Student Counseling: Adding Value to Educational Institution (original) (raw)

School Counseling Service in The Republic of Ireland

This article was written as a research on guidance and counseling profession developing in schools in the Republic of Ireland. It contains information about the short history of guidance and counseling in the world and the development of it in schools. In the Republic of Ireland, the history of the developmental process of guidance and counseling has been carried off, then entering the profession guidance and counseling school, education of counselors and ethical issues in school counseling have been discussed in detail.

Sources of Conflict Between Primary School Principals and School Counsellors in Turkey Türkiye 'de İlköğretim Okulu Yöneticileri ile Rehber Öğretmenler Arasındaki Çatışma Kaynakları

Öz Okul örgütünün amaçlarını gerçekleştirebilmesi için okul yöneticilerinin ve rehber öğretmenlerin işbirliği içinde olması ve okulda çatışmaların etkili biçimde yönetilebilmesi önemli faktörlerdir. Bu araştırma, okul yöneticileri ile rehber öğretmenler arasındaki çatışma kaynaklarına ilişkin görüşlerin incelendiği tarama modelinde betimsel bir çalışmadır. Veriler, Ankara İli merkez ilçelerindeki kamu ilköğretim okullarında görev yapan 260 rehber öğretmen ve 175 okul yöneticisinden toplanmıştır. Bulgulara göre, rehber öğretmenler, okul yöneticilerinin, rehber öğretmenlere ait görev kapsamını bilmediğini ve kendilerine görev alanı dışındaki işleri yaptırmak istemelerinden dolayı çatışma yaşadıklarını belirtmişlerdir. Okul yöneticileri ise rehber öğretmenlerin alan bilgisinin yetersiz olduğu ve yönetimsel işler gibi rehberlik servisi dışındaki işlerle de uğraşmaları gerektiği konularında çatışma yaşadıklarını ifade etmişlerdir. Anahtar Sözcükler: Çatışma kaynakları, rehber danışman, okul yöneticisi. Abstract In order to achieve schools' organizational goals, coordination between school principals and school counsellors and efficient conflict management strategies must be considered as important factors. The present study is a survey model descriptive study which examines the views of school principals and school counsellors in terms of sources of conflict. Data have been collected from 260 school counsellors and 175 school principals at public primary schools in central districts of Ankara. According to the findings of the study, school counsellors state that school principals do not know the scope of the tasks assigned to them and they demand tasks which are not within this scope. However, school principals indicate that school counsellors do not have sufficient professional knowledge and they should work in some other administrative task at school.

School-based counselling internationally: a scoping review

This scoping review was designed to identify where and how school-based counselling services are delivered in state schools across the globe. More specifically, the study sought to create an overview of the provision of school-based counselling across different geographical regions, and to ascertain basic information about the nature of this provision. This included a focus on the status and prevalence of school-based counselling, the nature of the school counsellor’s work, the qualifications and experience required to become a school counsellor, and the therapeutic orientation guiding this work. As such, the scoping study did not attempt to undertake an in-depth account of school-based counselling internationally, but rather to focus on the range of school-based counselling provision across the globe.


Afrashaw Adane, 2015

ABSTRACT The main purpose of this study was investigating the perception, practice and challenges of guidance and counseling services in some selected preparatory schools of North Wollo Zone of Amhara Region. To realize this objective, there were three basic questions. These were: What is the perception of students, teachers, parents and principals toward the significance of guidance and counseling? To what extent do guidance and counseling service practiced; and what are the common challenges that face to practice Guidance and counseling? This study followed a mixed research method of convergent design which is mainly quantitative but also uses qualitative techniques for supplementing the quantitative. 5 woredas, 5 preparatory schools, 32 teachers’, 5 principals, 5 counselors’ ,353 students, and 15 parents were involved as participant of the research through multi-stage, simple random, purposive, cluster, and comprehensive sampling. Both open and closed ended questionnaires, semi-structured interview, and document analysis were employed as instruments to gather relevance data. The collected data were analyzed using one sample t- test and descriptive statistics to assess the level of perception, and practice and identifying the common challenges. The main findings of this study were, the perception of teachers, principals, students, parents and counsellors towards the significance of guidance and counselling were high, the practice of guidance and counseling at preparatory school were limited and the common challenges for the practice of guidance and counselling were the incompetence of counselors to provide the service, lack of collaboration among parents’ students, teachers, and principals, undefined role and responsibility of counsellors, absence of confidentiality, unavailability of conducive counselling place/office, lack of funding for running guidance and counseling service and lack of furniture to guidance and counselling service. The researcher concluded the perception of teachers, students, principals, counsellors, and parents were improved towards the significance of guidance and counselling at preparatory schools, however the practice of guidance and counselling is still yet progressed because of the incompetence of counselors to provide the service, lack of collaboration, undefined role and responsibility of counsellors, absence of confidentiality, unavailability of conducive counselling place/office, lack of funding and furniture for running guidance and counseling service. Finally it is mainly recommended that Regional Education Bureau and the Federal Minister of Education should prepare clear and organized policy and strategy of guidance and counseling at school, Guidance and Counselling should be a major program of the education system, and the guidance and counselling service at school should be based on the mission statement of the school.

