Rediscovery of the forgotten de Ryckholt Collection (gastropods, bivalves, worms; Late Cretaceous, Belgium) (original) (raw)

Late Cretaceous gastropod egg capsules from the Netherlands preserved by bioimmuration

Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 2011

Clusters of gastropod egg capsules, inferred to be of neritoids and attached to the inner shell wall of the ultimate whorl of a large volutid gastropod, are here recorded from the upper Nekum Member (Maastricht Formation; late Maastrichtian) of the ENCI-HeidelbergCement Group quarry, St Pietersberg (Maastricht, southeast Netherlands). Because the aragonitic shell of the volutid has dissolved, the outlines of the egg capsules are now revealed on the steinkern of indurated biocalcarenite, having been subsequently overgrown by cheilostome bryozoan colonies and preserved as mould bioimmurations. This represents the first example of gastropod eggs preserved through bioimmuration, as well as the first record of gastropod eggs from the Cretaceous.

The Cenomanian Gastropoda of the Kassenberg quarry in Mülheim (Germany, Late Cretaceous)

Paläontologische Zeitschrift, 2004

with 8 figures K u r z f a s s u n g : Aus dem Cenoman des Steinbruchs Kassenberg bei Mtilheim a. d. Ruhr werden 46 Gastropoden-Arten beschrieben, zwrlf davon neu. Sie werden 33 bekannten und zwei neuen Gattungen zugeordnet. Deikella n. gen. wird ftir drei Turbo-artige Spezies eingeftihrt, die im Gegensatz zum rezenten Turbo kr~iftige Axialrippen aufweisen. Frydatinus n. gen. wird ftir eine often gewundene Archaeogastropode mit runder Miindung und dornenartigen Forts~itzen an der Augensere eingeftihrt. Es wird eine neue Art von Delpeya eingeftihrt und diskutiert, dass sich diese Gattung vonder jurassischen Gattung Nummocalcar ableitet. Die hohe Zahl an Pleurotomarien in dieser Fauna zeigt, dass diese Tiere im Cenoman noch im Bereich von Fetsktisten gelebt haben, im Gegensatz zu heute, wo sie auf Hartgriinde im Tiefwasser beschrankt sind. Die neuen Arten sind: Bathrotomaria harasewychi,


A selection of remarkably preserved latest Cretaceous (c. 67-66 Ma) macrofossil taxa from the type area of the Maastrichtian Stage (SE Netherlands, NE Belgium), comprising irregular echinoids, volutid gastropods, nautiloid cephalopods and ophiuroids, is illustrated and briefly discussed. Two individuals of the echinoid Hemipneustes striatoradiatus from the Nekum Member are unique in that the slightly smaller test of one of them lies inside a larger one, with ambulacrum III (frontal notch) in exactly the same plane. An isolated nautiloid body chamber from the Meerssen Member is of note in having been bored through completely by a lithophagid bivalve, while a volutid from the same unit provides another example of a particular style of preservation of combined internal and composite molds, previously recorded for nautiloids and ammonites. Lastly, a mediumsized specimen of the ophiuroid Felderophiura vanderhami is peculiar in constituting the sole example of escape posture in brittlestars from the area known to date, the individual having attempted unsuccessfully to free itself from sediment smothering.

Turridae (Gastropoda, Conoidea) from the late Lutetian Eocene of the Cotentin, NW France: endemism through loss of planktotrophy?

