collaborate on common tasks of finding objects, in a network-based interactive virtual environment (ActiveWorlds), a 3D, multi-agent, virtual reality platform. The restrictions on communication and the requirement of collaboration facilitated the creation of a lexical inventory and a minimalistic communication system, a compressed version of dyads' shared Natural Languages (NLs). Across eight experimental sessions, two manipulations are made in order to study their effects on parameters on 4 levels of analysis: (1) Quantitative, (2) Syntactic Complexity, (3) Lexical Category and (4) Speech Act Category. The two interventions are (1) increasing the number of targets from one to two after the first three experiments, and (2) administering a two months break between the 6 th and 7 th -8 th experiments. Increased number of target objects influenced the quantitative parameters that are related to the amount of communication as well as the use scores of lexical, syntactic, and speech act categories; however, the use ratios of several parameters were resilient v under this manipulation and rather showed different trends of change characterizing the development of the system towards a more mature state in accordance with the demands of the task structure. The opposing trends of increasing use ratio of Assertive and decreasing use ratio of Directive Speech Acts and decreasing use ratios of the Type/Token Number of Lexical Items in a session, the Number of New Lexical Items in a session and increasing ratio of Turn Success are also characteristics of this maturation. The break administered between the 6 th and 7 th experimental session did not cause any decay in the acquired skills of using the emerged communication system. The previously negotiated strategies and acquired skills of communication as well as the trends of the use ratios of parameters were resilient. The qualitative analysis of the developing communication system revealed several strategies, including compression of NL words into new lexical items, exploiting the redundancy of characters of written words, and iconicity and indexicality of given symbols. The main drivers of the development of the new communication system appeared to be the processes of integration of communicative with behavioral action. The cognitive capacities enabling this integration and the comprehension of the utterances in the new system is explained by the Cognitive and Communicative Principles of Relevance that are attributed to a comprehension sub-module of a mind-reading module of the human cognitive system.

Hybridation de la formation professionnelle continue (FPC) : la réalité virtuelle (RV) à l’épreuve des usages

Colloque international - Distance 2022, 2022

Dans un contexte où la crise sanitaire a accentué le mouvement de numérisation de la formation professionnelle continue (FPC), cette communication s’intéresse à l’introduction de la réalité virtuelle (RV) comme nouveau dispositif qui prolonge ce mouvement. Notre propos se fonde sur deux terrains d’étude au sein d’une même organisation : l’un portant sur une formation à la prise de parole en public mobilisant la RV, l’autre s’intéressant à une journée de sensibilisation à la RV auprès de formateurs et leurs managers. Partant d’une description des caractéristiques techniques de la RV et de leurs liens avec les apprentissages, nous mettrons en exergue, grâce à l’approche par les capabilités, les facteurs permettant d’apprendre avec la RV dans la FPC. Ces facteurs renvoient aussi bien à la capacité des apprenants à prendre en main ces dispositifs, à les faire évoluer en fonction de leurs besoins et à mettre en discussion leurs performances d’entraînement avec ces dispositifs, qu’à la capacité des acteurs de la formation (formateurs, responsables de formation, concepteurs de RV, prestataires) à faire évoluer ces dispositifs et à les intégrer dans des parcours de formation qui font sens à leurs yeux.

Perspective actionnelle vs approche interactionnelle-constructiviste


La perspective de type actionnel, pronee par le CECR, est saluee par la didactique des langues etrangeres francaise comme une sorte de revelation faite pour transmettre – contrairement a l’approche communicative consideree comme inefficace – de vraies competences communica-tives aux apprenants. Cette perspective actionnelle neglige toutefois le cote tres eclectique des fondements linguistiques du CECR preconisant une centration sur le locuteur due du fait de son enracinement dans la theorie des actes du langage. Or une approche actionnelle sans de veritables fondements linguistiques interactionnistes ne depassera pas le stade d’une didactique generale qui reclame de faire un acteur social systematique de l’apprenant en la situation d’apprentissage. Suite a un apercu des fondements linguistiques du CECR et de la perspective actionnelle francaise, la contribution traite des fondements linguistiques d’une authentique approche interactionniste et des principes d’une methodologie interac...

Observing Learning and Becoming at the Group Unit of Analysis


Particularly in contexts of online group collaboration, learning and becoming can be displayed by the participants in ways that render it observable to researchers. In this study, a team of three students displays its growing mastery of dynamic-geometry techniques and discourse. In one session, the team struggles to solve a challenging problem and succeeds as a group. In the next session, it displays its newly acquired practices by immediately applying them in an analogous problem setting. The team displays its shared understanding; the analysis of this interaction data provides a clear example of group cognition and group learning. Further, the team displays its capacity to plan, implement and assess collaborative actions in a temporally unfolding shared situation, illustrating the characteristics of group agency. Observing Learning and Becoming at the Group Unit of Analysis Learning is often conceived as a change in propositional knowledge possessed by an individual student (Thorn...

