The Importance of Local Museum in Portugal (original) (raw)


The paper reflects on museum practice, the role of museum management and the teaching of museology in Brazil. Museums through their collections, specimens and equipments has the mission of popularizing science and culture, communicate and safeguard memorabilia, preserve social memory, as well as educate and inform citizens. However, these essential activities need to be rethought, especially because it no longer meets the needs of the changing times. The article indicates and suggests the elaboration of a Directive Museum Plan taking into account issues of sustainability and the inclusion of social and environmental programs. It is concluded that the museum practice should also encourage active community participation in environmental issues and promote the full exercise of citizenship, placing itself as an institution that enables and market the care of the nature and environmental sustainability.

Building the Field of Museum Studies in Portugal: The Role of Publications

MIDAS, 2020

In recent decades we have seen the field of museum studies expand. This development has been supported by the contribution of several actors, in various ways. Publications are essential in this process, since they ensure visibility and access to the field of study, while helping to articulate different understandings, proposals and perspectives – both in theory and in practice – thus strengthening its development. This article considers the role of publications in building museology as a field of study in Portugal, especially from the 1990’s onwards. This empirical and exploratory study aims to analyse the evolution of publications in terms of contexts, initiatives and actors. While not intending to be exhaustive, we signal some dynamics, relations and trends from recent decades. The methodology adopted includes literature review and is based also on my empirical knowledge on the subject matter. The analysis presented can be significant in contemplating some of the key issues related to the trajectory of museum studies as a field of study over the last three decades.

Museologia, Desenvolvimento e Direitos Humanos: Campos emergentes da investigação-ação em museologia na globalização

ATAS 2012 - vi encontro de museus de países e comunidades de língua portuguesa, 2013

"A museologia e o mundo dos museus confrontam-se hoje com importantes desafios de problematizar a sua função social no âmbito dos processos de globalização. A globalização, como processo de fragmentação dos espaços e compactação do tempo introduz tensões nas relações entre os indivíduos e as sociedades com os territórios que colocam novos desafios às narrativas museológicas induzindo a emergência de outros processos museológicos e patrimoniais. Neste artigo procuramos relacionar a museologia com a teoria do desenvolvimento com base no conceito dos Direitos Humanos. Esta é uma questão que a museologia nos espaços do Sul tem vindo a incluir nas suas agendas e que nos permite hoje assumir como um desafio de adequar as nossas práticas museológicas às heranças e às memórias das comunidades. Uma prática museológica inclusiva dos saberes e dos patrimónios que assume a diversidade como um valor processual na constituição de redes transcalares. "

MuT: Connecting people, ideas and worlds to build a useful Museology

Resilient territories: innovation and creativity for new modes of regional development., 2015

Abstract: The words Museology and Museum entail different textures, nuances and senses when understood through the perspective of a committed Museology with a sustainable development. "A Museology of inclusive nature" or a Social Museology emerges, whose participatory practices can be translated into the recognition of other agents, other heritages, other aspects of local culture. This article depicts the experience of a museum in the Algarve (Portugal) committed to this cause: the Costume Museum of São Brás de Alportel (MuT). Its management model, marked by the search for sustainability, by the freedom of action and the sharing resulting from the recognition and definition of new uses of local knowledge and experiences, is based on the existence of “action layers” that allow us to reposition Museology and Museum at the wake of the construction of an alternative globalization. Keywords: Social Museology, museum in “layers”, sustainability, empowerment, utopia.