Immunolocalization of Atrial Natriuretic Peptide and C-Type Natriuretic Peptide In Healthy and Pre-Eclamptic Human Placenta (original) (raw)

Atrial natriuretic factor, digoxin-like immunoreactive substance, norepinephrine, epinephrine, and plasma renin activity in human fetuses and their alteration by fetal disease

American journal of obstetrics and gynecology, 1988

We measured five hormones presumably involved in fetal homeostasis in specimens obtained by cordocentesis for clinical indications from 106 fetuses. Norms for atrial natriuretic factor, digoxin-like immunoreactive substance, plasma renin activity, norepinephrine, and epinephrine were derived from fetuses ultimately shown to be free of detectable abnormality. Atrial natriuretic factor, digoxin-like immunoreactive substance, and plasma renin activity were unrelated to umbilical vessel source or gestational age. Digoxin-like immunoreactive substance was directly related to PCO2 (r = 0.63, p = 0.02). Digoxin-like immunoreactive substance level was elevated in all fetal disease states studied except isoimmunization. The level of atrial natriuretic factor was elevated in fetuses with immune hydrops (NS). Norepinephrine and epinephrine levels were higher in the umbilical artery than in the vein (p = 0.05 and 0.006, respectively). There was a significant correlation between norepinephrine a...

Annenin Tiroid Otoantikor Pozitifliğinin İntrauterin Fetal Ölüm Üzerine Etkisi

Turgut Ozal Tıp Merkezi Dergisi, 2014

Aim: The aim of this study is to evaluate on the effects of mother's thyroid autoantibodies on intrauterin fetal death. Meterial and Methods: A total of 200 pregnant women aged between 18 and 40 in their 6th-12th weeks of pregnancy were included in this study. The first group (study group) included 100 pregnant women who had previously experienced pregnancy loss in the second trimester in their previous pregnancies (termination of the pregnancy in the 13th-28th gestational weeks due to intrauterine fetal death). The second group (control group) also had 100 patients. Results: There is no statistically significant difference between the two groups in terms of age, number of pregnancies, and miscarriages (p>0.05). The avarage serum level of anti-thyroid peroxidase in the study group was higher than the control group (p=0.009). But when anti-thyroglobulin and anticardiolipin IgG levels were evaluated, we have seen that there was no difference between the two groups (p>0.05). Moreover, the ratio of pregnant women who had positive anti-thyroid peroxidase was %3 in the control group and %11 in the study group. This was considered statistically high (p=0.027). The correlation between the presence of thyroid autoantibodies and antiphospholipid antibody positivity was statistically low. Conclusion: Thyroid autoantibodies can be one of the autoimmune factors that are responsible for pregnancy loss. They show their effects by making a direct impact on the fetoplasental unit, causing thyroid malfunction, or creating an imbalance in the immune system of the mother. However, the role of thyroid autoantibodies on pregnancy losses are not clear and controlled studies are needed.

Placental barrier to atrial natriuretic peptide in rats

Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 1989

. Placental barrier to atrial natfiuretic peptide in rats. Can. J. Physio'l. Phmacol. 65: 1-4. Transplacental passage of '"I-labelled synthetic rat atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) was investigated in 20-day pregnant rats under pentobarbitone anesthesia. Although significant quantities of radioactivity were detected in the fetal plasma after maternal injections and in the maternal plasma after fetal injections of "%labelled synthetic ANP, no fraction of the placentally transferred radioactivity was due to intact ANP. Despite a rapid maternal and fetal metabolism of ANP, both maternal and fetal plasma radioactivity remained relatively stable for at least 3 h and less than 10% of the injected radioactivity was excreted in the maternal wine during a 90-min period. It is concluded that A M is not transported in either direction across the placenta in rats. Key words: atrial natriuretic peptide, placental barrier, urinary excretion, maternal metabolism, fetal metabolism. MULAY, S., et VARMA, B. W. 1989. Placental barrier to atrial natriuretic peptide in rats. Can. J. Physiol. Phmacol. 65 : 1-4.

Comparative Histological and Immunohistochemical Study in Normotensive and Preeclamptic Human Placental Tissue

Egyptian Journal of Cell and Tissue Research

Background: The leading causes of maternal and neonatal death and morbidity globally continue to be preeclampsia (PE) and eclampsia. Aim of the work: present study was designed to compare histopathological changes, cell to cell adhesion and apoptotic changes in both normotensive and preeclamptic human placenta, using histological, immunohistochemical and morphometric methods. Patients and methods: Sixty pregnant women were included; 30 were normal clinically and considered the control group (group I) and the other 30 were included in the preeclampsia group (group II). Placental tissue was taken from pregnant women aged 25 to 35 who had had a caesarean section in order to end their pregnancy at Obstetric and Gynecology Department, Faculty of medicine, Beni-Suef University Hospital. Sections of placenta were processed and stained with Masson's trichrome, H&E, and immunostained for Bcl-2 and IL-10. Results: Group II (PE) revealed marked elevation in the number of syncytial knots, significant elevation in area percent of collagen fibers, and significant elevation in area percent of IL-10 immunoexpression as compared to group I. But there was marked reduction in the area percent of Bcl-2 immunoexpression. Conclusion: It can be concluded that Preeclampsia is associated with marked inflammatory and immune responses. Bcl-2 and IL-10 are extremely crucial in its pathogenesis. Therefore, they could be possible predictors for PE; in addition, therapeutic agents that can modulate the immune system might hold great promise in its early detection and prevention.

