Effects of soil type and manure level on the establishment and growth of moringa oleifera (original) (raw)

Effects of soil type and manure level on the establishment and growth of moringa oleifera

Moringa oleifera is considered one of the most useful trees being pro moted across the world for its nutritional value. Ho wever, the production requirements of this crop are seldo m known. The study was conducted to investigate the effects of soil type and cattle manure on init ial establishment and growth of M. oleifera. Greenhouse experiments were conducted at Africa University, Zimbabwe in a 4×4 factorial treat ment structure laid in a randomized co mplete block design replicated 3 times. Sandy, sandy loam, clay loam and clay soils were used while cattle manure was applied to all the soils at levels of 0, 10, 20 and 40% on mass to mass basis. Results showed that, plant height, nu mber of branches, basal stem d iameter, root, shoot and total dry biomass significantly increased (p<0.05) with an increase in the amount of cattle manure applied. An increase of 173% in M. oleifera height was recorded where 40% manure was applied. Clay loam soils significantly increased (p<0.05) ...