Contrasting Approaches to Perceiving and Acting With Others

Ecological Psychology, 2006

How and why the presence of a person directly affects the perception and action of another person is a phenomenon that has been approached in a limited and piecemeal fashion within psychology. This kind of diffuse strategy has failed to capture the jointness of perception and action within and between people. In contradistinction, the authors offer a perspective that retains both integrally social features (e.g., involves interaction) and yet adequately exploits the current state of knowledge regarding the ecological properties of perception-action, while at the same time drawing on aspects of dynamic systems theory. In this article the authors review the best attempts to examine how one individual affects another's perceptions and actions in the emergence of a social unit of action. Two important approaches, the individual-level and cognitive dynamics approaches, have yielded insights that derive in significant degree from principles of ecological psychology and/or dynamical systems theory. Prototypic of the individual-level approach is a focus on what can be perceived by coactors with the aim of uncovering how the dispositional qualities (affordances) of another person are informationally specified during social interaction. In contrast, the cognitive dynamics approach simulates dynamical characteristics of cognition and psychological influence with the aim of uncovering how cooperative interaction emerges out of its component parts. The authors argue that these approaches involve, respectively, insufficient mutuality and insufficient embodiment. Consequently, a social synergy perspective is discussed that approaches the problem of socially cooperative interaction at the relational, nonreductive level, using novel methods to examine how social perception and action emerge through self-organizing processes. throughout much of the article, by way of illustration we often use the example of the formation of a macroscopic, cooperative social unit-a dyad or a larger group, or, as we term this, a "collective" of some size. This is not the only phenomenon we wish to describe from this perspective-our interest is in understanding the perception-action processes involved with social interaction more generally-but we use it as an illustrative example of the emergence of a social unit of action in which individual actors become part of a larger social entity, a collective, because it characterizes social interactions in their most abstract and basic form-how two or more individuals function as one entity. For a human's ecological niche, other people are an essential part of the environment, social interaction is a significant source of meaning, and a collective is the minimal unit of survival. Thus explanation of the essential nature of sociality (M. Gilbert, 2000) is a particularly useful test of each perspective, although the researchers' purposes in most programs of research were admittedly not these.

