The Gelfand-Pinsker wiretap channel: Higher secrecy rates via a novel superposition code (original) (raw)

The Secrecy Capacity of the Semi-Deterministic Wiretap Channel with Three State Information


Exploiting the channel state knowledge can play a fundamental role in improving security, hence a wiretap channel model with distinct channel state information is considered. In particular, it is assumed that the channel between the transmitter, the legitimate receiver and the eavesdropper is a function of three different states. One of the states is an unknown state, the second one is known to the legitimate receiver and the third state is non-causally known to the encoder. For this setting, a secrecy rate is shown to be achieved using a coding scheme based on structured binning in conjunction with a time-sharing argument. The secrecy capacity for this model is established for the specific case when the legitimate receiver's observation is a deterministic function of the the channel input and the states.

Capacity of the State-Dependent Wiretap Channel: Secure Writing on Dirty Paper


In this paper we consider the State-Dependent Wiretap Channel (SD-WC). As the main idea, we model the SD-WC as a Cognitive Interference Channel (CIC), in which the primary receiver acts as an eavesdropper for the cognitive transmitter's message. By this point of view, the Channel State Information (CSI) in SD-WC plays the role of the primary user's message in CIC which can be decoded at the eavesdropper. This idea enables us to use the main achievability approaches of CIC, i.~e., Gel'fand-Pinsker Coding (GPC) and Superposition Coding (SPC), to find new achievable equivocation-rates for the SD-WC. We show that these approaches meet the capacity under some constraints on the rate of the channel state. Similar to the dirty paper channel, extending the results to the Gaussian case shows that the GPC lead to the capacity of the Gaussian SD-WC which is equal to the capacity of the wiretap channel without channel state. Hence, we achieve the capacity of the Gaussian SD-WC using...

Finite-state wiretap channels: Secrecy under memory constraints

2009 IEEE Information Theory Workshop, 2009

Information-theoretic security offered by the wiretap channel model has been extensively studied for various scenarios recently. One scenario that has not received much attention is secrecy for systems with memory in the form of input constraints or inter-symbol interference (ISI). In this work, we consider finite state wiretap channels (FSWCs), which model the scenario of secrecy with memory. Using results on secrecy capacity for arbitrary wiretap channels, we first arrive at the secrecy capacity of a FSWC. Then, we develop a stochastic algorithm for computing tight lower bounds on the secrecy capacity of a less-noisy FSWC, and illustrate the computation through examples. Our results provide numerical comparisons between secrecy capacities with and without memory, and provide specific targets for code design.

Wiretap channel with causal state information and secure rate-limited feedback

2013 51st Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton), 2013

In this paper, we consider the secrecy capacity of a wiretap channel in the presence of causal state information and secure rate-limited feedback. In this scenario, the causal state information from the channel is available to both the legitimate transmitter and legitimate receiver. In addition, the legitimate receiver can send secure feedback to the transmitter at a limited rate R f . We shown that the secrecy capacity is bounded by

Secrecy coding for the wiretap channel using best known linear codes

Global Information Infrastructure Symposium - GIIS 2013, 2013

A special case of wiretap channel is studied and analysed when the main channel is an error free channel and the eavesdropper channel is a binary symmetric channel. The goal of this work is to maximise the equivocation on the eavesdropper side by using a combination of the technique of the McEliece cryptosystem using Best Known Linear Codes(BKLC) coupled with syndrome coding. It is shown that as a result the communication security is improved. In this paper, two Best known linear codes are analysed which increase the equivocation on the eavesdropper side. Two encoding stages are employed. The first stage employs a syndrome coding scheme based on the (23,12,7) binary Golay code and the second stage employs the McEliece cryptosystem technique using BKLC. Analysis shows that the arrangement reduces the information leakage to the eavesdropper compared to previously published schemes.

