Türkiye'De 2002 Yilindan Sonraki Seçimlerin Oyun Teorisi Kapsaminda Değerlendiri (original) (raw)
In developing countries such as Turkey political stability is a very important factor for in the economy. In the article published in December 2017, the emphasis was on political stability, and from the 1980s, when we switched to the free market economy, to the 2015 November elections, the elections were analyzed the transferable voting theorem. In Single transferable vote theory, majority rule is required. If at least one party couldn't provide majority then that party which is getting minimum votes, removed from the party list. Parties classified as right and left parties and the distribution of votes will be done in this way. In our work, we classify the parties as right, center right, left, center left and conservative party and vote distribution done in this way. The following method shall be applied in the study; if the party from the list is left-wing, then this party be shifted to the left with a party. This process takes place until a majority of the party is provided. This study is the primary objective of examining the transferable voting of electoral analyzes in the political life of Justice and Development Party after 2002. The post-2002 elections are an interesting choice, even for the survey companies, especially the June and November elections of 2015, and especially the June 2018 elections, where voting circles are experiencing. Therefore, this study will contribute to the transfer of the transfers to a theoretical ground. Hamza ŞİMŞEK Turkish Studies Volume 13/23, Summer 2018 back to 42,6% in the June 2018 elections. Here, the ruling party should not ignore that the voters are in search of new ones. The last two elections held the MHP as a key party. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the reasons of the deviations from the success of the elections in the 2002 and 2011 elections.