Towards a Complex Model of Cooperative Learning

Da Investigação às Práticas, 3(1), 57-79. , 2013

Resumo: Este artigo é uma introdução à teoria do paradigma desconstrutivo de aprendizagem cooperativa. Centenas de estudos provam com evidências o facto de que as estruturas e os processos de aprendizagem cooperativa aumentam o desempenho académico, reforçam as competências de aprendizagem ao longo da vida e desenvolvem competências sociais, pessoais de cada aluno de uma forma mais eficaz e usta, comparativamente às estruturas tradicionais de aprendizagem nas escolas. Enfrentando os desafios dos nossos sistemas educativos, seria interessante elaborar o quadro teórico do discurso da aprendizagem cooperativa, dos últimos 40 anos, a partir de um aspeto prático dentro do contexto teórico e metodológico. Nas últimas décadas, o discurso cooperativo elaborou os elementos práticos e teóricos de estruturas e processos de aprendizagem cooperativa. Gostaríamos de fazer um resumo desses elementos com o objetivo de compreender que tipo de mudanças estruturais podem fazer diferenças reais na prática de ensino e aprendizagem. Os princípios básicos de estruturas cooperativas, os papéis de cooperação e as atitudes cooperativas são os principais elementos que podemos brevemente descrever aqui, de modo a criar um quadro para a compreensão teórica e prática de como podemos sugerir os elementos de aprendizagem cooperativa na nossa prática em sala de aula. Na minha perspetiva, esta complexa teoria da aprendizagem cooperativa pode ser entendida como um paradigma desconstrutivo que fornece algumas respostas pragmáticas para as questões da nossa prática educativa quotidiana, a partir do nível da sala de aula para o nível de sistema educativo, com foco na destruição de estruturas hierárquicas e antidemocráticas de aprendizagem e, criando, ao mesmo tempo, as estruturas cooperativas. Palavras-chave: quadro teórico em contexto prático, estruturas de aprendizagem cooperativa, princípios básicos da aprendizagem cooperativa, papéis cooperativos, atitudes Abstract: This article is an introduction to the theory of deconstructive paradigm of cooperative learning. A wealth of research studies have proved that cooperative learning structures and processes increase academic achievement, enhance lifelong learning competences and develop the personal and social competences of every single learner in a more effective and fairer way when compared to traditional structures of learning in schools. Facing the challenges of our education systems, it would be interesting to outline the theoretical frame-work of the last forty years of cooperative learning discourse from a practical perspective within a theoretical and methodological context. In recent decades, cooperative discourse has drawn up the practical and theoretical elements of cooperative learning structures and processes. We would like to make a summary of these elements for the purpose of understanding what kind of structural changes can make real differences in teaching and learning practice. Basic principles of cooperative structures, cooperative roles and cooperative attitudes are the main elements which we shall describe here shortly to set up a frame-work for understanding theoretically and practically how we can apply the elements of cooperative learning in our classroom practice. In our view, this complex theory of cooperative learning could be understood as a de-constructive paradigm that provides some pragmatic answers to the questions of our everyday educational practice from classroom level to educational system level, focusing on the destruction of hierarchical and anti-democratic structures of learning while setting up cooperative ones. Keywords: theoretical frame-work in practical context, cooperative learning structures, basic principles of cooperative learning, cooperative roles, attitudes Résumé: Cet article est une introduction à la théorie du paradigme déconstructif de l'apprentissage coopératif . Des centaines d'études de recherche avec des évidences prouvent le fait que les structures et les processus d'apprentissage coopératif accroissent la réussite scolaire, améliorent les compétences d'apprentissage continu et développent des compétences sociales personnelles de chaque apprenant unique d'une manière plus efficace et équitable en comparaison avec les structures traditionnelles de l'apprentissage dans les écoles. Face aux défis de nos systèmes d'éducation , il serait intéressant d'élaborer le cadre théorique de ces quarante dernières années du discours sur l'apprentissage coopératif à partir d'un aspect pratique dans le contexte théorique et méthodologique . Dans les dernières décennies, le discours coopératif a élaboré les éléments pratiques et théoriques de structures et de processus d'apprentissage coopératif. Nous tenons à faire une synthèse de ces éléments dans le but de comprendre comment ce genre de changements structurels peut faire de réelles différences dans les pratiques d'enseignement-apprentissage. Les principes fondamentaux de structures coopératives , les rôles coopératifs et les attitudes coopératives sont les principaux éléments que nous pouvons décrire ici brièvement pour mettre en place un cadre pour la compréhension théorique et pratique de la façon dont nous pouvons mettre en place des éléments de l'apprentissage coopératif dans notre pratique de classe. À mon avis, cette théorie complexe de l'apprentissage coopératif pourrait être comprise comme un paradigme dé-constructif qui fournirait des réponses pragmatiques aux questions de notre pratique pédagogique quotidienne allant du niveau de la salle de classe à celui du système éducatif en mettant l'accent sur la destruction des structures hiérarchiques et anti- démocratiques de l'apprentissage pour aller vers des structures coopératives . Mots-clés: cadre théorique dans un contexte pratique, structures d'apprentissage coopératif, principes fondamentaux de l'apprentissage coopératif, rôles coopératifs, attitudes coopératives

Making Sense of Common Ground: Presupposition, Joint Action, and Coordination (MPhil Dissertation)

Common ground is a problematic concept. It is a necessary part of any pragmatic theory because it names the context that speakers take for granted in carrying out a communicative act, or in other words the background against which a signal shows up as a particular pattern of sounds or shapes, words, and social effects. But it is too often either ignored or treated as a stative body of information, a definition which makes it impossible to understand how common ground is used and instantiated in actual conversations. This essay remedies this problem by presenting a novel account of common ground which subsumes most extant theories by approaching the topic separately on each of three levels of explanation. I begin by presenting a dynamical definition of common ground based on elements of Stalnaker’s theory of speaker presupposition, on which common ground is the information presented by a speaker as not-at-issue in the process of carrying out some speech act. I then justify and enrich this approach with a psycholinguistic account of the uses of common ground in conversation based on Clark’s work on joint action, and show that common ground underlies both egocentric and cooperative communication. I then justify and enrich the psycholinguistic account by showing how it is instantiated on a biological level as intra- and interpersonal synergies in a conversation. Finally, I use an analysis of referring to illustrate the relations between these three levels of description, which between presupposition and joint action and between joint action and synergies I take to be one of coherence, clarification, and specifying the object of explanation. In the other direction - from synergies to joint action and joint action to presupposition - the relation is one of grounding and providing naturalistic credentials via mechanistic details. The originality and generality of this explanatory strategy suggest tremendous opportunities for pragmatic research from a dynamical perspective.