Carnets de Voyages Paléontologiques dans le Bassin Anglo-Parisien Tome 5, 2019

ABSTRACT - A study of the TURRIDAE from fossil sites in the Cotentin was undertaken using material collected by the authors and others over a number of years from deep excavations at several sites under the leadership of one of us (OG). The turrid fauna was found to consist largely of undescribed species which had little in common with neighbouring faunas. The following new taxa are described by TRACEY & CRAIG: Gemmula tuckeri n. sp., Gemmula garviei n. sp., Gemmulopsis n. gen., Gemmulopsis nigellensis n. sp., Epalxis toddi n. sp., Epalxis symondsi n. sp., Eopleurotoma scitula n. sp, Eopleurotoma hastula n. sp, Eopleurotoma bicincta n. sp, Eopleurotoma vauvillensis n. sp, Eopleurotoma bella n. sp, Eopleurotoma boxleyi n. sp and Eopleurotoma christinae n. sp, the last species described from late Priabonian / early Rupelian deposits at Rauville-la-Place (Manche) and among the youngest Eopleurotoma known. The presence of Epalxis is recorded for the first time in the Cotentin. The opportunity is also taken here to describe a new species of Coroniopsis from the equivalent late Lutetian beds of England: Coroniopsis mortoni n. sp. A lectotype is designated for Eopleurotoma longicauda Brébion. Particular anomalies regarding the family in northwestern France are discussed, i.e. the low correlation of turrid species with those of the Paris Basin, the unusually high proportion of species with paucispiral protoconchs, and the notable diversity of species most of which are endemic or of limited distribution, despite the geographical proximity of their respective localities, all of which appear to have contemporaneous strata. KEYWORDS : Mollusca, Gastropoda, Conoidea, Turridae, Gemmula, Gemmulopsis, Epalxis, Eopleurotoma, Coroniopsis, Cotentin, Manche, France, England, Eocene, Lutetian, Priabonian/Rupelian. TITRE - Turridae (Gastropoda, Conoidea) de l'Éocène Lutétien Supérieur du Cotentin, nord-ouest de la France: endémisme par perte de planctotrophie? RÉSUMÉ - Une étude des TURRIDAE fossiles du Cotentin a été entreprise, à partir d’un important matériel récolté durant de nombreuses années par les auteurs et leurs amis, dans les principaux sites du Cotentin, lors de fouilles de grande ampleur organisées par l’un d’eux (OG). Il est rapidement apparu que la faune de TURRIDAE était constituée principalement d’espèces nouvelles, n’ayant que peu de points communs avec les faunes des bassins avoisinants. Les nouveaux taxons suivants sont décrits par TRACEY & CRAIG: Gemmula tuckeri n. sp., Gemmula garviei n. sp., Gemmulopsis n. gén., Gemmulopsis nigellensis n. sp., Epalxis toddi n. sp., Epalxis symondsi n. sp., Eopleurotoma scitula n. sp, Eopleurotoma hastula n. sp, Eopleurotoma bicincta n. sp, Eopleurotoma vauvillensis n. sp, Eopleurotoma bella n. sp, Eopleurotoma boxleyi n. sp et Eopleurotoma christinae n. sp, cette dernière espèce provenant du Priabonian/Rupélien du gisement de Rauville-la-Place (Manche) étant probablement parmi les plus récentes espèces d’Eopleurotoma connues. L’occurrence du genre Epalxis est signalée pour la première fois dans le Cotentin. Nous saisissons également ici l’opportunité de décrire une nouvelle espèce de Coroniopsis provenant de couches contemporaines de l’Éocène Lutétien supérieur d’Angleterre ; Coroniopsis mortoni n. sp. Un lectotype est désigné pour Eopleurotoma longicauda Brébion. Cette étude montre par ailleurs des particularités concernant cette famille dans le Nord-Ouest de la France, en particulier la faible corrélation des espèces de TURRIDAE avec celles du bassin parisien, la proportion inhabituellement élevée d’espèces à protoconque paucispiral, et la diversité notable d’espèces dont la plupart sont endémiques ou de distribution limitée, malgré la proximité géographique des gisements contemporains d’où elles proviennent. MOTS-CLÉS : Mollusca, Gastropoda, Conoidea, Turridae, Gemmula, Gemmulopsis, Epalxis, Eopleurotoma, Coroniopsis, Cotentin, Manche, France, Angleterre, Éocene, Lutetien, Priabonien/Rupélien.

Vetigastropoda and Neritimorpha from the Lower Bajocian of Luxembourg and palaeobiogeography of Aalenian–Bajocian (Middle Jurassic) gastropods of western Europe

Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 2017

Vetigastropod and neritimorph species from Lower Bajocian (Middle Jurassic) sediments of southwestern Luxembourg are described. Eighteen species are recognized. Two new genera, namely Szabotomaria gen. nov. and Fabercapulus gen. nov., and four new species (Szabotomaria ziqquratiformis sp. nov., Colpomphalus thuyi sp. nov., Colpomphalus tigratus sp. nov. and Fabercapulus semisculptus sp. nov.) are erected. These species, together with other species recently described from the same strata compose a well diversified assemblage. It consists of 32 species belonging to 14 genera of six families and five superfamilies and represents the richest vetigastropod-neritimorph fauna currently known from Bajocian and sub-coeval deposits of western Europe. An analysis of the palaeoecological and palaeobiogeographical relationship of this fauna with those from other areas of the western European shelf has been performed by mean of cluster analysis and by comparison of the respective taxonomic structures. The cluster analysis detected a major cluster composed of two distinct branches, i.e. the faunas of northern Paris-Wessex Basin, including Luxembourg, and those of the southern Germany basin. These faunas share comparable taxonomic structures and occur mainly in facies represented by condensed iron ooid-rich marls and limestones deposited in lower offshore to upper offshore-shoreface settings. The close relationship between the Luxembourg and the other faunas of the Paris-Wessex Basin reflects free faunal exchange and facies similarities. Slight differences in the sedimentary context could explain the separation of the southern Germany branch from the Anglo-Paris one, whereas the affinities among Swabian and Franconian faunas most probably reflect the geographical continuity of these areas. The Early Bajocian fauna of the East Midlands Shelf comes from sediments deposited in a shallow water, oolitic barrier complex and is definitely different from the others of western Europe both in species composition and taxonomic structure.