İstanbul’Da 1989-2011 Yillari Arasinda İnvazi̇f Prenatal Taninin Kli̇ni̇k Ve Si̇togeneti̇k Bulgularindaki̇ Deği̇şi̇kli̇kler; Bi̇yoki̇myasal Tarama Testleri̇ni̇n Ve Fetal Ultrasonografi̇ni̇n Etki̇si̇

DergiPark (Istanbul University), 2020

İnvazif prenatal tanıda (IPT) maternal serum tarama testlerinin (MS-TT) ve fetal ultrasonografinin (USG) klinik ve sitogenetik bulgular üzerine olan etkisini belirlemek. Gereç ve Yöntem: 23 yıllık süreçte invazif girişimle elde edilen 23469 amniyosentez (AS) ve 2492 koryon villus aspirasyonu uygulama (KVA) sonuçları, 2000 yılı öncesi ve sonrası iki döneme ayrılarak karşılaştırıldı. Bulgular: İleri anne yaşı (İAY) ile başvuran olgu sayısı azalırken, MS-TT ve fetal USG endikasyonu ile başvuran olguların sayısında artma gözlendi. Kromozom anomali oranı KVA'da %10,1'den %17,6'ya ve AS'de %3,2'den %4,3'e yükseldi. Yaygın anöploidiler, KVA'da anomalilerin %69,6'sını (n=385) ve AS'de anomalilerin %65,1'ini (n=892) oluşturdu. Bilinen kromozom anomali taşıyıcıları hariç tutulduğunda, kromozomal yeniden düzenlemelerin oranı KVA'da %1,4 ve AS'de %1 idi. KVA'nun %1,7'sinde KVA ve AS arasında uyumsuz sitogenetik sonuçlar gözlendi. KVA'da gerçek/olası gerçek mozaiklik, yalancı pozitif plasentayla sınırlı mozaisizm (PSM) ve yalancı negatif PSM oranı sırasıyla %1,02, %0,57 ve %0,49 bulundu.

Natriuretic Peptides in Cardiovascular Diseases of Fetus, Infants and Children

Cardiovascular & Hematological Agents in Medicinal Chemistry (formerly Current Medicinal Chemistry - Cardiovascular & Hematological Agents), 2009

The natriuretic peptides (NP) appear to be functional by midgestation, respond to volume stimuli, and regulate blood pressure and salt and water balance in the developing embryo. In addition, the NP may help regulate the blood supply to the fetus, acting as vasodilators in the placental vasculature. Peaks of ANP and BNP expression during gestation coincide with significant events in cardiac organogenesis, suggesting a role for NP in the formation of the heart. Levels of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) are higher in the fetal circulation than in adults, and fetal ventricles express higher levels of ANP and B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) than adult ventricles. In this comprehensive review we have discussed the role NP during development of the fetal heart and circulation and in various cardiovascular diseases of neonatal and pediatric age group.

Fetal ve erken postnatal serum endoglin düzeylerinin doğum ağırlığı ve maternal preeklampsi ile ilişkisi

Journal of contemporary medicine, 2016

ORJINAL RESEARCH oRJİNAL ARAŞTIRMA Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı fetal ve erken postnatal serum endoglin düzeylerinin fetal büyümedeki rolünü ve maternal preeklampsinin endoglin düzeylerine olan ilişkisini araştırmaktır. Materyal ve Method: Bu çalışmaya 55 yenidoğan prospektif olarak çalışmaya dahil edildi ve 4 gruba ayrıldı:1)Normal gebelik ve gebelik haftasına göre düşük doğum ağırlıklı yenidoğanlar (n:13,small for gestational age:SGA) 2)normal gebelik ve gebelik haftasına göre fazla doğum ağırlıklı yenidoğanlar (n:19, large for gestational age:LGA)3) Preeklamptik anneden doğan gebelik haftasına göre normal ağırlıklı yenidoğanlar (n:12, appropriate for gestational age:AGA)) 4)kontrol grup: preeklampsi ve herhangi bir hastalığı olmayan anneden doğan gebelik haftasına göre normal ağırlıklı yenidoğanlar (n:11).Kanlar umblikal kordondan ve postnatal 4.saatte periferal venden toplandı. Serum endoglin düzeyleri ELISA kit kullanılarak ölçüldü. Bulgular: Endoglin çalışılan tüm umblikal kord ve yenidoğan serumlarında saptandı. Fetal ve erken postnatal serum endoglin düzeyleri arasında SGA, LGA, preeklamptik ve kontrol grupları bakımından fark saptanmadı. Fetal ve erken postnatal serum endoglin düzeyleri SGA grupta AGA gruptan yüksek saptandı. Sonuçlar: Fetal ve erken postnatal serum endoglin düzeyleri yenidoğanlarda değişmemektedir. SGA yenidoğanlarda serum endoglin düzeyleri farklılık göstermektedir. Sonuçlarımız artan endoglin düzeylerinin SGA patofizyolojisinde rol oynayabileceğini düşündürmektedir.Normal ve komplike gebeliklerden doğan yenidoğanlarda endoglinin fetal büyümedeki rolünu belirlemek için geniş serili çalışmalara ihtiyaç vardır.