How to attain the ordinary channel capacity securely in wiretap channels


It is known that a message can be transmitted safely against any wiretapper via a noisy channel without a secret key if the coding rate is less than the so-called secrecy capacity CS, which is usually smaller than the channel capacity C. In order to remove the loss C − CS, we propose a multiplex coding scheme with plural independent messages. In this paper, it is shown that the proposed multiplex coding scheme can attain the channel capacity as the total rate of the plural messages and the perfect secrecy for each message. The coding theorem is proved by extending Hayashi's proof, in which the coding of the channel resolvability is applied to the wiretap channel.

Secure Multiplex Coding Attaining Channel Capacity in Wiretap Channels

IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2000

It is known that a message can be transmitted safely against any wiretapper via a noisy channel without a secret key if the coding rate is less than the so-called secrecy capacity C S , which is usually smaller than the channel capacity C. In order to remove the loss C − C S , we propose a multiplex coding scheme with plural independent messages. In this paper, it is shown that the proposed multiplex coding scheme can attain the channel capacity as the total rate of the plural messages and the perfect secrecy for each message. The coding theorem is proved by extending Hayashi's proof, in which the coding of the channel resolvability is applied to wiretap channels.

The secrecy capacity of the arbitrarily varying wiretap channel under list decoding

Advances in Mathematics of Communications, 2019

We consider a communication scenario in which the channel undergoes two different classes of attacks at the same time: a passive eavesdropper and an active jammer. This scenario is modelled by the concept of arbitrarily varying wiretap channels (AVWCs). In this paper, we derive a full characterization of the list secrecy capacity of the AVWC, showing that the list secrecy capacity is equivalent to the correlated random secrecy capacity if the list size L is greater than the order of symmetrizability of the AVC between the transmitter and the legitimate receiver. Otherwise, it is zero. Our result indicates that for a sufficiently large list size L, list codes can overcome the drawbacks of correlated and uncorrelated codes and provide a stable secrecy capacity for AVWCs. Furthermore, we investigate the effect of relaxing the reliability and secrecy constraints by allowing a non-vanishing error probability and information leakage on the list size L. We found that we can construct a list code whose rate is close to the correlated secrecy capacity using a finite list size L that only depends on the average error probability requested. Finally, we point out that our capacity characterization is an important step in investigating the analytical properties of the capacity function such as: the continuity behavior, Turing computability and super-activation of parallel AVWCs.

Semantic Security with Practical Transmission Schemes over Fading Wiretap Channels

Entropy, 2017

We propose and assess an on-off protocol for communication over wireless wiretap channels with security at the physical layer. By taking advantage of suitable cryptographic primitives, the protocol we propose allows two legitimate parties to exchange confidential messages with some chosen level of semantic security against passive eavesdroppers, and without needing either pre-shared secret keys or public keys. The proposed method leverages the noisy and fading nature of the channel and exploits coding and all-or-nothing transforms to achieve the desired level of semantic security. We show that the use of fake packets in place of skipped transmissions during low channel quality periods yields significant advantages in terms of time needed to complete transmission of a secret message. Numerical examples are provided considering coding and modulation schemes included in the WiMax standard, thus showing that the proposed approach is feasible even with existing practical devices.

Fundamental properties of on-off transmission scheme for wiretap channels

2015 International Conference on Wireless Communications & Signal Processing (WCSP), 2015

This work reveals some fundamental properties of an on-off transmission (OOT) scheme, in which a transmitter sends signals occasionally as per the capacity of the main channel in order to achieve physical layer security. To this end, we first identify the widely used hybrid secrecy outage probability as a function of the transmission probability and the conditional secrecy outage probability of the OOT scheme. This indicates, for the first time, that the hybrid secrecy outage probability can be achieved by the OOT scheme. We then derive a lower bound on the conditional secrecy outage probability of the OOT scheme in case of transmission, which is solely determined by the average signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) of the main channel and eavesdropper's channel. Finally, we re-investigate the OOT scheme within an absolutely completely passive eavesdropping scenario, in which even the average SNR of the eavesdropper's channel is not required. Specifically, we derive an easy-evaluated expression for the average conditional secrecy outage probability of the OOT scheme by adopting an annulus threat model.