Annotated type catalogue of the continental fossil gastropods in the Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart, Germany


The type specimens of fossil land and freshwater gastropods deposited in the Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart (SMNS), Germany, are listed and illustrated herein, comprising circa 180 nominal species group taxa from Cenozoic fossil sites, mainly in the Baden-Württemberg and Bayern states in southern Germany. The list is arranged in alphabetical order of the specific epithets, with information on the original description, taxonomical status, type locality, record number in the collection and comments. A systematically arranged list of the taxa is also given, as well as a list arranged by authorship of the species-group names. At least one type specimen (holotype, lectotype, syntype or neotype) of each nominal species/subspecies is figured here, and further specimens were figured when they added information. In some cases lectotypes are designated herein.

One, four or forty species? - early Conidae (Mollusca, Gastropoda) that led to a radiation and biodiversity peak in the late Lutetian Eocene of the Cotentin, NW France.

Carnets de Voyages Paléontologiques dans le Bassin Anglo-Parisien Tome 3, 2017

ABSTRACT - The earliest confirmed record of the family Conidae is the late Paleocene (Thanetian) Hemiconus described herein as H. leroyi Tracey & Craig n. sp.. The genus Hemiconus appears to contain all described cone species through the early to middle Ypresian. A second clade is first observed in the late Ypresian with the appearance of a group of larger cones conveniently referred to Eoconus. Because of the extensive variation within Hemiconus, authors have expressed different views on the number of recognisable species. The rapid radiation of Hemiconus observed in the middle Lutetian of the Paris Basin, reached an acme in Normandy in the late Lutetian and this fauna is examined from several sites in the Cotentin. The following new species are described by TRACEY & CRAIG: Hemiconus trisulcatus, H. pissarroi, H. lateralis, H. constantinensis, and a new genus Papilliconus is proposed for P. papillatus n. sp. whose size would suggest a relationship with Hemiconus but whose other characters do not agree. New species Papilliconus radulfivillensis, Hemiconus auriculatus, and Eoconus veteratoris are described from Bartonian-Priabonian deposits at Rauville-la-Place (Manche). A neotype is designated for Conus stromboides Lamarck, type species of Hemiconus, in view of the confusion caused by the various interpretations of this species. The genera Hemiconus and Artemidiconus are returned to the Conidae. KEYWORDS : Mollusca, Gastropoda, Conoidea, Conidae, Hemiconus, Eoconus, Papilliconus, Artemidiconus, Cotentin, Manche, France, Paleocene, Eocene, Lutetian, Bartonian-Priabonian. TITRE - Une, quatre ou quarante espèces? – les Conidae (Mollusca, Gastropoda) précurseurs d'une ramification ayant conduit à un pic de biodiversité dans l'Éocène Moyen terminal du Cotentin, au nord-ouest de la France. RÉSUMÉ - Le premier représentant fossile confirmé de la famille des Conidae, H. leroyi Tracey & Craig n. sp., appartenant au genre Hemiconus, est signalé et décrit en provenance du Paléocène (Thanétien). Le genre Hemiconus semble contenir toutes les espèces de cônes décrites dans l'Ypresien inférieure à moyen, mais un deuxième clade émerge à la fin de l’Yprésien avec l'apparition d'un groupe de cônes plus grands, commodément désignés par Eoconus. En raison de la grande variation au sein d’Hemiconus, les auteurs ont exprimé des points de vue différents sur le nombre d'espèces reconnaissables. La rapide radiation des Hemiconus, observable d'abord dans le Lutétien moyen du bassin de Paris, a atteint son apogée en Normandie à la fin du Lutétien. Cette faune provenant de différents sites du Cotentin est ici étudiée. Les nouvelles espèces suivantes sont décrites par TRACEY & CRAIG: Hemiconus trisulcatus, H. pissarroi, H. lateralis, H. constantinensis et un nouveau genre Papilliconus est proposé pour P. papillatus n. sp., dont la taille suggère une parenté avec Hemiconus mais qui présente d’autres caractéristiques distinctives. Les nouvelles espèces Papilliconus radulfivillensis, Hemiconus auriculatus et Eoconus veteratoris sont décrites dans les dépôts tardifs de l’Éocène de Rauville-la-Place (Manche). Un néotype est désigné pour Conus stromboides Lamarck, espèce type d’Hemiconus, compte tenu de la confusion engendrée par les différentes interprétations de cette espèce. Les genres Hemiconus et Artemidiconus sont réintégrés dans les Conidae.