Thermal transformations in ZnS in the course of doping with CuCl (original) (raw)
Physics of the Solid State, 2006
ABSTRACT The photoluminescence, electroluminescence, and electron paramagnetic resonance spectra of ZnS powders thermally doped with CuCl are investigated. The processes occurring in the material during simultaneous annealing of ZnS and CuCl are discussed, and the influence of the annealing conditions on the formation of the CuS and Cu2S phases in zinc sulfide is analyzed. It is shown that the concentration ratio of the blue luminescence centers to the green luminescence centers and the concentration of Mn2+ paramagnetic centers in the phosphor prepared can be controlled by varying the rate of heating of the material to the annealing temperature. A technique based on low-temperature annealing is conceptualized and developed for synthesizing materials that, as rule, can be produced only through high-temperature annealing.
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