Optimal instruction scheduling using integer programming (original) (raw)
Related papers
Computers & Mathematics With Applications, 1997
Instruction scheduling and register allocation are two very important optimizations in modern compilers for advanced processors. These two optimizations must be performed simultaneously in order to maximize the instruction-level parallelism and to fully utilize the registers [1]. In this paper, we solve register allocation and instruction scheduling simultaneously using integer linear programming (ILP). We have successfully worked out the ILP
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, 2008
Instruction scheduling is one of the most important steps for improving the performance of object code produced by a compiler. A fundamental problem that arises in instruction scheduling is to find a minimum length schedule for a basic block — a straight-line sequence of code with a single entry point and a single exit point — subject to precedence, latency, and resource constraints. Solving the problem exactly is NP-complete, and heuristic approaches are currently used in most compilers. In contrast, we present a scheduler that finds provably optimal schedules for basic blocks using techniques from constraint programming. In developing our optimal scheduler, the key to scaling up to large, real problems was in the development of preprocessing techniques for improving the constraint model. We experimentally evaluated our optimal scheduler on the SPEC 2000 integer and floating point benchmarks. On this benchmark suite, the optimal scheduler was very robust — all but a handful of the ...
Optimal Bitwise Register Allocation Using Integer Linear Programming
This paper addresses the problem of optimal global register allocation. The register allocation problem is expressed as an integer linear programming problem and solved optimally. The model is more flexible than previous graph-coloring based methods and thus allows for register allocations with significantly fewer moves and spills. The formulation can also model complex architectural features, such as bit-wise access to registers. With bit-wise access to registers, multiple subword temporaries can be stored in a single register and accessed efficiently, resulting in a register allocation problem that cannot be addressed effectively with simple graph coloring. The paper describes techniques that can help reduce the problem size of the ILP formulation, making the algorithm feasible in practice. Preliminary empirical results from an implementation prototype are reported.
Combinatorial Register Allocation and Instruction Scheduling
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems
This article introduces a combinatorial optimization approach to register allocation and instruction scheduling, two central compiler problems. Combinatorial optimization has the potential to solve these problems optimally and to exploit processor-specific features readily. Our approach is the first to leverage this potential in practice : it captures the complete set of program transformations used in state-of-the-art compilers, scales to medium-sized functions of up to 1,000 instructions, and generates executable code. This level of practicality is reached by using constraint programming, a particularly suitable combinatorial optimization technique. Unison, the implementation of our approach, is open source, used in industry, and integrated with the LLVM toolchain. An extensive evaluation confirms that Unison generates better code than LLVM while scaling to medium-sized functions. The evaluation uses systematically selected benchmarks from MediaBench and SPEC CPU2006 and different...