Digitally Responsive School Counseling

International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 2020

Technology plays an increasingly important role in the lives of students and other education stakeholders. Professional school counselors (PSCs), however, have only tentatively begun to integrate digital tools into their professional work. Given the extensive information and considerations posited by technology and its role in students’ lives, the work of the school counselor has become more complex. This paper argues for expanding the use of interactive technologies specifically within the Delivery System of the American School Counseling Association’s (2012) National Model. We examine how digital communication tools can enhance and extend the ability of PSCs to meet the needs of students. Implications for school counseling programs, PSCs, students, and educators are considered.

The factors of compassion fatigue among guidance counsellors

Global Journal of Guidance and Counseling in Schools, 2019

The research was about the compassion fatigue and its contributing factors in guidance counsellors. The sample for the study was 92 guidance counsellors. This study explored factors of compassion fatigue, work-related factors, personality traits and demographic factors utilising the following instruments: professional quality of life scale (ProQOLs), NEO PI-R and demographic questionnaire. The context for the study was different schools in Central Luzon-Region 3, Philippines. Descriptive statistics and multiple regression stepwise method were utilised in the study. Findings indicated that participants had low levels of burnout and low levels of secondary trauma stress as elements of compassion fatigue. Personality traits of the participants identified include low levels of neuroticism, average levels of extraversion, average levels of openness to experience, high level of agreeableness and high levels of conscientiousness. Multiple regression stepwise method confirmed that the personality traits neuroticism, extraversion and agreeableness predict burnout with a variability of 40%. Likewise, salary as work-related factor also predicts burnout with a variability of 4.7%. Similarly, personality trait neuroticism is confirmed to predict secondary trauma stress with a variability of 21.9%. Based on the two elements of compassion fatigue, neuroticism was found out to be the best predictor among the personality traits.

An Occupation in Search of Identity—What Is School Counseling?

Journal of Education and Learning

This study will focus on the professional identity of school counseling, which is a key function in Israeli schools. Forming a professional identity is part of the process of professional development that begins with academic training and continues throughout one’s professional career. Professional identity distinguishes between different occupations and provides practitioners with a safe base that lets them better understand their work and form a team spirit within their field of occupation. The research literature indicates an association between one’s professional identity and her professional functioning and success, sense of stability, confidence, and pride in practicing the occupation. The professional identity of school counseling is related to gender. This is a predominantly female occupation and most of its practitioners in Israel are women. Few studies have been conducted on the professional identity of school counselors (Note 1) and its impact on the quality of their work...

Need Assessment of Guidance and Counselling Services at the Secondary Level in Southern Punjab, Pakistan

Review of Applied Management and Social Sciences

The main purpose of the present study is to observe need assessment for guidance and Counseling services and its existing status at secondary level in Southern Punjab, Pakistan. Furthermore, it was important to identify the most common problems faced by the students at secondary level. The present study was delimited to different public and private sector secondary schools of districts including Multan, Khanewal and Lodhran from the province of Punjab. Target Population of the study was consisted of forty (40) secondary schools, out of which twenty (20) public and twenty (20) private sector secondary schools. Total three hundred and ten (310) students were taken as a sample by using simple random sampling technique by using table of random numbers. A Questionnaire was developed as research tool which was based upon five points (05) Likert-type scale to collect quantitative data. After data collection, data was coded to analyze by using SPSS software. The results of the present study...